The importance of dietary supplements for the health of the bodybuilder

The importance of dietary supplements for the health of the bodybuilder
The importance of dietary supplements for the health of the bodybuilder

If you want to do bodybuilding and stay healthy? Then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the supplements that bodybuilders take. Previously, a person was considered healthy if he did not show symptoms of various diseases. However, over the past couple of decades, everything has changed. Now under the concept of "health" is considered a whole complex of factors. People may not have symptoms of any disease, but at the same time, their level of the state of cellular structures or certain internal organs is below average.

Various health organizations around the world argue that our society today cannot be viewed as healthy. In many countries, there is a high mortality rate among newborns, often children do not have enough food for the normal development of the body, etc.

You should also remember about the large number of people suffering from obesity, alcoholism and tobacco addiction. If we add to this the serious problems with the ecology on the planet, then there is no reason for joy to be found. In this regard, various supplements for the health of the bodybuilder are becoming very relevant. As you know, the body of athletes consumes significantly more nutrients, which must be taken into account when drawing up nutrition programs. At the same time, now we are not talking about protein mixtures, creatine and other purely sports nutritional supplements.

Lack of additives is a mistake in the dietary nutrition program

Food additives on display
Food additives on display

All of the above indicates that modern society can be considered unhealthy. This is largely due to poor nutrition. Today, to assess the correctness of nutrition, such a concept as the recommended daily requirement (RDA) of all essential nutrients is used.

Previously, most scientists believed that if a nutritional program could not provide the body with more than 70 percent of the RDI, then it needs improvement. In the course of a large number of studies, it has been established that a large number of people around the world are lacking nutrients, and athletes are no exception. In this regard, supplements for the health of a bodybuilder can significantly improve the situation. For example, according to information provided by the Roche Nutrition Service, about 40 percent of the adult population take supplements containing vitamins. In turn, more than 80 percent of them use them regularly. But teenagers rarely use vitamins. Unfortunately, there is no information available on how often supplements are taken for a bodybuilder's health. As a result of their research, employees of the Roche service concluded that people who use vitamins care about their health, which is reflected in their lifestyle.

If one draws serious conclusions from the information available today, then one should recognize the need to create new food technologies, recipes and nutrition programs. Humanity now needs to find a new approach to organizing its food.

Health supplement safety

Food supplement in a jar
Food supplement in a jar

Speaking of food additives, it is very important, and the issue of their safety. In doing so, you should focus your attention on the word "safety", not toxicity. Even simple drinking water, under certain conditions of its consumption, can become a strong toxin. Under the concept of "safety", first of all, it is necessary to understand the complete absence of harm to the body. Thus, we need to consider the safety of supplements for the health of the bodybuilder.

When assessing the safety index of additives, attention should be paid to various factors. We have already talked about the need to use supplements for the health of a bodybuilder, and no one will argue with this. Now we will only talk about their safety.

As an example, you can mentally imagine a group of people who consumed a dietary supplement containing all the essential nutrients. If none of the subjects saw an improvement in their health, then we can talk about a small dosage of the active component. With its increase, at a certain moment, health will begin to improve.

The dosage that causes the desired effect in half of the subjects is called the median nutritional need. When a certain amount of an active ingredient causes an increase in the state of health in all subjects, then this dose is called the recommended dose.

The safety index of vitamins is quite high, and the only exceptions are vitamins D and A. This indicator for vitamin A is in the range of 5-10 and depends on the chemical formula of the substance used. For example, the natural form beta-carotene is non-toxic. This is due to the fact that in the body this substance is rather slowly converted into retinol, which is also one of the forms of vitamin A. Of course, if you consume a huge amount of beta-carotene every day, the result will be intoxication of the body.

Vitamin D with an overdose has a higher toxicity. If for vitamin A it is rather difficult to determine the minimum toxic dosage (MTD), then for vitamin D this figure is about 1000 to 2000 IU with a daily intake. Admittedly, this is a very low figure for vitamins.

Minerals have lower toxicity indices, and their overdose poses a greater danger to the body in comparison with vitamins. It is very difficult to reveal all the features of the use of supplements for the health of a bodybuilder within the framework of one article. We now suggest that you familiarize yourself with two conclusions to be guided by when using nutritional supplements:

  • Only consume bodybuilder health supplements that have a scientifically determined Safety Index and MTD.
  • All nutrients must be shared.

If you follow these two rules, you can avoid overdoses and improve your health.

Learn more about sports nutrition and supplements in this video:
