Bayaz Peinir cheese: benefits, harm, composition, recipes

Bayaz Peinir cheese: benefits, harm, composition, recipes
Bayaz Peinir cheese: benefits, harm, composition, recipes

Description of Bayaz Peynir cheese, peculiarities of making a farm and industrial product. Energy value, nutrients, effects on the body and the necessary restrictions. Cooking applications and interesting things about cheese.

Beyaz Peinir is a white Turkish cheese reminiscent of Central European Feta or Caucasian Cheese in taste and consistency. The literal translation is "white cheese". The main characteristics depend on the quality of the feedstock. Texture - more or less dense, slightly grainy; if the consistency is soft, add "yumushak" to the name, and if dense - "sert". The taste can be either slightly salted, creamy-milk, or pronounced, brine, slightly bitter. Color - white, creamy, may be slightly yellowish, aroma - from fermented milk to the smell of "barn". The product is offered to the consumer in various forms - dried blocks, vacuum packages with a small amount of brine, in foil, in thick paper, in the form of curd cheeses.

How is Bayaz Peynir cheese made?

Beyaz Peynir cheese production
Beyaz Peynir cheese production

Sheep's milk is most commonly used to make Bayaz Peynir cheese, and the product is called koyun peyniri. Less commonly used goat milk is Keci peyniri (ke? I peyniri) or cow's Inek peyniri (inek peyniri). If several types of milk are mixed as a raw material, then a harder and saltier cheese is obtained.

Abomasum (the last part of the 4-chamber stomach) of dairy lambs or calves is used as a starter culture. It is cut, cleaned, drafted and cut into thin strips. Pour milk, half diluted with water, and leave to infuse in a dark place at room temperature for 12 hours.

How Bayaz Peynir cheese is made

  • Farm options are made from fresh, only strained milk, no later than 2 hours after milking.
  • The starting material is heated to 30 ° C, the prepared starter is poured in and left until a curd curd has formed.
  • It is cut into small cubes, collected by hand and thrown onto a sieve covered with gauze folded in several layers, or cheese cloth.
  • First they squeeze out on their own, and then set the press and leave for 10 minutes, turning over once.
  • The fabric is removed, crushed again, and placed under the press again. The manipulations are repeated 3-4 times. The weight of the oppression is gradually increased, prolonging the time while it is on the curd mass. First, the weight of the load is equal to the weight of the curd, then the weight is increased by 1.5 times, and the holding time is up to 30 minutes. The third time, the mass is already doubled, and the time is up to 2 hours. The side edges are cut off, crushed, placed in a depression from oppression and pressed again.
  • Next, dense pieces of cottage cheese are placed in a concentrated 20% solution with salt.

Extract of original Bayaz Peynir cheese - from 3 to 6 months. The longer it lasts, the denser the consistency and the more salty the taste. The output from 3 liters of feedstock is 500-700 g of the final product.

How Bayaz Peinir cheese is prepared industrially

  1. Mixed raw materials are almost always used - 1: 1 cow and goat (sheep) milk or 3: 1, respectively.
  2. In the first stage, the milk is pasteurized at 80 ° C for 2-4 seconds in a vacuum unit to preserve all the beneficial ingredients.
  3. Then homogenization is carried out using a centrifugal installation and, quite often, degreasing.
  4. In the manufacture of farm options, thermophilic sourdough is rarely used, but in industrial ones, dry crops in powder are poured on the surface of milk. In addition, calcium chloride is added to the pasteurized feedstock.
  5. Further processes for making Bayaz Peinir cheese correspond to homemade ones. That is, grinding, pressing with the help of oppression and laying out according to shapes are carried out several times. However, some of the salt can be added while mixing the curd mass. This reduces the microbiological hazard of the final product and allows for a denser texture.
  6. When dry salting of Bayaz Peynir cheese, salt is poured onto the bottom of the mold, 2 layers of cheese mass are spread, one on top of the other, salted in a thin layer, 2 more pieces are added and salting is repeated. Allow to settle for 2-4 days in the same room where the cheese was made, until the acidity (Ph) drops to 4, 9 units. To prevent the cottage cheese from drying out due to the abundant discharge of whey, the mold is placed in a container and covered with gauze on top. The liquid is periodically drained. In this case, the brine concentration is 5-10%.

Factory white cheese Bayaz Peynir resilient, crumbly, with infrequently located round or oval eyes with well-defined edges. The homemade version is less dense, grainy. When aged for a short time, it tastes like salted dense cottage cheese.

Vegetarian Beyaz Peynir is currently being produced in dairy factories. Instead of rennet of animal origin, an extract from unfermented soybeans (phytic acid), thistle or cinara (Spanish artichoke) is used to ferment the feedstock. This cheese is considered halal and can be consumed during Muslim fasts.

Composition and calorie content of Bayaz Peynir cheese

Appearance of Bayaz Peynir cheese
Appearance of Bayaz Peynir cheese

The fat content of Bayaz Peynir cheese depends on the type of raw material. The lowest energy value when using skimmed cow's milk, and the highest when using fresh sheep's milk.

Calorie content of Bayaz Peynir cheese - 302-320 kcal per 100 g, of which

  • Proteins - 15-16 g;
  • Fat - 15-18 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 8, 2-9 g.

Vitamins are represented by vitamin A - 228 μg per 100 g.

Minerals per 100 g

  • Potassium, K - 103 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 422 mg;
  • Iron, Fe - 0.3 mg.

Fats per 100 g

  • Fatty acids - up to 72 mg;
  • Cholesterol - 63-78 mg

But this is not the whole vitamin and mineral complex in the Bayaz Peynir cheese.

One can note niacin, calciferol and B vitamins - riboflavin, thiamine, as well as macronutrients - magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine and sodium.

White cheese is characterized by a high salt content - 1, 6-2, 2 g per 100 g. To reduce salinity, Bayaz Peynir can be soaked in cool water before use, and then rinsed under running water. Just do not leave the pieces in liquid at room temperature for a long time. The salt in the composition is not enough to stop the activity of pathogenic flora, which is introduced from the outside.

Note! If mold appears on the surface of Bayaz Peynir cheese, it must be disposed of.

Benefits of Bayaz Peynir cheese

Bayaz Peynir cheese on a plate
Bayaz Peynir cheese on a plate

This variety is one of the most popular products in Turkey. Thanks to it, you can quickly recover from unbalanced diets and malnutrition caused by serious illness or difficult circumstances.

But these are not the only benefits of Bayaz Peynir cheese. Consider its beneficial effects on the human body

  1. Helps maintain youthfulness by retaining fluid in the body. The skin maintains its tone, the formation of wrinkles is slowed down.
  2. Normalizes the functions of the reproductive system, in women the menstrual cycle becomes constant.
  3. Prevents osteoporosis, slows down the destruction of joints.
  4. Creates favorable conditions for the development of beneficial flora in the small intestine. It is lacto- and bifidobacteria that "are responsible" for immunity and stabilize the intestines.
  5. Stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and bile, accelerates the digestion of food. Putrid and fermenting processes do not occur, you do not have to think about how to get rid of bad breath.
  6. Bayaz Peynir white cheese made from sheep and goat milk with long exposure can be consumed by persons with unexpressed lactase deficiency.

The spicy and spicy-salty taste of the cheese affects the sensitive receptors on the tongue. The production of saliva increases, and the acid-base balance in the oral cavity changes to the acid side. This creates unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Caries appears less often, degenerative and inflammatory processes of the gums slow down.

There is no age limit for the introduction of Bayaz Peynir cheese into the diet. It is given to children as a complementary food, pregnant and lactating women to improve the quality of milk. Developing organisms need calcium. But for babies and women during pregnancy and lactation, it is advisable to choose cheese with a short maturation: tender, slightly salted, not very dense, like cottage cheese. In addition, babies can choke on hard small grains.
