How to get rid of cracked heels

How to get rid of cracked heels
How to get rid of cracked heels

Why do heels crack? What are the methods to solve the problem? How to care for the skin on the heels?

Cracked heels are an unpleasant and painful problem that occurs against the background of a fungal infection, drying out of the skin and increased formation of the stratum corneum. The injuries can cause severe pain during physical activity. This problem requires an immediate solution and comprehensive elimination. But before that, you need to find out the causes of cracked heels and, ideally, visit a beautician.

What are cracked heels?

What do cracked heels look like?
What do cracked heels look like?

In the photo there are cracks on the heels

Cracks in the feet and heels are not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also painful and sometimes even dangerous. These are small scars that grow into wounds, become deeper and can cause inflammation and pain when walking.

Cracks can occur in men and girls, often after 30 years, when the skin becomes dry and dense, although physiologically, the integument on the heels is coarser than on the rest of the body. This is due to the increased load and the need to provide additional protection.

If the skin is saturated with vitamins and minerals, then it is elastic and smooth, with a healthy light pink tint. This state will persist as long as proper care is taken. If you do not deal with the skin of the heels, it will begin to dry out, thicken, crack, and deep wounds will begin to appear.

Very often, the cause of cracked heels is associated with fungal infections, diabetes and loss of skin elasticity. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a podiatrist to confirm the presence of a specific problem and receive advice on care.

Note! First, notches appear on the heels, which eventually develop into cracks and wounds.

The main causes of cracked heels

Uncomfortable shoes cause cracked heels
Uncomfortable shoes cause cracked heels

In fact, there are many provoking factors for the development of such a problem. This is overweight, and advanced age, and gastritis. It is necessary to immediately determine why cracks appear, and then choose the optimal care and treatment.

Possible causes of cracked heels include:

  • Development of vitamin deficiency … As practice shows, damage often occurs in people who suffer from a lack of vitamin E and A. It is these components that are responsible for the healthy appearance of the skin.
  • Diabetes … People with this condition often suffer from dry skin.
  • Dysfunction or pathology of internal organs … Thyroid and liver problems can worsen skin condition.
  • Metabolic disorders … Lack of vitamins or improper absorption of nutrients affects not only the condition of the skin, but also the whole organism.
  • Fungal infections … One of the symptoms of the fungus is dry skin.
  • Reaction to synthetics … Wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes, or using synthetic socks worsens the condition of the skin.
  • Increased physical activity … Due to frequent walking, the stratum corneum thickens and dryness occurs.

Interestingly, in the warm season, the top layer of the skin stretches due to moisture, and in the cold season it becomes drier, and it is then that cracks and peeling appear. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the condition of the skin of the legs in winter and autumn.

If wounds on the feet are formed constantly and have a pronounced character, you need to go for diagnosis to a podologist. This doctor deals with problems and diseases of the feet associated with thickening of the skin. When symptoms such as itching, redness, or peeling of nails are added to dryness, the help of a dermatologist is indispensable.

If the symptoms are subtle, not related to wearing tight shoes or health problems, the cause of dry skin should be sought in improper care:

  • Removal of the stratum corneum … Some girls are used to removing the dry and stratum corneum with a razor, which is unacceptable. Since the damaged area will regenerate faster and the rough skin will grow much more.
  • Using harsh abrasive tools … The use of pumice violates the integrity of the layer, because of this, burrs are formed, and then cracks.
  • Polishing … Enhanced polishing injures the skin, and the stratum corneum begins to grow more actively.

See also how to care for your heels.

How to remove cracked heels?

If you're wondering how to get rid of cracked heels, check out modern beauty products and homemade recipes. The main thing is that the care is comprehensive, constant and varied.

Creams for cracked heels

Anti-cracked heel cream
Anti-cracked heel cream

If such an unpleasant problem as cracked heels occurs, it is recommended to use products with salicylic or lactic acid, oils, vitamins and glycerin, which are considered the most effective.

TOP 5 effective creams for cracked heels:

  • Nature med … Heels ok is one of the best choices. The components of the composition moisturize, soften and restore the skin. Suitable for both men and women, absorbs quickly, gives instant results. Price - from 100 to 150 rubles.
  • Natural Spa … Contains tea tree oil. Revitalizes skin quickly with nourishing jojoba and shea oils. There are no chemical components in the composition, so the cream does not cause allergies. It is absorbed for a long time. Price - up to 150 rubles.
  • Granny Agafia's Recipes … The cream for cracked heels has a light and pleasant texture, instant absorption and no allergic reaction. Consumption is quite economical, no greasy spots remain on the skin, deeply moisturizes due to vitamin E in the composition. The nourishing cream has a high concentration of useful components and even relieves corns. The price is about 120 rubles.
  • Scholl Active Repair K +. Promotes hydration, nourishment, skin softening and wound healing. The tool allows you to achieve visible results after 10 days of use. The cream is economical in consumption, it is enough to apply it 2 times a day. The price is about 350 rubles.
  • Green Pharmacy "Healing cracks" … Designed specifically for the problem of cracked heels and dry calluses. The composition is quite diverse and natural, therefore it is hypoallergenic. The cream softens the skin well, nourishes and moisturizes it, activates skin regeneration. But for people with sensitive skin, it is better not to use. The approximate cost is up to 150 rubles.

Homemade recipes for cracked heels

Soap for cracked heels with nettles
Soap for cracked heels with nettles

If you correctly approach the solution to the problem and use a set of procedures for caring for the skin of the heels, you can achieve a lasting result in 10-14 days.

How to remove cracked heels at home:

  • Healing foot ointment … Mix a small amount of fresh bacon (50 g) in a blender, add the same amount of honey. Send the composition to the refrigerator. Use the product every day after cleansing and steaming your feet. Instead of lard, you can use melted fat and add some grated fresh carrots.
  • Potato peel decoction … Rinse the skins of the potatoes, transfer to a pot of water and put on fire. After 15 minutes, pour in milk (2 tablespoons) and vegetable oil (2 tablespoons). Boil for 15 minutes, cool and place in the leg infusion to soften the skin.
  • Vegetable oil compresses … The product has a wound healing effect, moisturizes and kills various bacteria. Stretch your feet, put on cotton socks soaked in oil (castor, almond or olive). Wrap with cling film and leave for several hours.
  • Grated apple or onion lotions … Grate the prepared products, put the resulting composition on a small piece of dense fabric and place on the feet. Wrap cling film over the top of the leg. Leave the product overnight, and in the morning rinse off with warm water.
  • Cabbage leaves … A cabbage leaf will help get rid of fatigue and heal wounds. To do this, grease the cleaned legs with honey, put a fresh cabbage leaf on top. Wrap with cling film, put on socks. Leave it overnight.
  • Oatmeal … Cook porridge in two servings, add vegetable oil (4 tablespoons), take plastic bags and spread the porridge over them in equal proportions. Place your legs inside the bags, wrap something warm on top. Leave it on for 2 hours. Rinse with warm water and use a moisturizer. Repeat the procedure every day for a week.
  • Recipe for cracked heels with nettles … Buy dry nettle at the pharmacy, pour the leaves (2 tablespoons) with boiling water (1 liter), let it brew and cool. In the resulting bath, lower your feet for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Repeat the procedure every day for 2 weeks.
  • Aloe and oil … This emulsion will help to quickly heal wounds, accelerate regeneration and soften the skin. To create a remedy for cracked heels, mix together aloe oil (80 ml), castor (50 ml) and eucalyptus (50 ml) oil. The resulting liquid should be stored in the refrigerator and lubricated with it every day after cleansing.
  • Compress with petroleum jelly for deep cracks … Dissolve a little boric acid in a warm bath (1 teaspoon per 200 ml). Dip your legs into it, leave for steaming. Wipe dry, apply petroleum jelly to your heels and cover with a wide band-aid. Put on cotton socks on top. Leave the compress overnight, rinse off with warm water in the morning. Repeat the procedure every day until the wounds heal.

Read more on how to clean your heels with hydrogen peroxide at home.

How to care for the skin of the heels?

How to care for your heels
How to care for your heels

Preventing a problem is much easier than solving it. Therefore, it is important to adhere to the basic rules for the prevention of cracked heels. All care procedures must be carried out on time. We are talking about pedicure, removal of keratinized skin, foot baths, elimination of wounds.

Basic rules on how to prevent cracked heels:

  • It is important to choose the right footwear. Shoes should not be too tight, high-heeled, or low-quality materials.
  • After each foot wash, a moisturizer should be applied, even twice a day if necessary.
  • It is recommended to scrub the feet twice a week.
  • To speed up the process of separating the stratum corneum, it is worth using special ointments with salicylic or lactic acid, glycerin from cracked heels or creams based on it.
  • It is better to use smooth polishing tools to remove the stratum corneum.
  • After visiting the pool, bath and other public places, you need to use antifungal agents.
  • If a crack does form, you will need special medical glue to close it, preventing inflammation and further infection. The glue is applied once, in two days the product dries completely, and after a week you can start skincare procedures.
  • The diet should include more fruits and vegetables, seafood, if necessary, take vitamin complexes.

Nursing procedures are recommended to be repeated at regular intervals - after 2 days, 5 or every 10 days, depending on the neglect of the problem.

Important! The most unpleasant and dangerous thing that can happen is that the damaged area will become inflamed, abscesses and edema will begin to form. In this case, you need to seek help from a beautician. Also, you cannot do without his intervention if home procedures do not work.

How to get rid of cracked heels - watch the video:

To avoid the question of what to do with cracked heels, it is important to monitor the condition of the skin. Specialized creams and home cosmetics come to the rescue. The main thing is not to forget to take care of the skin on the legs and react in time to the worsening of the situation.