Nervous exhaustion and the reasons for its formation. The article will discuss how to protect yourself from this problem. Methods of dealing with it in the event of a physical and mental pathology of a similar nature will also be announced. Nervous exhaustion is a special condition that occurs against the background of mental and physical stress. In the frantic rhythm of everyday life, we often do not pay attention to the state of our nervous system. A visit to the doctor at the first warning signs of overwork is also usually postponed indefinitely, which is not a reasonable solution to the problem. However, the consequences of nervous exhaustion can be extremely dangerous and unpredictable, so it is worthwhile to understand the causes of this physical and mental pathology.
The reasons for the development of nervous exhaustion

Life in megalopolises is always characterized by the need for an accelerated pace of solving any problems that arise. However, rural life also dictates certain conditions of survival in search of a place under the sun.
Psychologists, having dealt with the problem voiced in detail, determine the causes of nervous exhaustion as follows:
- Overwork and exercise … Any human body is designed for certain reserves of internal energy, because in the existing reality there is nothing eternal and stable. Of course, life sometimes dictates to us the most difficult conditions for realizing ourselves in this world. However, all this can result in nervous exhaustion if the worker is unable to perform the usual hard work without prejudice to the functioning of his body.
- Increased emotional stress … Even if a person does not stand with a jackhammer in a mine, then his body can weaken for the sounded reason. Some knowledge workers are willing to come up with new ideas around the clock to the detriment of their health. As a result, after such a daily routine, they receive an unwanted bonus in the form of nervous exhaustion.
- Insufficient time to recuperate … Sleep is not a luxury, but a natural need for any human body to restore its physical and moral abilities. Consequently, a lack of sleep and rest after a busy day can end up very badly for many reactive workaholics.
- Experienced stressful situation … Trouble is a misfortune, but you have to endure it without significant damage to your mental state. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between imaginary grief and real, when for a person all the colors of life fade after the blow of fate.
War is war, and lunch and rest should be on schedule. This is exactly what psychologists think when it comes to nervous exhaustion. The listed causes of mental illness are not a joke, because the problem is directly related to the future of a person who may simply not be.
The main symptoms of nervous exhaustion in humans

Sometimes it is very difficult to identify the kind of individual who can successfully hide his critical condition under the guise of bravado. However, even the most strong-minded people with nervous exhaustion behave quite typically.
Signs of nervous exhaustion:
- Depression … Such a state can lead any person to nervous exhaustion, which he did not expect. With a complete decline of vitality, the subject does not want anything and anyone, because he has a broken landmark of healthy desires. The only dream in this state is to isolate oneself from the whole world for a long time in order to regain one's strength.
- Pain in the region of the heart … A sounded organ is capable of delivering many problems to a person with signs of nervous exhaustion. Overwork is not sighs under the moon when it comes to a malfunction of the nervous system with characteristic cardiovascular pathologies in the victim. Pain in the region of the heart is the first warning sign of the onset of nervous exhaustion, which can be the first and last warning for the victim.
- Disturbed sleep … Rest at night is a natural process, if it does not concern those subjects who are prone to insomnia. You should only feel sorry for them, because being awake at the wrong time can negatively affect the general well-being of a person. The subject who does not get enough sleep behaves aggressively and begins to cause problems to the people around him with his outbursts of irritability.
- Systematic headache … Migraine is laziness to work, as our wise ancestors taught us. However, in some cases, this joke takes on some ambiguous meaning. An aspirin or citramone tablet becomes a ritual for a person who, due to chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion, suffers from periodic headaches.
- Typical forgetfulness … In this case, you should not confuse a person driven by life and circumstances with an absent-minded personality. Fortuna's freaky stepsons are victims of coincidences who, physically and mentally, can feel great at the same time. They are used to a chronic streak of bad luck, which they manage to adapt to anyway. The situation is worse with those people who have known the nervous exhaustion of the body for a completely different reason. Trying to find out everything and everywhere, they do not get anything in the end, because they simply forget about the most important things planned.
- Excessive aggressiveness … Everyone can flare up, because many factors lead us to emotions in life. However, with obvious nervous exhaustion, the human body begins to fight, because it receives a powerful impulse about the need for self-preservation. At best, this will manifest itself in the isolation and detachment from the whole world of the affected individual, but there are also critical options with a chronically tired aggressor.
- Alcohol or tobacco abuse … Very often we try to relax after a busy day by using all kinds of means. At best, your leisure time will be full of watching a cult movie or taking a walk in the park. However, some people do not imagine relaxation that way, negatively nourishing an already depleted body with cigarettes or strong drinks. Even though the phase of tranquility begins, but it does not last long and turns into another reason for the progression of nervous exhaustion.
The described pattern of behavior of a person with chronic fatigue does not make him a pleasant person to communicate. These symptoms of nervous exhaustion often immerse the victim in a kind of communicative vacuum. However, no one is immune from the appearance of such a problem, so a desperate person needs to be helped to get out of a crisis situation.
Features of recovery after nervous exhaustion
If a person is not an obvious masochist and an enemy to his health, then he will take all measures to combat exhaustion. In this case, he can cope with the problem on his own, resorting to the help of specialists in a critical situation.
Getting rid of nervous exhaustion on your own

Any individual himself is able to control what is happening in his life. Therefore, you can try these ways to eliminate nervous exhaustion:
- A clear daily routine … At the same time, you should not go to extremes by arranging a systematic groundhog day for yourself. You should be very clear about what needs to be done in the near future. In this case, it is not necessary to reinvent the bicycle, because it has long been present in our reality. Experts recommend making a list of feasible things for the week in order to clearly understand the prospects for the near future.
- Analysis of your own actions … Before starting the fight against nervous exhaustion, one should admit the obvious fact that it still exists. An alcoholic will never confirm his weakness, and a workaholic will die in the workplace with a clear conviction of the correctness of such a life routine. For a sane person, a sense of self-preservation will tell you how to treat nervous exhaustion. An experienced person simply will not get into a similar situation, having calculated in advance the possible consequences of nervous exhaustion.
- Improving self-esteem … Some workaholics are constantly trying to prove to the whole world how workable they are. In their opinion, otherwise, they will be listed among the losers who are not worthy of respect. You should clearly define for yourself that no one and no one owes, provided that it does not concern helping a person in trouble. Everyone should think about their own "I" in order not to become a passive victim in the hands of fate.
Medication for nervous exhaustion

A visit to a doctor with nervous exhaustion is not a weakness, but a normal reaction of an adequate person to a problem that has arisen. A driven horse is known to be shot. Such black humor should still include the instinct of self-preservation in any subject, which will not hinder him at all.
Doctors recommend the following solutions to the problem that has arisen with minimal risk to the patient's health, as well as without depletion of the nervous system:
- Vasodilators … The human brain constantly needs an influx of blood and oxygen into it. Consequently, drugs such as "Tanakal" or "Mexidol" will help him with this at rather low material costs. It is worth remembering that self-medication has never brought recovery to a person. Initially, you need to consult a doctor to start taking the sounded drugs in the fight against nervous exhaustion.
- Vitamin complex … In this case, the main thing is not to make the oil oily, so as not to cause significant damage to the body instead of benefit. B vitamins will perfectly help in a situation when there is an urgent need to activate metabolic processes in nerve cells.
- Nootropics … As you know, these medicines are able to make the treatment of nervous exhaustion productive. Brain cells need constant replenishment, which is no secret to anyone. In this case, we are definitely not talking about a thorough study of the one hundred thousandth volume of the world encyclopedia, but about working on the return of one's health. Ceraxon and Pantogam, which are well-known nootropics, can become powerful weapons in the fight against nervous exhaustion in a desperate subject.
- Sedatives … Calm does not always come at our first desire, which is a common fact. In this case, sedative medications will come to the rescue, which in the shortest possible time will be able to eliminate nervous exhaustion. Motherwort and valerian are the best helpers in this matter, so very often experts recommend the sounded components.
Traditional medicine in the fight against nervous exhaustion in humans

In this case, the previously voiced valerian helps a lot, but there are other ways to deal with nervous exhaustion:
- Honey … This product has not only a rather pleasant taste, but is also able to work wonders for chronic fatigue in a person. A teaspoon of this on an empty stomach will help you gain peace of mind with regular use.
- Tincture of knotweed herb … The voiced recipe will help, if necessary, if you clearly follow the recommendations of specialists. In this case, a tablespoon of a medicinal plant will be enough, which will need to be poured with half a liter of boiling water. Having insisted such a drug for an hour, you can use it half a glass before eating.
- Mint leaf infusion … This gift of nature has long been very popular among the people, because it has really effective abilities to mitigate the manifestations of nervous exhaustion. You can also take the infusion internally, as well as add mint leaves to the bath. In this case, you need to pour a tablespoon of herbs with 200 grams of boiling water. The next step is to park the infusion for 40-50 minutes, so that the mint has time to release the healing juice so necessary for treatment.
How to treat nervous exhaustion - watch the video:

Chronic fatigue is a worrying fact that it's time to get serious about your health. Very often, a person is faced with the question of how to recover from nervous exhaustion. It is possible to do this exclusively with a sound approach to a rather serious mental and physical pathology, which is capable of nullifying any life undertakings of a person.