Find out why it is useful to put an enema for weight loss and how such a procedure will speed up the process of fat burning. People rarely think about the fact that the process of self-cleaning of the intestinal tract is directly related to the diet. Many people consume large amounts of food, and the body does not have time to dispose of all the toxins. As a result, this leads to excessive accumulation of fecal matter in the colon, the weight of which can reach 15 kilograms.
This is not only the reason for the appearance of excess weight, but also fraught with a serious danger to the body. Feces increase the load on the heart muscle. Digestive organs and liver. In this case, the body is poisoned by decomposition products. Today we will talk about one effective way to cleanse the body, and you will learn how to administer a weight loss enema at home.
The benefits of enema for weight loss

Enema has been used for a long time as a means of cleansing the intestinal tract and is an excellent way to eliminate discomfort. This procedure produces a strong laxative effect that even the most powerful medications cannot produce. Note that in previous years, an enema was mainly used only to combat constipation. In recent years, many women have been using a weight loss enema at home.
According to reviews of people who often use this tool, in just an hour you can get rid of seven kilos. It is quite obvious that weight loss is associated with the removal of waste products from the rectum. Do not rely on a homemade weight loss enema to solve all your problems. The procedure will only be effective if you lead a healthy lifestyle.
In medicine, an enema is often used, and the procedure is prescribed for a symptom of an irritable intestinal tract, oncological diseases of the rectum, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, parasitic ailments, etc.
The mechanism of work of an enema for weight loss

Enema is a cleansing procedure for the body, but improper use can be harmful. During the procedure, not only toxins are removed from the intestinal tract, but also useful microflora. As a reminder, these bacteria complete the processing of food.
Since the beneficial microflora dies, the pathogenic one is rapidly taking its place. As a result, dysbiosis develops in the body. This causes bloating, pain, and constipation alternates with diarrhea. Let's note the main benefits that a weight loss enema gives at home:
- toxins are removed from the body;
- the intestinal tract is relieved of constipation;
- the toxic load on the entire body is reduced;
- parasites of the intestinal tract are removed;
- bloating passes and flatulence is suppressed.
How is a weight loss enema done at home?

Do not take an enema as a magic remedy for all obesity problems. The procedure should be carried out only if you decide to start fasting, or switch to proper nutrition. In such situations, it makes sense to free the intestinal tract from the toxins accumulated in it.
When carrying out the procedure, a reservoir tube must be inserted into the lower part of the large intestine, the capacity of which is designed for two liters of liquid. To minimize discomfort during the procedure, you must take a responsible approach to the process itself.
Here is the procedure to follow when using a weight loss enema at home:
- Prepare a mug of Esmarch, oil (petroleum jelly), a stick to grease the tip, and a bucket.
- The mug should be two-thirds full with room temperature water. Then close the tap and place the mug at a height of at least one meter.
- Lie on your side in the bathroom with your legs up to your stomach and relax.
- Place an oilcloth under the buttocks and completely insert the tip into the anus, having previously lubricated it with oil (petroleum jelly).
- With the tap turned on, slowly begin to inject water into the intestinal tract.
- Watch out for the urge to empty and cover the water to wait it out.
- As soon as all the water in the mug is injected, take out the tip and preferably lie on your side for another ten minutes. The intestinal tract can then be emptied.
How often can you give a weight loss enema at home?

Many people wonder how often a weight loss enema can be used at home. According to doctors, the procedure is carried out every second day for two weeks. If you do this more often, then serious problems with the functioning of the digestive system and metabolism can arise. Remember that an enema is an emergency and should not be overused. We do not recommend holding it more than twice a year.
The enema cannot affect the fat burning processes, but is intended to improve the motility of the intestinal tract. If you continue to eat a lot of food, waste products will continue to accumulate in the intestinal tract. The use of an enema is only the first step towards losing weight, which will not be effective without changing your lifestyle and nutritional principles.
Popular cleansing enemas recipes

Each person is free to independently choose the most suitable way to lose weight. For some, this is sports, others are fond of dietary nutrition programs, and some combine them and add the use of a cleansing enema. To date, a lot of recipes for enemas have been created, but purified water is the most popular. However, with some specially prepared solutions, better results can be obtained. With their help, you will not only cleanse the intestinal tract, but also prevent certain diseases. Now we'll talk about them.
Coffee shop
A coffee enema is perfect for detoxifying, constipation, and getting rid of a few pounds. After the procedure, you will feel light and energized. Note that a coffee enema increases the efficiency of the liver, speeds up the production of bile and thereby speeds up the process of utilization of toxins. To carry out the procedure, you need to take the following steps:
- Take natural ground coffee.
- Prepare the enema reservoir and all the accessories needed for the procedure.
- Pour 0.5 liters of water into a small saucepan and add two tablespoons of coffee to it. The mixture must be boiled for a quarter of an hour to combine all components.
- Pour in the rest of the liquid, thereby reaching a mixture temperature of 37 degrees.
- Perform the procedure and take a shower.
Scientists have proven that salt enema is beneficial to health. With its help, you can restore the alkaline balance of the intestinal tract and thereby improve its performance. Recall that a weight loss enema at home can only be effective in combination with proper nutrition and exercise. The main advantage of a saline enema is the slow absorption of fluid, which leads to the rapid softening of feces and their natural utilization.
To prepare the saline solution and carry out the procedure, follow these steps:
- If you want to lose weight quickly, then you need to dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt in 1.5 liters of water. After the introduction of the solution, it is necessary to lie down for at least a quarter of an hour.
- With medical fasting, a day after refusing food, add a few drops of potassium permanganate, 0.5 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of salt to 1.5 liters of water. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach in the morning and you should drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. And we are talking not only about water, but also juices made from citrus fruits.
On herbs
An herbal enema gives excellent results. To prepare a solution for the procedure, use plants that have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestinal tract. Here is the procedure for the procedure:
- Give an enema with clean water to cleanse the intestinal tract and further improve the absorption of the herbal solution.
- To prepare the solution, it is necessary to add one or one and a half tablespoons of herbal collection to 0.5 liters of water. Brew the mixture and combine with the remaining liquid. We recommend using mint, chamomile, yarrow and sage.
- The resulting mixture is introduced into the intestinal tract, after which it is necessary to lie down. So that the nutrients are absorbed.
- Empty your bowels and take a shower.
To restore fluid balance in the body after the procedure, it is necessary to consume plenty of fluids throughout the day.
Soda enema
Nowadays, soda has become a very popular means of fighting fat. Suffice it to recall the soda baths. It should be recognized that a soda enema can effectively cleanse the intestinal tract. To prepare the solution. For two liters of water, add two teaspoons of baking soda. After the introduction of the liquid, try to lie down for at least a quarter of an hour to soften the stool.
With lemon juice
This is one of the best recipes, because an enema with lemon juice will not only perfectly cleanse the intestinal tract, but also produce a tonic effect on the body. In addition, the state of the beneficial microflora will not be greatly suppressed. To prepare the solution, use a liter of water at a temperature of 36 to 39 degrees, adding 50 milligrams of lemon juice to it. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning in order to feel lightness and get rid of discomfort in the abdomen throughout the next day.
Glycerin enema
This enema allows you to soften the feces in a short time and dispose of them carefully. For one and a half liters of boiled water, you need to add two tablespoons of sea salt and a similar amount of pharmacy glycerin. You will feel the first results in a couple of days after the procedure.
With apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is used by many women as an effective weight loss aid. But with gastritis and even more so with an ulcer, this recipe should not be used. There are no other contraindications to the procedure. To prepare a solution in two liters of warm water, you must dissolve one teaspoon of vinegar.
Enema with honey
Honey is an excellent source of many trace minerals. Using this product for the procedure, you will not only speed up the process of losing weight, but also supply nutrients to the body. For two liters of warm boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey. The solution at the time of the procedure should have a temperature of about 38 degrees.
You will learn more about using enemas for weight loss from the following video: