How to gain weight?

How to gain weight?
How to gain weight?

If you are underweight, pay special attention to your health. If you are inherited thin, this can be fixed. Learn how to gain weight quickly. Everyone knows the generally discussed problem of excess weight. Today, a huge number of programs, articles, advertisements, talk about this as something impossible. Shop windows and pharmacies break down from all kinds of weight loss products. But the problem remains, since everyone wants a quick effect and a minimum of spent funds. But no one thought about the fact that some people suffer from a lack of weight. In this case, we say: "Too thin!" In fact, in addition to being thin, a person is threatened with more serious health problems. And many, probably, will not believe that being underweight is more dangerous than being overweight. Therefore, to normalize the state, the only way out is to gain weight to the desired indicator.

In fact, calculating the ideal body weight of each person is very simple. For this, there is a special formula that will help determine the body mass index - the correspondence between body weight and height. The body weight in kilograms must be divided by the square of the height in meters.

Among the main indicators are:

  • If in the end the amount is below 18, then we can talk about too low body mass index. It will be advisable to use all sorts of methods in order to gain weight sooner.
  • A sum of 18 to 20 indicates that there is a slight underweight.
  • From 20 to 25 - weight in the aisles of the norm.
  • From 25 to 30 - overweight.
  • From 30 and above - these indicators indicate that excess weight has led to the stage of obesity.

In order to really understand if you have a normal weight, just calculate your body mass index using a simple formula and you will know how to proceed next: lose weight or gain weight.

Causes of underweight

Angelina Jolie with normal weight and excessive skinny
Angelina Jolie with normal weight and excessive skinny

In fact, there are many different reasons that lead to too low body weight. Among them, the most basic are:

  1. A person can be thin due to heredity. You have probably heard more than once about people who can, eat what they want, and as much as they want. Moreover, they never have excess weight, on the contrary, they are always thin. This is heredity, when the body has a fast metabolism.
  2. Poor weight can occur due to cancer, because not infrequently, in addition to everything, a person can feel weak, his appetite disappears and his head is constantly spinning. Against the background of all these symptoms, body weight decreases, as the body is seized by malignant cells.
  3. Anorexia is a common cause. Indeed, with such a diagnosis, a person voluntarily refuses food in order to lose weight. The body is so accustomed to the fact that food is received at a minimum that even food in small doses is not perceived by it. Observing such people, you can see that after eating, they may experience vomiting, as an acquired defense reaction of the body to food intake.
  4. A malfunctioning thyroid gland can also be a cause of underweight. In this case, everything can be corrected after careful treatment of this problem, and this will contribute to recovery, namely the restoration of the required weight.
  5. Another unpleasant disease that can lead to intense weight loss is diabetes mellitus. Due to the fact that with this disease, poor appetite is often observed, this becomes the main reason for excessive thinness. At the same time, other symptoms may not appear, which often leads to an advanced stage of diabetes, and of course, to too critical body weight.

Whatever the reason is your excessive thinness, it must be treated, namely, quickly gain weight in order to normalize your condition. There are many methods for this, the main of which we will try to describe in detail below.

Weight gain methods

Girl eating
Girl eating
  1. First of all, you need to consult a doctor who will determine the cause of the decrease in body weight, and then, based on this, will prescribe the necessary treatment. If the cause turns out to be a serious illness, the immediate treatment will be directed specifically at this problem.
  2. If all is well with your health and you, as they say “by nature,” have always been excessively thin, then you can fix it very easily, you just need time and patience. First, you should try the simplest method - food. Of course, what we eat plays a big role in weight. If in cases of excess weight it is necessary to exclude foods with a high calorie content, then in order to recover, it is important to consume high-calorie foods. But this does not mean that you need to overeat hot dogs, cakes, chocolates. Although these foods have a large number of calories, they are considered unhealthy and it is better to exclude them from the diet altogether if you want to have an ideal weight and be healthy. After all, it has been proven that such food has a detrimental effect on the entire body. It is important to adhere to a correct and balanced diet, which will include all the necessary components for the healthy functioning of the body. Since, if it works without interruptions, this will certainly affect the weight, it will always be normal.
  3. It is very important to include protein in your daily diet to gain weight with the right diet. After all, every athlete knows that this is the basis for energy and muscle growth. Among the foods that contain a huge amount of protein are meat, fish, milk, legumes, nuts, eggs, etc. To calculate your daily protein intake for the body, you need to remember that, ideally, 1 kg. weight should be at least 2 g of protein.
  4. Of course, you also need to keep an eye on the amount of carbohydrates and fats. At the same time, it is important that there are both vegetable and animal fats, since both are needed by humans. The optimal amount of fat per day should be at least 4 g per 1 kg. weight. To replenish the carbohydrate supply, use various cereals, white and black bread, dried fruits, chocolate and halva. If your body receives all these components, then your weight will soon return to normal.

As you gain weight, make sure you have at least 5-6 meals a day. At the same time, choose large dishes, where the portion will be larger than usual. But it is important not to overeat at the same time, because this negatively affects digestion and the stomach. Chew your food thoroughly, as nutritionists claim that large chunks of food that enter the stomach increase its absorption time, thereby affecting metabolism. This, in turn, leads either to excess weight or to its deficiency, for each organism it manifests itself individually. In order for weight gain to be fast and effective, sports are also indispensable. It is strength training that will help build muscle mass, and therefore increase weight. It is advisable to consult with an experienced trainer, because he perfectly specializes in what kind of simulators contribute to effective weight gain. If you can't get to the gym, go jogging. Daily jogging has a positive effect on the entire body, because physical activity contributes to the production of happiness hormones - endorphins. In addition, in cases of low weight, it is beneficial in that running promotes muscle growth, which is important for increasing body weight.

For more information on how you can gain weight while being thin, see this video:
