If you have a great harvest of plums, then freeze them for the winter. Then at any time of the year you can bake a pie, make mashed potatoes, plum sauce for meat or make jam. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Almost everyone knows how to freeze plums. But not everyone knows that there are several ways to freeze! Some freeze fruits in halves, some with seeds, and there are fans of chopping pods in puree. Today we will consider the first option for preparing pitted halves of plums. This method is the most important for further use and preparation of other dishes. Since halves of frozen plums can easily be stuffed with a bird for baking in the oven to a festive table. Either boil compote or jam from them, bake a fragrant pie, make jam or sauce. Consider the following tips before freezing.
- For freezing, choose plum varieties with easily separable pits. For example, the best variety: Hungarian. Round plums can also be frozen. If the plums are small, then freeze them with a stone.
- Choose not overripe fruits, but harder, but ripe ones. Overripe fruits will creep into "porridge", so they are not suitable for freezing.
- Having bought the fruits of a suitable variety, they should first be sorted out, removing specimens with wormholes, cracks and any other damage. Also sort out all soft and too ripe, especially with juicy pulp. Use only dry and firm plums. They are ideal for freezing.
See also how to dry pitted plums.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 78 kcal.
- Servings - Any Amount
- Cooking time - 30 minutes preparatory work

White plums - any quantity
Step by step preparation of frozen white plums in pitted halves, recipe with photo:

1. Sort out the plums. Place them in a saucepan and rinse thoroughly under running cold water.

2. Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds. Leave the halves of the fruit to dry on a paper or cloth towel or board. It is necessary that all moisture is gone and the fruits are frozen completely dry.

3. As such, place them on a tray or cutting board covered with cling film. This will help in the future easier to remove the fruits from it. Place the baking sheet in the freezer for 3-4 hours, but longer so that the wedges freeze well. Turn on the "fast" freezing mode at -23 ° С.

4. Then transfer them to a bag or special container for further storage. Store frozen pitted white plums in halves further in the freezer at a temperature of at least -15 degrees until the next season. If the temperature is less, then keep them for six months.
See also a video recipe on how to freeze plums for the winter.