Strengthening nails with sealing wax

Strengthening nails with sealing wax
Strengthening nails with sealing wax

Learn how to strengthen weak nails using wax sealing and how to do it yourself at home. A woman's hands are considered her calling card, because they can tell about her lifestyle, health and status. That is why the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity pay special attention to manicure and to maintain the beauty of hands today, a variety of methods are used, both salon and home methods. One of the most popular and effective procedures is nail wax sealing, thanks to which the handles always look well-groomed and beautiful.

To maintain the beauty of your hands, it is not enough just to regularly visit an expensive beauty salon, because you also need to carefully monitor your own diet and do not forget to maintain the health of the whole body. You need to try to completely abandon a variety of bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle, because the external beauty and youth of the skin, hair, nails depend on this.

Today, natural manicure is at the peak of popularity and women of fashion have to give up long extended claws. Almost all procedures offered in beauty salons are of a rehabilitation and therapeutic nature, while they are aimed specifically at healing a weakened and injured nail plate. Of all the available therapeutic agents, the most popular is the sealing of nails and cuticles with wax, as well as other useful ingredients.

Types of nail sealing


By their structure, women have rather thin nail plates, and as a result of the postponed vitamin deficiency, as well as frequent building procedures or some kind of chemical damage, they become even thinner. To prevent the negative effects of various factors, as well as to conduct an effective course of treatment for weakened nails and improve their appearance, a wide variety of therapies are used today.

Thanks to the use of a unique technique for sealing the nail plate with wax, its appearance is significantly improved, while an intensive restoration of the injured structure occurs, because quite a variety of substances are used during the procedure.

Gel sealing of nails

Coating of nail plates with biogel
Coating of nail plates with biogel

This technology is based on the use of special acrylic or lamellar biogel. These substances accelerate the growth of the nail plate, and teak resin and vitamins provide good nutrition.

The advantages of this procedure include the fact that the products used are completely hypoallergenic and to create a full-fledged manicure, the nails can be covered with colored gel. But in this case, the procedure should be entrusted to an experienced master, since the use of special equipment and tools will be required.

The technology of gel sealing of nails is carried out in several main stages:

  • antiseptic treatment of the surface of the nail plate is performed;
  • dry unedged or hardware manicure is done;
  • the master performs an effective cleaning of the surface of the nail plate, removing all keratinized cells;
  • the marigolds are covered with a gel substance;
  • drying of the gel coating is performed using a special ultraviolet lamp;
  • another layer of gel is reapplied and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the nail plate, then dried again in an ultraviolet lamp;
  • the nails are given a glossy shine and the final coating is performed using a special protective substance.

Mineral nail sealing

Mineral nail sealing procedure
Mineral nail sealing procedure

This therapeutic technique is usually used to strengthen and stimulate the growth of a weakened nail plate. This procedure is recommended to be carried out between nail extension procedures in order to speed up the process of nail restoration.

The main active ingredient is special formulations with pearl or crystal minerals, growth vitamins, ceramides, and proteins. These products have a fairly thick, creamy consistency. The procedure of mineral sealing of nails using Japanese technology is carried out and takes about two hours. Due to the fact that rather rare minerals will be used during sealing, the procedure has a high cost, but the effect is amazing.

Sealing nails with hardening wax

Nail Wax Sealing Procedure
Nail Wax Sealing Procedure

This procedure is based on covering and filling even the smallest irregularities and injuries with a special cosmetic substance, which contains natural beeswax, which has a regenerating, disinfecting, nourishing and anti-inflammatory effect. The wax helps to strengthen the weakened and injured nail plate.

In beauty salons, this composition is very often used, which contains a large amount of valuable vitamins that stimulate the growth of nails, as well as essential oils, minerals, panthenol, tree resins, keratonides, propolis, beta-carotene and other useful substances. But the cost of such procedures in beauty salons is quite high, so not everyone can afford it. However, sealing nails with wax can be carried out independently at home, and the result obtained will not be worse than in an expensive salon.

Cosmetic complex for nails Belvedere has a lot of positive qualities:

  • beeswax and paraffin reliably protects marigolds from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, as well as other aggressive substances;
  • castor oil has a softening effect on the cuticle, accelerates the healing process of wounds, due to which beneficial substances penetrate inside;
  • silicone reliably fills all microcracks, has a strengthening effect on the thinned nail plate;
  • vitamin E, B and D accelerates nail growth;
  • Eleutherococcus perfectly disinfects the surface;
  • glucose, polysaccharides, starch, essential oils and other active trace elements provide excellent nutrition for the nail plate.

The action of wax therapy is based on the creation of a very thin protective layer, due to which the restoration of the nail plate takes place, while preventing negative effects from external factors. But under the condition of carrying out such restorative therapy, it is necessary to very carefully handle the nails, and you will also have to temporarily abandon long nails. This type of manicure cannot be varnished, as the protective layer will lose its useful qualities.

This procedure for sealing nails is carried out in several main stages:

  1. First, the nail surface is cleaned, the remnants of keratinized cells are carefully removed, while special attention should be paid to the cuticle area and lateral ridges. When carrying out Japanese technology, a special cucumber can be used to completely clean the nail plate.
  2. A wax-based substance is applied. This product has a fairly thick pasty texture, has a copper tint, and contains the minerals of silicon and zinc. The substance is applied directly to the nail plate and is evenly distributed over its surface.
  3. Rubbing in the funds. For this purpose, you need to use a special suede material, with which the composition is evenly distributed over the surface of the nail plate. The end of the nail is also necessarily processed, thereby preventing its delamination and fragility.
  4. At the next stage, a thermal effect is carried out, which is created using a soft suede material. As a result, the process of blood circulation under the nail plate is significantly improved, due to which all useful substances and minerals are actively absorbed into the nail plate. The wax paste begins to gradually melt and the nail is covered with a thinnest and invisible film, all microcracks and depressions of the treated surface are filled. As a result, the nail looks completely healthy, acquires a beautiful glossy shine, strong texture, and even shape.
  5. For fixing, a special powder of a light shade is applied. This coating is absorbed into the wax layer, due to which the active interaction of minerals begins and an additional protective film is created.

How to seal your nails with wax yourself?

Self sealing nails
Self sealing nails

To carry out wax recovery therapy yourself at home, you will need to prepare tools and components for the procedure:

  • a container filled with boiled water in which a small amount of sea salt dissolves;
  • a suede flap or buff to polish the nail plate;
  • a brush to apply a wax composition to the nail;
  • essential oils to be used when performing unedged manicure;
  • orange stick for cuticles;
  • scissors, nail file and nippers to correct the length and shape of nails;
  • creamy wax composition for sealing nails based on natural wax;
  • sanding file.

Before carrying out restorative therapy, a simple manicure must be done to prepare the nail plate. It is worth getting a manicure a few hours before sealing. You can use a ready-made wax composition or make it yourself.

The technique for performing wax therapy is quite simple, so you can easily do it yourself at home:

  1. The old coating is removed from the surface of the nails.
  2. The nails are given the desired shape.
  3. The nail plate is polished to remove keratinized particles.
  4. A salt bath is made for about 7 minutes to steam the cuticle.
  5. Unedged manicure is performed, burrs and cuticles are removed.
  6. Healing essential oil is applied to the cuticle and nail plate and left for about 15 minutes so that the product is well absorbed.
  7. Remains of oil that has not been absorbed are removed and the nail surface is watered.
  8. A creamy composition is applied, which should be based on natural wax and, using a special brush, is evenly distributed over the entire surface.
  9. Marigolds are polished with a suede buff. If necessary, a second coat of wax can be applied.
  10. At the end of the procedure, the wax is cooled in a bath filled with cold water.

By sealing the nails with wax, a thin protective layer is created on their surface, which makes them stronger. This procedure is recommended as a prevention of thinning of the nail plate, as well as protection against the negative effects of environmental factors.

You will learn all the features of the procedure for sealing nails with wax in this video:
