Find out which set of vitamins and minerals are used by athletes in multifunctional sports to maximize recovery and development of explosive strength. Vitamins are highly active organic substances that enter the body along with food and cannot be synthesized by it on its own. All vitamins are usually divided into two categories: fat-soluble and water-soluble. In addition, there is also a category of vitamin-like substances.
Most of the vitamins are also actively involved in the production of protein compounds in muscle tissues. However, the main value for athletes is vitamins that control the course of the main processes of secretion of anabolic hormones and proteins. First of all, vitamins of group B should be ranked as such. Now we will take a closer look at which vitamins to take in CrossFit.
Essential vitamins for crossfitters

- Retinol (vitamin A). One of the forms of this substance is beta-carotene. Vitamin A plays an important role in the work of the body's defense mechanisms, improves the quality of the skin and improves visual acuity. Also, this substance has the ability to increase the quality of assimilation of protein compounds and, as a result, slows down the aging process of tissues. It is necessary to take vitamin A in the recommended dosages and do not exceed them. This is due to the fact that the excess of a substance is very reluctant to be excreted from the body and can accumulate, which will eventually lead to poisoning. The optimal use of vitamin A is a cyclic regimen lasting three weeks.
- Thiamin (vitamin B1). Increases the quality of metabolic processes of carbohydrates, and is also necessary when creating body fat reserves. Thanks to it, you will be able to increase the energy potential of the body, improve the learning ability and increase the efficiency of the heart, muscles of the esophagus and stomach.
- Riboflavin (vitamin B2). Also actively involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein compounds and fats. It is able to enhance the effectiveness of vitamin B6, niacin and folic acid. This is especially important for the processes of synthesis of red cells and the creation of the skin. You should remember that this substance belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins and is lost during food processing. Almost completely riboflavin can be destroyed by the sun's ultraviolet rays. If milk is exposed to light for about two hours, then vitamin B2 will not remain in it. Found in meat, eggs, liver, milk and dark vegetables.
- Pyridoxine (vitamin B6). It participates in the processes of protein production and can be converted into glucose for subsequent use by muscle tissues. In addition, the substance is part of some amines, red cells and nerve tissues. May cause poisoning if used in high dosages. Remember that the substance is quickly destroyed by heat treatment of food and by exposure to sunlight.
- Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12). Normalizes the digestive tract, speeds up the processes of protein production, as well as the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. This substance has the ability to protect the fibers of nerve tissue from destruction and has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system.
- Vitamin C. A powerful natural antioxidant that can accelerate tissue repair and normalize adrenal function. It should be recognized that this substance performs a huge number of functions and its deficiency cannot be allowed.
- Vitamin D. Accelerates absorption and optimizes the use of calcium and fluoride by the body. Vitamin D can be synthesized by exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. In case of excessive doses, it can cause poisoning, and it should be used in conjunction with preparations containing calcium.
- Vitamin E. Another powerful antioxidant that can not only fight free radicals, but also neutralize toxic metabolites and protect cell membranes from damage. Of course, these properties do not exhaust its importance for the body. For the body of athletes, this is a very important substance.
- Vitamin K. The substance is primarily known for increasing the rate of blood clotting. Vitamin can be synthesized in the body, but this amount is extremely small to meet the body's needs for it. Found in dark leafy vegetables, milk, eggs and liver.
Learn more about vitamins in general and their effect on the body in this video: