Find out how to properly massage your belly to start the fat burning process and if this is an effective way to combat subcutaneous fat. In the desire to look attractive, women are ready for almost anything. Most often, to solve the problem, they resort to strict dietary nutrition programs and exhausting exercises in the gym. This allows them to get good results, but very often the problem of high belly fat remains.
This is quite understandable, because it is in this zone that the body stores fats, which contain amines that are important for humans. It is with this fact that the body does not want to easily part with them. However, belly massage for weight loss at home can solve the problem. Now the popularity of this procedure is steadily increasing, because no one doubts its effectiveness. Even doctors agree with this opinion and often recommend massage to their patients.
How does massage affect adipose tissue?

Note that abdominal massage for weight loss at home makes it possible to act on adipose tissues and accelerates the processes of lipolysis in this area of the body. Speaking about the effectiveness of the procedure, it is necessary to consider the mechanisms of the effect of the procedure on the body:
- Due to the mechanical effect on the skin, the processes of renewal of cellular structures are accelerated. As a result, the quality of respiration of the epidermis improves, metabolic processes are enhanced, toxins are actively removed from the body and the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands is stimulated.
- Blood circulation and lymph flow improves. This leads to an improvement in the quality of nutrition of the skin, and an increase in the indicators of its elasticity.
- Massage of the abdomen for weight loss at home cannot directly affect adipose tissues, but the stimulation of various processes contributes to the rapid burning of fat.
- The procedure allows you to effectively fight cellulite. The main reason for the appearance of this cosmetic defect is the formation of a large number of bridges between adipose cells. Due to the mechanical effect on adipose tissues, a large amount of nutrients are supplied to this area, which are necessary to activate the process of resorption of the bridges.
- Massage, among other things, is able to eliminate congestion in the internal organs and significantly increases the rate of peristalsis of the intestinal tract.
Who is contraindicated in belly massage for weight loss?

Although at home belly massage for weight loss is a very effective way to fight fat, you should not start the procedure right away. This is due to the fact that massage in some cases can be harmful to health and you should first consult a doctor. Here are the main contraindications for the procedure:
- Heat.
- The presence of acute inflammatory diseases.
- Skin damage and skin diseases.
- If there is a predisposition to bleeding.
- Malignant or benign neoplasms.
Also, you can not massage those areas of the skin on which birthmarks are located. Well, the last contraindication is the period of pregnancy, although this is understandable without words.
Belly massage technique for weight loss at home

Several types of massage are used to combat belly fat, such as water, honey, pinch, Chinese, etc. It is quite obvious that they all differ from a technical point of view, and today we will look at these features. To get the maximum result from the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for its implementation.
Massage rules

These are universal rules that you should adhere to, regardless of the chosen type of belly massage for weight loss at home:
- You can get a positive result from the procedure only if it is carried out regularly. It is necessary to perform massage daily throughout the course.
- You can not perform the procedure after eating. Massage at least one hour before a meal or 120 minutes after a meal.
- All movements must be performed in the clockwise direction.
- To enhance the effect, it is recommended to follow the dietary nutrition program. First of all, you need to give up sweets, spicy and fried foods, as well as alcoholic beverages.
- Sports activities will also lead to better results.
- You should not show excessive zeal during the procedure so as not to harm yourself.
The procedure is now available in almost all beauty salons and, if you wish, you can use their services. However, the cost of massage in this situation will not be cheap and often women perform abdominal massage for weight loss at home.
Varieties of belly massage for weight loss at home

It's time to talk about the most popular and effective types of weight loss massage. Moreover, those types of procedure, which will be discussed below, do not imply the obligatory presence of serious knowledge or skills. This is another reason for the high popularity of this procedure among women. After carefully studying all the recommendations, you will be able to achieve excellent results on your own.
- Pinch massage. This type of procedure allows you to effectively deal with adipose tissues located on the sides and in the abdomen. Quite often, pinch massage is used as a preparatory phase before other mechanical procedures. The main task of the procedure is to knead the adipose tissues and abdominal muscles. With the help of a pinch massage, you can eliminate stagnant processes, as well as effectively fight cellulite. You need to lie on your back and relax the muscles in your body. An anti-cellulite cream or massage oil must be applied to the skin, although the procedure can be carried out without using the above means. Take the fat fold of your abdomen with your fingertips and slowly touch the skin, as if pinching it. Recall that you need to move in the clockwise direction. After completing each previous turn, it is necessary to increase the pressure. The duration of the massage is 10 or 15 minutes.
- Water massage. This is a very simple procedure and requires a shower. This type of massage will not only help you get rid of fat faster, but also improve the elasticity of the skin and even normalize the intestinal tract. Direct a stream of water from the shower towards your stomach and run it over the surface. You should also periodically change the water pressure and its temperature. We recommend starting with a temperature difference of five degrees. The duration of the massage is from five to ten minutes.
- Cupping massage. For this type of massage, you have to purchase silicone cans. Lie on your back and cleanse the skin of your abdomen with an alcohol solution or lotion. Then you need to apply massage oil to the surface of the abdomen. Fasten the jars on your stomach so that there is a maximum of one and a half centimeters of skin inside. Move the cans in a circular or zigzag motion. The maximum duration of the procedure is seven minutes. If you have delicate skin, then at first bruises may remain on it. However, the body adapts quickly enough, and they will disappear on their own. Note that the procedure is contraindicated for varicose veins. If you have been diagnosed with this disease, we recommend giving preference to the water procedure.
- Honey massage. According to many women, honey massage is the most enjoyable way to fight fat. It is very important to use only natural honey. This product has the ability to significantly increase the rate of disposal of slags and toxins. Due to the mechanical effect on adipose tissues, they quickly break down, and the skin becomes elastic and smooth. Mix two teaspoons of honey and ten drops of essential oil. Apply this mixture to your hands and start patting your tummy. The maximum duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. During this time, honey should turn into a thick mass with a high viscosity index. We also recommend alternating patting with simple strokes. After the end of the session, the honey must be washed off, and to moisturize the skin, use apple cider vinegar, which, among other things, has strong fat burning properties.
- Chinese massage. It is also a fairly simple procedure with which you will get great results. The left palm must be placed on the navel, covering it on top with the right hand. Begin rotating clockwise for one minute. For the same time span, move in the opposite direction.
- Lymphatic drainage massage. This procedure allows to accelerate blood flow and metabolite utilization processes in cellular structures. This type of massage can be an effective way to combat obesity. Before starting the procedure, you need to steam the skin and then apply massage oil on it. Begin to perform stroking movements in the navel area, gradually increasing the radius of action on the skin. Recall that movements should be directed only clockwise. After stroking, start patting and pinching. The maximum duration of one procedure is ten minutes.
How to do belly massage for weight loss, see below: