Balkan hound: features of care and maintenance of the dog

Balkan hound: features of care and maintenance of the dog
Balkan hound: features of care and maintenance of the dog

The appearance of the Balkan hound, appearance, character and health, how to care for the breed: walking a pet, diet, training, interesting facts. Puppy cost. For a long time, Balkan hounds were helpers of people on the hunt. Possessing excellent physical characteristics, they helped to catch a variety of game, from large to small. The breed was formed a long time ago and has remained unchanged for many centuries. Being very popular in their homeland, abroad, there are not very many of these hounds.

The emergence of the Balkan Hound breed

Two Balkan Hounds
Two Balkan Hounds

Widespread in the Balkan Peninsula, the Balkan hound or Balkan hound is most closely associated with Serbia. The ancestors of this breed are the oldest Molossian hunting dogs, which were the ancestors of numerous working breeds in Europe. As such, there were no common rigid criteria uniting them. In the past, hounds have existed in many types, and they can be classified as one of the oldest dogs on the planet.

The Middle East is the region where they originally originated. Historically, these places are the birthplace of the oldest civilizations on the planet: Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. From these vast lands, the hounds spread to other countries. First they were brought to Asia, and then to Europe. In the European part of the world, they arose in more than one way.

Researchers report that one of the groups of chasing-type dogs was brought to European countries by the Phoenician peoples. These dogs, having the same roots with the hounds of Greece, were distinguished by the peculiarity of rarely barking, which is not at all inherent in modern canines of this type, and is even considered a big flaw. Much later, hounds of Russian and Polish origin appeared in the Balkans. The Russian zoologist and naturalist Leonid Pavlovich Sabaneev, after conducting research, wrote that these varieties have common roots with Chinese hounds.

The earliest written mention of the breed dates back to around 1005. A mysterious man named Frank Laska, along with descriptions of the sarcophagi of ancient Egypt, mentioned several hounds from this region. As a breed, the Balkan Hound was formed around the 1700s and since then, its parameters have remained virtually unchanged.

Balkan hounds have traditionally been used in packs to participate in massive, large deer and wild boar hunts. But they are also excellent hunters for wolves, foxes, hares and rabbits. These hounds are excellent at destroying rats and mice and possess the qualities of a watchdog, due to their attentiveness and predisposition to bark.

The first standard was finally written in 1954. And the breed received world recognition only ten years later, in 1955. For many years, these hounds have been immensely popular among all Balkan hunters. But despite this, they are moderately common outside their homeland.

The Yugoslav civil wars contributed to the fact that the country disintegrated into several republics. After these events, the name of the breed was officially changed to Serbian Hound. Although out of habit, breeders all over the world still call them Balkan hounds. The new name may cause some confusion, because in the past, another hunting dog was found with the name of the old Serbian hound, which today is considered extinct.

At this time, in the mountains of Serbia, there are countless wild pigs. The hunt for them is open almost all year round because they bother local farmers too much, destroying their crops. Balkan hounds help local hunters to control the number of wild boars. These dogs are very popular, as they are physically strong, viscous (hold prey well until the owner approaches), and they have a fairly strong voice.

Description of the appearance of the Balkan hound

Balkan hound in the snow
Balkan hound in the snow

It is a sturdy dog of medium size, muscular build with firm bones. Height at the withers in males is 46–56 cm, in bitches 44–54 cm. The weight of males is 32–44 kg and bitches are 20–35 kg.

  1. Head elongated, the skull is slightly rounded. The forehead is wide. The tubercle on the back of the head is well developed.
  2. Muzzle well developed, rectangular, equal to the length of the head. The bridge of the nose is smooth. The stop from forehead to muzzle is moderate. The lips are full, slightly hanging over the lower jaw. Jaws and dentition, powerful. Scissor bite.
  3. Nose - large, with wide nostrils, always only black.
  4. Eyes Balkan hound oblique cut, not large, oval. Shades of dark brown are more desirable.
  5. Ears set on high, of medium length and width. They hang down and lie close to the cheeks.
  6. Neck of medium placement, strong and slightly curved. Withers protruding.
  7. Frame - Slightly oblong, with well-developed long and powerful muscles. The ribcage is harmonious in width and length. The muscular back forms a straight line. The loin is strong. The croup is muscular. The bottom line is perfectly taut.
  8. Tail dogs slightly curved, long. The beginning of his growth, just below the back line.
  9. Front limbs - Powerful, muscular and parallel, with muscular shoulder blades. The hindquarters are strong, with well-developed muscular thighs.
  10. Paws - medium size, oval. Curved toes.
  11. Coat Balkan Hound is shiny, soft to the touch, adheres well to the skin. The undercoat is minimal.
  12. Color - mostly light brown shades. There are individuals of red, yellow-red and orange shades. There are dogs with a black "saddle", which is placed on the back, along the lower abdomen, reaching to the head, on which black spots are visible on both sides of the temples. In addition, there may be small black specks on the face.

The characteristic behavior of the Balkan hound

Balkan hound in the grass
Balkan hound in the grass

Balkan hounds are resilient, athletic and very strong. With a muscular, strong body and well-developed chest, the dogs are well suited to work in a wide range of landscapes, their homeland of Serbia. They are gentle by nature and very quick-witted, which makes them pleasant companions.

These energetic hounds require ample space and exercise. Proper socialization ensures that your pet does not enter into competition with other dogs. The hunting instincts of the Balkan hound can make it a threat to small animals, including neighboring cats. Canines of this breed are better suited for keeping in rural areas. But they will live well in the city if they are properly maintained and trained.

Balkan Hound Health

Balkan hound sitting
Balkan hound sitting

This kind of hounds are powerful and strong dogs. They have developed good immunity. On average, Balkan hounds live between twelve and fourteen years. There are few hereditary ailments in the breed. Basically, this is hip dysplasia. The greatest attention should be paid to constant examinations of the pet by a veterinarian.

An X-ray examination carried out in time will make it possible to identify the disease in a timely manner. And, of course, to make the correct diagnosis, to prescribe the necessary procedures in the form of taking internal and external drugs, massage and other physiotherapeutic procedures. Advanced stages of dysplasia are those when the dog cannot move normally. She does not naturally rearrange her limbs, trying to relieve pain. Such conditions are usually corrected by surgery. The animal cannot be completely cured. Dogs suffering from dysplasia are removed from breeding in order to reduce the fertility of offspring with such defects.

For an animal to be healthy, it must not only have good genetics. The puppy is completely in the hands of the owner and depends on his actions. A person can improve or harm the condition of a growing organism. A very large share of attention must be paid to the diet of a puppy until one year of age because during this period its bone and dental systems, gastrointestinal tract, heart with lungs, hair and sense of smell are formed.

Saving on nutritious food for your puppy will never allow you to get a great conformation from a hound. A lack of balanced food can develop rickets, form abnormal growth of the forelimbs, in the form of paws, and even blindness. The pet's coat will become dull and will constantly die off, that is, shed. Even if your dog has an excellent pedigree and excellent heredity, it will form a dry or tender bone, and the muscles will be loose and damp, which is not typical of the Balkan hound.

All hunting dogs are at great risk in the hunt - traumatic situations. A very large percentage of dogs receive lacerations from boar tusks, elk hooves, and more. The damage is not immediately noticeable. It can be internal. For example: hemorrhages, dislocations and fractures of bones, concussion or damage to nerve endings.

In order not to make things worse, the dog requires very gentle, careful handling. The owner must also observe his own safety, since the kindest pet in a shock, painful state can show aggression and bite. Serious wounds require urgent veterinary intervention. But, the owner must provide first aid to the animal. This often saves the dog's life.

Features of caring for a Balkan hound?

Balkan hound on a walk
Balkan hound on a walk
  1. Wool hounds are smooth and short, therefore, requires the attention of the owner during the period of its change. When a pet sheds, it needs to be combed out. It is best to do this every other day. A special rubber glove is perfect for manipulation. This material allows you to pull out more dead hairs. The glove gives a good massage to the dog's body and is comfortable to use. Balkan hounds are bathed, about twice a month, with shampoo, which must be diluted with water. Applying a pure detergent concentrate can cause a pH imbalance and cause dandruff on your dog's skin. Rinse off all chemicals well so as not to provoke the same effect.
  2. Teeth these hounds need to be cleaned. Very often, there is an opinion among owners that if the dog chews bones or sticks, this will help remove plaque from the teeth. Natural bones are a mortal danger to a pet. Chipped them can cut into the gastrointestinal tract, and also very clog the intestines. Sticks and bones help to grind the dog's teeth.
  3. Ears hanging forms are less ventilated and need to be cleaned quite often. Also, inspect the outside of them. If there are scratches or cuts, then they should be regularly wiped and smeared with healing ointment. If this is not done, the infection will spread deeper into the ear canal and severe inflammation will result.
  4. Eyes Balkan hounds are often injured when hunting. Mechanical injuries are often not immediately noticed. Branches and twigs of trees, when the dog runs at high speed, can leave a barely noticeable fossa on the cornea of the eye. On contact with them, small splinters or plant chips may remain in the eye. If they are not removed, there will be a violation of the structure of the eyeball. To avoid loss of vision, they need to be urgently removed. Therefore, for all eye injuries, urgently take your four-legged friend to the veterinarian-ophthalmologist.
  5. Claws hunting dogs, as a rule, grind down themselves, moving a lot. But, if the animal lives in the city, then, as a rule, the claws grow back faster. Their length must be shortened with claws or a file.
  6. Feeding Balkan hounds in the hunting season has its own differences. On the eve of the event, the pet must be well fed. And on the day of hunting, in the early hours, they give ten to fifteen percent of the daily ration of food, so that the dog is most energetic during the hunt. Moreover, of this amount of food, if it is natural, most of it is raw, scalded meat. It should not be ground, this will contribute to the malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Cut the meat into small pieces. It is also not recommended to feed a pet with only meat products. The dog should get both fiber and carbohydrates, that is, a small amount of vegetables and a little more cereals. Once a week, give a raw egg. Dairy products are also required, such as cottage cheese and kefir, but not milk. The body of an adult dog does not assimilate it. Milk can cause intestinal upset. Consistent intake of small amounts of fish oil, vitamin and mineral supplements will strengthen the dog's body. A working pet, which moves all the time, fulfilling its duties, and spends the night in an aviary, needs to be fed more than the dog that lives in an apartment.
  7. Walking Balkan hound are bound to be extensive. If a dog lives in the countryside with a hunter, then of course, it will be in motion more than a dog living in an urban environment. When living in an apartment, the owner is obliged to create an active, daily walk for his hound, at least an hour, three times a day.

On weekends, the pet is taken to the dressing, training stations. Only there, this dog will receive the necessary physical activity and great satisfaction from them. A dog in which the accumulated energy is seething will become nervous. In the house, he will behave inadequately. Damaging your property will become a constant occupation for him.

Balkan Hound dog training

Balkan hounds with a master
Balkan hounds with a master

A hunting dog always needs a dressing, that is, training in how to resist the beast. This school is for both the dog and the hunter. In the forest, when hunting directly, the hound is in close contact with the beast. Without enough experience, the Balkan hound is in serious danger. In addition, a number of sequential actions are required from the dog.

So, one cannot do without purposeful and systematic preparation. The baiting is carried out in a relatively confined space and helps the hunter to understand the dog, to determine its inclinations, demeanor, and reaction to various situations. In natural conditions, a young Balkan hound can be interfered with by other people, dogs or animals that are not needed at this moment.

Almost any situation can be simulated on the attachment, both for a beginner and for an experienced hunter. Most of the year, hunter-dog breeders do not have the opportunity to go hunting - not the season. This is when the test stations become a resting place for the whole family. Here you can show yourself and look at others. Also, the testing stations are nurseries for controlled breeding of animals.

Interesting facts about the Balkan hound

Balkan hound on a leash
Balkan hound on a leash

Serbian breeders believe that the Balkan hounds, first of all, must be socialized. A dog must know children, other people, cats, and his fellow dog tribe - the Balkan hound must know and love everyone around.

This approach to education distinguishes Serbian hunters from Russian hunters. Our hunters, on the contrary, try not to accustom their hounds to strangers. This is due to large thefts of dogs. In Serbia, if a dog is missing, then each person considers it his duty to inform the owner of the find and completely free of charge. It is customary for Balkan hounds to wear collars with all the requisites: address, owner's phone number and dog's name.

Buying and price of a Balkan hound

Balkan Hound puppy
Balkan Hound puppy

Decide what you need this hound for. If hunting, look for a puppy from the working lines. If you want a pet, then take an inactive puppy. The price of a puppy is $ 300-400.

What the Balkan hound looks like, see the video below:
