Meditation as a way of life

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Meditation as a way of life
Meditation as a way of life

With the help of meditation, you can plunge into the world of reflection, analysis. The article will tell you how to do it correctly, what techniques are there, and also how they are carried out. Let's not be naive to think that meditation will lead us to superpowers. But it is obvious that it will make a colossal contribution to the self-development of the individual. This is the main factor. The effectiveness of meditation lies in the fact that a practicing person can acquire additional possibilities of consciousness and subconsciousness to regulate his thoughts and state of mind, which will help him to control his negative emotions and experience them with minimal losses. One can endlessly talk about how meditation changes a person's life, what opportunities it provides for cardinal changes in his destiny. Therefore, it is worthwhile to deal directly with the technique of its implementation and the nuances that should be taken into account during classes.

Simple Meditation Techniques for Life

Meditation to music
Meditation to music

More and more famous personalities and popular stars such as Jennifer Aniston, Naomi Watts, Liv Tyler and others are enthusiastic about their spiritual practice and how meditation can change your life. You don't have to pay for expensive courses or trainings to be successful in doing this. It is enough only the desire and work of consciousness. You can start with just five minutes each day, gradually increasing your relaxation time. The goal will be achieved when meditation becomes a way of life. There are many versions of meditation practices, and everyone can choose the one that suits him or her.

For beginners, it is recommended to try these:

  • Respiratory … The main thing is to straighten your back, and so that the whole procedure takes place in a comfortable environment. Try to control your movements, sit upright, without bending over or leaning on anything. The upright position will help air pass easily through the lungs, which will promote free and calm breathing. The meditator should feel each breath, feel the air passing through the lungs. Breathing should be deep and thoughts clear. It is necessary to forget about everything for a while.
  • Concentration of attention … The meditator should mentally visualize an object or a beautiful melody and concentrate fully on them. At this moment, he adjusts his thoughts, concentrates his attention. In life, the result of the technique will be an improvement in memory.
  • Reciting mantras … At first glance, this may seem like a useless exercise, however, it is not just reading. The words are selected in such a way that when reading with a voice, certain vibrations are created that are relaxing. The main thing is to concentrate. They also help you enter a meditative state. This type will help get rid of anxiety, calm the state of mind.
  • Listening to meditation music … These can be records on disk or online on the Internet. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to fully concentrate on the words, to feel the sounds. A meditative state will help get rid of stress, find a way out of an unpleasant situation.

Features of conducting meditation to change life

Meditation at home
Meditation at home

It is believed that it is best to meditate two to three times a day, devoting 30-40 minutes to the process. However, it is still recommended to start with 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time. It is worth remembering the rule: we move from quantity to quality. That is, if initially these are short meditative trainings that are done regularly and often, then after a long time of training they should be replaced by less regular ones, but lasting longer in time.

The best place to do this is in a calm and quiet home environment, where it is easier to focus as there are fewer distractions. And I would not want to disappoint some readers, but sitting in the lotus position is not at all necessary! That is why you can meditate almost anywhere you want to do it. The main thing is inner calmness and balance, the ability to concentrate and tune in to work with your inner “I”.

During classes, it is recommended to turn off thoughts, external sounds. This is especially important for beginners, because they still cannot completely relax. Do not scold yourself if you fail right away. Experienced practitioners claim that learning to meditate will work when a person stops “trying” to do it. Everything will come out on its own when the time comes. The brain could not relax for a very long time, it lived in regular stress. It takes a little effort to rebuild.

And in order not to accidentally fall asleep during practice, it is important to focus on something specific. Breathing is most often suitable for beginners. They make sure that sighs and exhalations are even and deep. You can also focus on the feeling of anger, if that's what worries you now, or on happiness. Experts recommend refusing to carry out meditations in the bedroom, since there the probability of falling asleep is significantly higher.

It is advisable to meditate at the same time every day. Ideally, this should be early in the morning, when it is just dawn. After you have mastered the basics of simple types of meditation, you can begin to move on to more complex ones. In the reverse order, an inexperienced person will fail, he will simply quit practice at the very beginning of the process. Watch a video about meditation:

By making meditation your daily rite, your mind, body and life will certainly change for the better. Meditation as a way of life is bound to lead to success. Self-control always remains above all, and in order to have this quality, you need to find harmony with the world around you and, of course, with yourself. With the help of meditation, you can learn to live not yesterday, but to create something beautiful today, to do something to make it better tomorrow.
