Guarana for weight loss

Guarana for weight loss
Guarana for weight loss

Guarana is an effective weight loss aid. Learn how to lose weight, how guarana preparations work and when they are contraindicated. It's no secret that all women and girls want to have a beautiful and spectacular figure. Such a desire is real and doable. Humanity is struggling with overweight, while looking for new and easy ways to solve the problem.

Today, a widespread preparation with guarana, which has won success over other weight loss products (another very popular name is Liquid Chestnut). Let's try to figure out what this drug is, what properties does it have and is it really effective?

Guarana is an evergreen shrub that grows in the forests of the Amazon. The plant has this name because of its fruits, which contain guaranine. It is thanks to him that a person loses extra pounds. The South American culture is a vine, with fruits that contain seeds. Guarana is very popular not only abroad, but also in Ukraine and Russia. A large number of positive reviews about the product are spreading very quickly among those who want to lose weight.

A miraculous dietary supplement stimulates the work of the brain, increases human vigor and efficiency. Those who want to gain a beautiful figure take herbal medicines. One of these drugs is guarana, thanks to the caffeine contained in the fruits, it promotes rapid weight loss.

The Amazonian supplement has been found to be safe to use. She is able to fight heart and neurological diseases. After all, caffeine grains cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol, and thereby strengthen the immune system. Green liana is a good remedy for chronic fatigue.

After using the supplement, drowsiness disappears, high activity appears, heart rate increases. For people who play sports, guarana gives strength, increases the source of energy, which is used from its own fat.

Long-term use of the drug does not cause dependence and unpleasant consequences. When applied, appetite decreases, and it has a diuretic effect.

Buy Liquid Chestnut
Buy Liquid Chestnut

Guarana properties

Guarana fruit
Guarana fruit

The supplement has been used in Brazil since ancient times. Caffeine grains are added to the drink to improve alertness, memory, endurance, and ability to work. The main advantage of this miracle drug is the control and stimulation of excess weight. Due to the composition, cholesterol deposits disappear, which is why weight is reduced.

The seeds are collected and ground to a powder, mixed with liquid and the resulting mixture is taken. It enhances the metabolic process and leads to the burning of extra calories.

The dietary product does not provoke irritability, fatigue, exhaustion. On the contrary, it strengthens, supports and stimulates the body. Provides stable and high performance of all organs, especially the cardiac system, metabolism and the whole organism as a whole.

Correct use of a guarana preparation

Amazonian guarana packaged
Amazonian guarana packaged

So, you have purchased a dietary supplement and immediately started using it. A simple intake of the drug will not lead to rapid weight loss. If you intend to drink a product and sit at the computer or lie down watching a movie, then there will be no effect. Don't expect such a miracle! You will only be wasting money and time is wasted.

It is also very important to eat right and do at least light physical activity. During training, the Amazonian vine will help release energy from the fat cells. With this approach, after 30 days, you will lose 3-5 kg without harming your health. It will be good if, after taking the drug from the guarana content, you make a run for about 30 minutes. This will promote intense fat burning in all areas of the body. If jogging is not possible, do some simple exercises. Thus, you will significantly increase your chances of losing weight.

Effects of Guarana for Weight Loss

Guarana action statement
Guarana action statement

Fruit brown seeds are used as a dietary supplement for burning fat. It is part of energy and fat-burning drinks. It is also considered indispensable in sports nutrition. Accelerates the breakdown of fats, stimulates nerve endings, promotes the production and release of adrenaline. Guarana has a special effect:

  • reduces appetite;
  • has high activity;
  • absorbs fatigue;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • causes a laxative effect.

Taking the drug

Guarana capsules in a jar
Guarana capsules in a jar

A plant that can speed up performance, also reduces excess weight. This substance is used in a slimming drink, namely in a complex slimming preparation. They reproduce it in the following forms:

  • capsules;
  • pills;
  • teas;
  • sports nutrition;
  • ampoules;
  • in liquid form.

The dietary product can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered online from a specialty store. The dose applied should not exceed 1000 mg per day. It is recommended to use the miracle supplement one hour before sports and by five o'clock in the evening. In order not to provoke insomnia and get a good sleep. The main thing is to carefully read the instructions for the drug and follow it.

Guarana types

Guarana tea
Guarana tea
  1. "Amazonian chestnut". Powder product. You need to use half a teaspoon twice a day (morning and evening). The product must be diluted with water or other liquid. With regular use, your weight will drop to 4 kg.
  2. Fukap. This drug speeds up the metabolic process. Enzymes and algae that are part of it remove excess fluid from the body. One capsule is taken in the morning after meals and at lunch for a month. With the help of daily use of weights, you will be able to notice the result, and find out how many kilograms your weight has gone. Usually it takes from 5 to 7 kg. per month.
  3. Guarana capsule. The supplement eliminates unwanted cellulite, accelerates the process of losing weight. Most importantly, it reduces the eagerness to eat. The daily dose is one capsule and no more.
  4. Guarana tea. Prepared tea increases alertness and at the same time promotes the breakdown of fats. Caffeine is absorbed longer in the body, a person is highly active for 4-5 hours. You need to drink two cups of tea a day.
  5. "Sports supplement". This supplement is used for long workouts, as it restores physical function and endurance. You need to use it 1 hour before the lesson, strictly following the instructions.

How does the Guarana miracle supplement work?

Guarana ampoules
Guarana ampoules

The South American vine promotes rapid fat burning. Therefore, the metabolism is accelerated, and the body receives energy without resorting to food. Stamina is developed in those people who do physical exercise. Taking guarana, a person on a diet does not feel lethargic and tired. This ensures good results and productivity during training.

The drug is used in the fight against cellulite, obesity, decreased potency and memory, migraine, circulatory disorders, poor concentration. Acts as an immunomodulator, antidepressant. Promotes rehabilitation after illness, is used as a general tonic. Thanks to the drug, tissues are renewed, wounds heal, the regeneration process is accelerated, and puffiness is relieved.

During the intake, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases, the mood improves, the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Migraines are more easily tolerated depending on the change of weather.

Contraindications to the use of guarana

Dried Guarana Fruit
Dried Guarana Fruit

Each product has its own side effects and contraindications. This also applies to guarana. You should visit your dietitian and consult with him before taking. He will set the dosage for you so that there is no negative effect. It is forbidden to use for people who suffer from insomnia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, with arrhythmias, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

You can not use the drug:

  • pregnant women;
  • children under 18;
  • To old people.

Consequences in case of violation of instructions for use:

  • failure in muscle work;
  • dry mouth;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • effect on the nervous system;
  • nausea;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions;
  • irritability;
  • nervous disorders.

If you take guarana correctly, the effect will appear very soon. It is very important not to exceed the dose in order to speed up weight loss and not harm yourself. When the desired result is achieved, the medication is stopped.

Health professionals say that a side effect can occur from overdose, if used incorrectly, or when there are contraindications. If you find one of the above symptoms, then you need to see a doctor to figure out what to do in this case. Either reduce the rate or stop taking it altogether.

Reviews of medical specialists about guarana


Guarana preparations have gained popularity due to their rapid effectiveness. They significantly help to lose weight, to a large extent, have a positive effect on metabolism. There are both positive and negative responses to taking the drug.

According to nutritionists, the supplement is an energy drink that relieves fatigue, gives strength and energy. Its effectiveness in the process of losing weight works with constant physical exertion. In order not to cause side effects, you need to comply with the daily rate.

According to doctors, fats do not disappear from the body in an instant, but only the volume of adipose tissue decreases. After all, these are different things, so you should not believe in a miracle. Caffeine keeps you alert and active.

In general, if you are trying to lose weight, then it is not a matter of increasing the dose of guarana, but a normal healthy diet and regular exercise. A person taking this remedy can lose up to 15 kilograms. It is very beneficial for those who have been trying to lose weight for years. As soon as you start to notice the result, it is worth reducing the dose and using the drug until the desired weight loss. The advantage of the drug is a quick weight loss without strict exhausting diets. The price is acceptable, affordable for any person to buy. It is worth remembering not to violate the recipe for admission, so as not to harm the body. For a productive result, take the drug in the prescribed doses.

Studies have shown that the biological supplement is safe for the body and does not have a negative effect on it. But this does not mean that it can be consumed in any quantity. It is very important to adhere to the instructions and then you can lose weight without harm to your health.

You will learn more interesting and useful information about guarana from this video review:
