Find out what drugs should be used for girls who are actively involved in fitness and compete in bikini competitions. It should be admitted that girls are deprived of information about the training process. On most web resources, you can find a large amount of information regarding bodybuilding for men, but girls in this regard are much more difficult. The situation is similar with sports nutrition. It is believed that virtually all supplements produced today are for men only. However, this is not the case and today we will talk about supplements for women's health in bodybuilding.
Sports nutrition for girls in bodybuilding

When visiting the gym, girls pursue their own goals and, first of all, it is the fight against excess weight. For this reason, our today's review will start with fat burners.
Fat burners

All girls, well, the vast majority for sure, when visiting the gym, expect to get rid of excess body fat. Moreover, it does not necessarily have to be about dropping a couple of tens of kilos, and often this desire is very modest, say, to lose five kilograms of fat. The female body does not want to easily part with its fat accumulations and it is very difficult to do without the help of fat burners. Among the most popular and working lipolysis-accelerating supplements are Guarana, a blend of ECA, Yohimibine, Carnitine, and green tea extract.
Protein Blends

In addition to wanting to lose weight, some girls also want a little muscle mass. You shouldn't be surprised at this, but it happens quite often. By strengthening the muscles, a dress or jeans will effectively emphasize the girl's shape. As you know, for building muscles, you need the appropriate materials - protein compounds.
The most effective is whey protein, which has a complete amine profile and is rapidly absorbed by the body. Today, it is generally accepted that preference should be given to isolate or waterproofing when choosing protein mixtures, since they have a maximum absorption rate. However, in the course of recent scientific research, it has been established that they do not give serious advantages. Thus, girls can safely buy concentrate or isolate. Note that the cost of the first type of protein mixture is the most acceptable.
In addition, you can pay attention to casein. This type of protein compound is processed within a few hours, and all this time the body receives amines. This can prove to be a very valuable property not only for using casein in the evening, but throughout the day.
Vitamin complexes

Girls who are active in life cannot do without vitamins. You should also remember the importance of minerals. For the female body, this is even more important in comparison with men. It should be noted that guys in general can get by with ordinary vitamins from the pharmacy, but girls need these substances in high concentrations. Today, special complexes for women are being produced, which should be paid attention to.
Supplements to improve the functioning of the articular-ligamentous apparatus

It is already known for sure that you can only change your body with the help of strength training. Fitness is certainly good, but if you want to see good results, then barbells and dumbbells cannot be ignored.
The ligamentous-articular apparatus of a woman is not designed for lifting weights for a long time. For this reason, it becomes necessary to introduce special supplements containing collagen and glucosamine into the diet. This will save you from crunching and discomfort in your joints.
Pre-workout complexes

Although there is still a lot of debate about their effectiveness, girls will find this form of sports nutrition very beneficial. Apart from work, our women spend a lot of time cooking, taking care of children and going to supermarkets for groceries. But you also have to go to work. In such a rhythm of life, sometimes there is no time to visit the gym, and at this moment the use of a pre-workout complex will charge you with energy and invigorate.
Ginkgo Biloba

This supplement is often referred to as the longevity elixir. The main task of Ginkgo Biloba is to protect the body from free radicals. But this is not the only beneficial property of the supplement. Biloba also helps to improve blood circulation in the brain, which leads to improved oxygen transport to cells. As a result, the brain begins to function more efficiently.

You probably already know about this group of amines - leucine, valine, and isoleucine. They have powerful anti-catabolic properties and will protect your muscles from breakdown. If your financial situation allows you, then do not forget about these supplements.
Omega fats

These are very important substances that can only enter the body from the outside. Omegas have a wide range of positive effects on the body. For example, taking supplements containing these substances can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, strengthen your body's defense mechanisms, improve the condition of your hair and nails, speed up your metabolism, and more.
Anna Borisova talks about supplements for women's health in this video: