Cracked lips - causes and methods of struggle

Cracked lips - causes and methods of struggle
Cracked lips - causes and methods of struggle

What are lip cracks? Why does such a problem arise, how is it dangerous? Home remedies for dry and cracked lips.

Cracked lips are damage to the skin that indicates a lack of fluid in the body. Often this unpleasant manifestation is accompanied by other signs, for example, seizures. The main reasons for the appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips are excessive dryness of the skin, temperature drops, vitamin deficiency. There are many ways to get rid of the problem, and most of them are available at home.

What are lip cracks?

Cracked lips of a girl
Cracked lips of a girl

In the photo there are cracks on the lips

Cracks, like peeling lips, do not look aesthetically pleasing, in addition, they cause a lot of inconvenience. Deep wounds make it difficult to talk, eat, smile, all this is accompanied by painful sensations. It is not difficult to see them, we are talking about large or small wounds located in the corners of the lips or on top of the skin.

Most often, the lower lip is affected, which is associated with its mobility and stretching. As for the corners of the mouth, this is the most vulnerable area due to the accumulation of saliva, food and bacteria.

Sometimes it may seem that wounds appear accidentally and for no apparent reason, but the main reason for their appearance is a decrease in immunity, the period of exacerbation is spring and autumn. At this time, it is worth limiting contact with others, since seizures are "transmitted" through household items or kisses.

In children, dry and cracked lips are often due to the fact that the child constantly licks and bites them. Moreover, the situation can become so complicated that the wounds cease to heal and begin to bleed.

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity suffer most from seized and dry skin. Frequent application of lipsticks, gloss, and other types of makeup is irritating. The impact of the environment (snow, wind, salt water) and the lack of vitamins in the body further aggravate the condition.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to the choice of care products using only natural and certified products.

Reasons for the appearance of cracks on the lips

Weather conditions as a cause of cracked lips
Weather conditions as a cause of cracked lips

There are many reasons for cracks on the lips, which one provoked the problem, it is necessary to find out before starting to eliminate it. The most common predisposing factors for skin damage are environmental influences, vitamin deficiencies or inadequate hydration.

Other causes of skin damage and cracked lips

  • Dry air. When the skin is wet, some of the water evaporates and the surface of the lips becomes scaly.
  • Frost or high fever. Weather conditions immediately affect the condition of the skin of the lips, because they lead to a rapid acceleration of the evaporation of moisture from their surface. All this causes cracks in the corners of the lips.
  • Intolerance to toothpaste or cosmetics. The composition of such products can cause allergies, one of the symptoms of which is dryness and sores that form on the lips.

There are other reasons why cracks appear in the corners of the lips, including stress, bad habits, poor or improper oral hygiene, pregnancy, dehydration, or skin damage.

How to get rid of cracked lips?

There are many options for solving the problem - using specialized cosmetics or homemade recipes. The main thing is to determine the cause and an integrated approach to eliminate the problem.

Cosmetics for cracked lips

Sea buckthorn oil for cracked lips
Sea buckthorn oil for cracked lips

When talking about what to do with cracked lips, the first thing to do is restore water balance. To do this, you should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Adequate amount of fluid will speed up wound healing, remove toxins and normalize metabolism.

From cosmetics, you can use the following:

  1. Synthomycin emulsion … The tool quickly heals wounds, has an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect. But not suitable for moisturizing. You need to use it 3 times a day, applying a small amount to the site of damage. The course of treatment is 7 days. Cost - from 30 rubles.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil … A fairly effective natural remedy with instant action. The oil fills the lips with moisture, nourishes them, heals damage and destroys viruses. It is recommended to apply it every day for 2 weeks. Price - from 100 rubles.
  3. Bepanten cream / ointment … Than to smear cracks on the lips, it is this tool, which provides an antiseptic effect and promotes wound healing. Due to the oily texture, the cream moisturizes the skin well. It must be applied 3 times a week. But the result will be noticeable after the first day of application. The price is about 400 rubles.
  4. Borough Plus … Differs in hypoallergenic composition, copes well with bacteria and fungi, accelerates tissue regeneration and prevents their appearance. It is recommended to apply it twice a day for a week. The cost is about 150 rubles.
  5. Solcoseryl … It activates the metabolic process and accelerates the healing of injuries. Also, the tool has an analgesic effect and protects the wound from infection by covering it with a transparent film. The cost is about 500 rubles.

Judging by the reviews, a good result can be achieved after applying ointments: zinc, Vishnevsky, Levomekol, Iruksol. The funds are general healing and are used for deep, inflamed wounds.

Important! If cracks in the corners of the lips of an adult arise due to exposure to weather conditions or vitamin deficiency, you can resort to decorative cosmetics, for example, regenerating and nourishing balms from Reve De Miel Nuxe, Melvita, Nutritic La Roche Posay, Vitamin E The Body Shop.

Homemade recipes for cracked lips

Vitamin A and E from cracked lips
Vitamin A and E from cracked lips

When lip cracks do not heal and get deeper, using balms alone will not be enough. You can resort to homemade recipes, which are effective, efficient, fast and hypoallergenic, because all the ingredients of the formulations are natural.

A few simple recipes for getting rid of sores and lip seizures:

  • Vegetable oil and vitamin A … Stir the butter (1 tsp) with a little vitamin. Lubricate your lips with the prepared mixture. For these purposes, you can use a cotton pad, soak on your lips for about 30 minutes.
  • Pork fat and honey … Combine honey (2 tablespoons) and ghee (1 tablespoon). Lubricate the wound after each meal.
  • Apple compress … Grate half the apple on a fine grater, add sour cream or cream (1 tsp). Apply the composition to the skin for 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure every other day.
  • Antibacterial mask … If wounds and inflammations are provoked by herpes, make a special mixture. To do this, melt petroleum jelly (1 tsp) in a water bath, add tea tree oil (5-10 drops), stir. Apply the remedy to the wounds twice a day for a week. The composition has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect.
  • Home hygienic lipstick … Use beeswax or cocoa butter (3 tablespoons) for the base. Melt in a water bath. Add orange essential oil (5 drops) and peach oil (10 drops). If you want to add plumpness and volume to thin lips, orange oil can be replaced with peppermint oil. This will cause mild burning, numbness, and blood flow. After a few hours, the lips will become more expressive.
  • Gentle honey peeling … Special lip scrubs can be replaced with home remedies. To do this, apply candied honey to your toothbrush and massage the lip area to remove the stratum corneum. This manipulation is recommended to be repeated 1-2 times a week.
  • Peeling from coffee and honey … Mix honey (1 tablespoon) and ground coffee (1 tablespoon), you can use brewed cake. Add a couple of drops of olive oil. Instead of coffee, you can use semolina or oatmeal. Massage your skin gently and wash off with warm water. The main thing is that the consistency of the scrub is soft and does not damage the thin skin on the lips.
  • Vitamin A and E capsules or ampoules … For cracked lips, vitamins have the best effect. It is enough to crush one ampoule and rub the contents into the skin. Repeat the manipulation 5 times a day. The very next day, you can see a positive effect.
  • Aloe juice … Cut off a small piece every day, cut lengthwise and lubricate your lips up to 5 times a day.
  • Mask for deep and painful wounds … If the skin on the lips is severely chapped and the wounds are deep and painful, a special mask can be prepared to reduce the severity of symptoms. To do this, mix egg yolk (1 piece), pure glycerin (50 g) and boric acid (25 g). Treat lesions 2 times a day until complete healing.
  • Aevit … Buy capsules, open them and spread them over the lips. Repeat the manipulation daily for a week. Helps with weakened immunity and chapped lips.

Important! The main helpers in the process of solving this problem are vitamin complexes, olive and sea buckthorn oil, honey.

How to care for your lips?

Lip balm
Lip balm

Subject to the rules of hygiene and care of the skin of the lips, it will be possible to quickly get rid of the wounds.

To do this, follow simple guidelines

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day to maintain a normal balance.
  2. Normalize your diet. Add fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, eggs, cottage cheese to the menu.
  3. In addition, take mineral and vitamin complexes, especially in cold weather.
  4. Do not use lipstick or gloss that contains petroleum jelly or mineral oils. These components prevent the skin from breathing and do not have a moisturizing effect.
  5. Always use special hygienic lipstick in winter to prevent chapping, dryness and cracking.
  6. Linseed oil can be an alternative to a nourishing and regenerating cream.
  7. Massage your lips daily to improve blood circulation and accelerate cell renewal.
  8. Provide proper oral care.
  9. Do not use other people's cosmetics and hygiene products.
  10. Try not to breathe through your mouth outside in winter or if you have a cold.
  11. Do not lick or bite your lips.

How to get rid of cracked lips - watch the video:

Cracked lips, seizures, dryness - these problems bring discomfort and spoil the appearance. Getting rid of them is pretty easy. You can use ointments, creams, balms and proven folk recipes. Take a holistic and systematic approach and you will see noticeable improvement in just a few days.
