Nervous disorder (breakdown) and factors leading to it. The article will provide recommendations for eliminating this mental imbalance in the body. A nervous breakdown is a person's reaction to a stressful situation, emotional stress or psychological stress on the body. People who suffer from a voiced pathology are not able to control their actions, which can become a threatening factor both for a sick person and for his immediate environment.
Causes of a nervous breakdown

Quite often, against the background of neurosis or depression, an emotional outburst can occur in a person. Psychologists say that it does not arise spontaneously, because a certain amount of time must pass for its formation. The causes of a nervous breakdown are usually to be found in the following life situations:
- Conflicts with loved ones … Stress can arise when there is a tyrant spouse, a problem teenager, or a member of the older generation in the family who did not like the behavior of his offspring.
- Divorce … If one of the spouses betrayed his chosen one, then the victim of a life tragedy begins to develop a neurosis, which becomes the foundation for further emotional breakdown.
- Death of a loved one … In this case, some people begin to use tranquilizers and antidepressants on their own, which only aggravates their condition and finally undermines the psyche.
- Problems at work … Not every work collective is friendly towards each other. In addition, not all leaders of organizations have an agreeable character, sometimes bringing their subordinates to a nervous breakdown with their tyranny.
- Business loss … In most cases, bankruptcy inflicts a significant blow on the human psyche, driving it to despair. At the same time, a nervous breakdown is guaranteed for those people who have made their property with back-breaking work for many years.
- Large debt … With a critical situation voiced, it is possible that the problem may grow like a snowball, putting a person in a very difficult financial situation and provoking a nervous breakdown in him.
- Dangerous profession … The best stuntmen in the world have always stated that they are not afraid of the complexity of their profession, but they are afraid to feel the consequences of any phobias.
- Climax … Signs of a nervous breakdown are often observed during hormonal changes in a woman with the extinction of her reproductive function. Sudden mood swings, general malaise and hot flashes ("hot flashes") - all these unpleasant symptoms can provoke a nervous breakdown in the fair sex with the onset of menopause.
- Hyperthyroidism … With this disease, the thyroid gland begins to work actively, which ultimately leads to its excessive functioning. Such disharmony in the body is usually accompanied by insomnia, attacks of fear, increased anxiety and nervous breakdowns.
- Avitaminosis … After a long winter period, some people begin to realize that their physical resources are practically at zero point. Consequently, the loss of interest in the whole world around us leads to depression and nervous disorders in a large number of people precisely in the voiced off-season.
- Pregnancy … In some cases, expectant mothers begin to be hysterical or depressed because of a difficult pregnancy, fear for a baby, or after learning about misinformation about all the horrors of childbirth.
Many of the listed factors provoking the emergence of an emotional breakdown cannot be called positive life situations. Consequently, a nervous breakdown can later become a solid foundation for the emergence of more serious problems.
The main symptoms of a nervous breakdown in humans

It is difficult not to notice signs of impending disaster in yourself or in someone from your inner circle. It is against the background of an already existing neurosis that an emotional outburst occurs in a person who has reached a state of inadequate perception of the situation.
The human body is designed in such a way that it can react extremely negatively to stress as follows:
- Obsessive fear … When a person begins to fear his own shadow, one can assume that he has an initial stage in the development of an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Behavior of this kind leads to powerful emotional overexcitation and a sharp release of negativity on people.
- Panic attacks … Psychological stress over a long period of time leads to an inadequate response of a person to all external pathogens. Even a bright light in such people provokes painful sensations and outright panic.
- Depression … With a nervous breakdown, a person does not always become an aggressive person, capable of harming himself or others. However, a depressive state is dangerous because it sometimes proceeds without obvious symptoms.
- Disappearance of volitional activity … In case of a nervous breakdown due to a long stay in a state of stress, a person can purposefully trigger the self-destruction mechanism without any attempts to correct the situation.
- Decreased libido … Sexual attraction is almost impossible to maintain at the same level if a person is not able to get out of the vicious circle of problems and troubles. In case of a nervous breakdown, people are the last to think about carnal pleasures, because they are simply not interested in it.
- Decreased appetite … There is a popular expression "seize stress", which in most cases works quite effectively. However, with prolonged psychological overstrain, a reverse reaction of the body occurs, after which a person loses interest in food, loses weight.
- Increased blood pressure … With any overexcitation, the blood literally begins to boil in the veins, therefore, during the period of emotional outburst, it is definitely impossible to avoid high blood pressure even in hypotonic patients.
- Respiratory neurosis … People during the described acute manifestation of emotions often have difficulty in getting air into the lungs. In most cases, everything is limited to shortness of breath, but especially suspicious persons acquire a phobia in the form of fear of dying during the next attack.
- Stomach neurosis … With excessive excitement, there is a problem with the intestines, which is popularly called "bear disease". People who suffer from regular stress often experience these kinds of problems.
- Disruption of the menstrual cycle … In this case, we will talk about both the failure in the schedule of the so-called "critical" days, and their complete absence. Even young women are forced to go to a gynecologist, because with a nervous breakdown, they develop amenorrhea.
- Hysterics … At the same time, you should clearly distinguish between manipulators and people with a specific problem. The standard model of behavior of a person who suffers from neurosis may involve breaking dishes and endless scandals with loved ones and colleagues, which turn into tears.
Features of the treatment of a nervous breakdown
All the facts voiced indicate that a disorder of this kind needs to be urgently eradicated. The treatment of a nervous breakdown should be carried out according to a clearly marked scheme and under the supervision of a competent specialist.
Self-help in case of a nervous breakdown

Even serious illnesses can be corrected if a person believes in himself. In case of a nervous breakdown, he should behave as follows in order to restore mental balance:
- Walking before bed … Some depressed persons are locked in four walls, which only aggravates their critical state. It is enough to be in the fresh air for half an hour before going to bed in order to avoid insomnia and a state of overexcitation in the future. Also, do not refuse to meet with friends and family. Otherwise, the four walls will simply turn into a prison, further plunging into the problem.
- Healing music … At the moment, many sites on the Internet offer their users relaxation compositions for every taste. However, you can just listen to your favorite song in order to regain your good mood after suffering stress.
- Breathing exercises … Experts say that this method helps even if a person wants to lose weight. With a nervous breakdown, you must hold your breath for five seconds, and then release the air from your lungs. Repeat such manipulations several times in order to achieve the greatest effect.
- Conversation with loved ones … In case of a nervous breakdown, it is worth trying to find contact with someone you can trust. Sometimes not a single session with a psychotherapist can replace a conversation with a soul mate who understands you perfectly.
- Trust Service … If a person who is in a critical situation does not have family and friends, then you can call the specialists in the healing of human souls. Employees of such organizations are trained precisely to take people from the brink of the abyss in a matter of minutes.
- Massage sessions … Nothing relaxes your muscles like a visit to a salon with these services. A skilled specialist will help his client to relax and forget about all the troubles. In this case, relaxation is also effective, which is carried out with the help of a head massage.
- Shopping … This practice has proved to be quite effective, in which people relax after a nervous breakdown while shopping for things they like. Even in the vintage market, you can buy an antique trinket for your own use for a fairly reasonable amount.
- Purchase of an animal … With a nervous breakdown, pets are very often helpful. Some people meditate at the sight of an aquarium with fish slowly swimming in it, and dog and cat lovers find comfort after acquiring a four-legged pet.
- Viewing comedy projects … The media are not always limited to information about bloody events in the world, making it possible to get a lot of positive emotions from comedians' performances.
- Interest club … If possible, you can try to visit a similar institution where people find friends for common hobbies. In case of a nervous breakdown, it is important to find like-minded people who will share their life experience in getting out of crisis situations.
- Travel … In this case, everything depends on the financial situation of the person who is in trouble. However, it is not necessary to buy a ticket on a cruise ship in case of a nervous breakdown, because any change of scenery can help to distract from painful thoughts. Even a trip to the village to visit relatives will help to get out of a difficult state of mind thanks to the fresh air and the support of loved ones.
- Picnic … If it is not possible to visit exotic countries or local resorts, then going out into nature will be the ideal solution in case of a nervous breakdown. In some cases, it is enough to take a walk in the park to relax mentally and recuperate.
- Doing charity work … If the human body cannot resist stress, then you should switch to activities that are beneficial. You can try yourself in the role of a volunteer, because reciprocal gratitude for help can bring many people out of depression in case of a nervous breakdown.
- Keeping a diary … Negative energy must be thrown out not on the immediate environment, but exclusively on an inanimate object. When filling out a diary, you can draw up a schedule of useful things for yourself, and then report in it on the work done.
- Sports activities … Morning jogging, visiting the sports section and the pool sometimes work wonders. Ideally, such manipulations should be performed in the company of a person to whom the victim with a nervous breakdown feels sympathy.
- Repair … Labor activity in most cases helps to get rid of unnecessary thoughts. In addition, a change in the interior of a home has a beneficial effect on the internal state of a person in case of a nervous breakdown.
- Party organization … It should be immediately noted that the use of alcoholic beverages is not recommended on it. Otherwise, instead of relief, the person will get a hangover and an aggravation of a nervous breakdown. Experts recommend arranging a thematic event that will appeal to all people invited to the holiday.
- Watching films … Comedies like "Only girls in jazz" or "Girls" can relieve stress of even the most notorious person. In case of a nervous breakdown, experts also recommend watching such a masterpiece as "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", an example of creating a couple even in adulthood is shown.
Help of psychologists with a nervous breakdown

Such a pathology sometimes has such a severe form of the course of the disease that in the future it is impossible to avoid a visit to a specialist. In case of a nervous breakdown, in most cases, the following methods are used to eliminate the problem that has arisen:
- Sociological analysis … All voiced incidents usually arise either within the factor of family circumstances, or during their formation in connection with the breakup of an existing couple. In this case, the psychotherapist, with the consent of the patient, recommends that he begin the rehabilitation course with the diagnosis of the pathology that has arisen.
- Art therapy … Treatment with paints and created images helps a person to relieve stress when emotionally overexcited. Some people react quite aggressively to certain colors. The specialist helps them to create in their imagination that drawing that embodies on paper all the patient's problems with further decoding of the symbols depicted.
- Collective auto-training … With this method of getting rid of the problem, groups are assembled to conduct relaxation exercises. They are conducted under the guidance of a mentor, so it is necessary to initially select a professional psychotherapist.
- Mosaic method … In this case, the principle “over and over again” works, in which you can buy interesting puzzles. The general picture of the future medical component should have a cheerful course, in which a good mood is gathered from small pieces of cardboard. By a similar principle, it is recommended to set new goals for yourself by collecting a visual map. It is believed that with it it is easier to decide on new directions in life and implement their achievement. Dreams of a family, material wealth, countries that one would like to visit, etc. are put on such cards.
- Hypnosis … With this technique, in most cases, the instinct of self-preservation freezes in a person under the skillful manipulation of a specialist. A couple of code phrases - and a person suffering from stress can free herself from her problems through a voiced method.
Drug therapy for a nervous breakdown

In some cases, it is impossible to get rid of the voiced problem solely by means of our own forces. Therefore, it is necessary to visit a doctor who can recommend the following methods of blocking a nervous breakdown:
- Herbal preparations … If there is no allergic reaction to such treatment, then you can buy "Novo-Passit" or tincture of peonies, valerian and motherwort. However, experts immediately warn their patient that the effect of the sounded drugs should be expected only after a week of their systematic use.
- Amino acids and vitamin complexes … In this case, it should be remembered that the use of these substances leads only to a decrease in overexcitation and aggression. Experts recommend that their wards use drugs that contain vitamins E, B, as well as thiamine, biotin and glutamic acid. Vitamin C will not be able to relieve the symptoms of overexcitation, but it effectively affects the blocking of the primary manifestations of neurosis.
- Antidepressants and tranquilizers … The sounded drugs have a very potent property, therefore they should be used exclusively under the supervision of a physician. With a nervous breakdown, drugs are usually prescribed in the form of Sertraline, Mezapam, or Chlosepide.
The consequences of a nervous breakdown

Any disease always negatively affects the functioning of the human body. A neurosis, which is often accompanied by emotional breakdowns, usually leads to the following diseases and critical situations:
- Severe gastritis … Stomach problems do not always arise solely from poor nutrition. During any stress, a person feels that not only his heart begins to beat faster, but also painful spasms occur in the digestive system. If crisis situations bring people to a nervous breakdown, then the formation of chronic gastritis is provided for them.
- Diabetes … Experts say that heredity is the main factor in the occurrence of a sounded disease. However, at the same time, they remind that with frequent tantrums, you can acquire a similar pathology.
- Physical violence against loved ones … If a person is in a state of constant overexcitation, then he becomes a rather dangerous person. At the same time, he is able to bring harm not only to his close environment, but also to people completely unfamiliar to him.
- Emotional exhaustion … People like to repeat that nerve cells do not regenerate. This statement is absolutely true, because with regular stress and outbursts of aggression, a person then falls into apathy.
- Alcoholism or drug addiction … The easiest way to forget about your problems for a while is through a voiced lifestyle. Weak personalities, who, after another nervous breakdown, begin to drown their grief at the bottom of the bottle or at the tip of a needle, argue exclusively according to this scheme.
- Suicide … Suicides basically just demonstratively show their intentions, because they are waiting for a protest against the announced decision from people close to them. However, a person with the third stage of development of neurosis is really able to take his own score.
How to treat a nervous breakdown - watch the video:

Each person is able to overcome their fears on their own if they are determined to eliminate them. Therefore, figuring out how to treat a nervous breakdown, you need to calm down and then visit a competent specialist to resolve the problem.