Effective acne remedies

Effective acne remedies
Effective acne remedies

The desire for beauty is inherent in both sexes and at almost any age. There is an external attractiveness, and there is an internal fulfillment of a person. Even the most titled miss of beauty contests sometimes fade before this wealth. However, this is just a lyrical digression, and today we want to talk about such a prosaic phenomenon as acne. A person's appearance and his inner content should harmoniously complement each other. And yet, the first acquaintance begins with eye contact. Therefore, everyone wants to have beautiful, smooth and, of course, not pimpled skin.

This is especially important in adolescence and adolescence. Young people are just entering the diversity of life, the taste of new acquaintances and contacts, and here every day you have new "gifts" - now on the forehead, now on the cheeks, now on the chin. Usually rashes calm down somewhere around 25 years old, and sometimes even later.

It happens that acne appears in adults as well. They do not pose a particular danger to human health, but they spoil the quality of life. The concept of "acne" is a common name for all types of rashes - these are small pustules with black and white heads (acne), and common pimples, and red inflamed formations that appear on the skin of the face, neck, as well as on the shoulders, back and chest.

We will not consider the origin of acne now. Our task is to resist them as effectively as possible and to do everything possible so that the skin is clean and does not cause a feeling of discomfort and self-doubt. It is important.

Acne treatment with antibacterial drugs

Acne treatment with antibacterial drugs
Acne treatment with antibacterial drugs

There are many medications that are effective against breakouts. You just need to correctly determine which tool is right for you.

There are three degrees of acne manifestation:

1. Light form

It is characterized by a single manifestation of acne, sometimes inflamed.

Antibacterial drugs are recommended: Baziron AS, Zinerit, Dalatsin, Curiosin, Aknebay cream, Iron, Differin. Also shown is a product containing azelaic acid called "Skinoren" (available in the form of a cream).

2. Average form

Large, inflamed pimples are not observed. And there are many small ones. In this case, more serious treatment is required, since they can leave behind scars, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of!

Antibacterial agents are shown the same as in the first case. You also need the use of antibiotics inside (Erythromycin, Clindamycin). However, the drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a cosmetologist (not just a “cosmetologist”, but a “cosmetologist!” - these are different professions, in the second case they require certain knowledge and skills to treat such skin diseases), no self-activity.

3. Severe form

It is characterized by a large number of small, inflamed pimples, among which there are also large ones.

Treatment with special drugs of strong action is mandatory, since with this form, in 90% of cases, small and large scars remain on the skin.

Antibacterial agents as in the first and second cases. Antibiotics "Doxocycline" only as prescribed by a doctor. You can use no more than antibacterial drugs (Chlorhexidine, for example) on your own.

Antibiotics and retinoids are effective, but they have serious side effects, so first it is better to use antibacterial creams, ointments and gels, and turn to traditional medicine. And only if there is no result, consult a doctor for the prescription of potent drugs. Effective remedies for acne include ointments - zinc and sulfuric.

1. Zinc ointment for acne

This is the best acne remedy. The ointment is one of the simplest external medicines. It has excellent anti-inflammatory and hygroscopic properties. It has no side effects. During the day, a thin layer of ointment should be applied to the affected skin 4-5 times. The tool does an excellent job with acne, dries the skin.

2. Sulfuric ointment for acne

Sulfur ointment affects all factors in the development of acne and helps with almost all types of acne. However, misuse can be harmful. The ointment should only be used once a day at night. Apply to inflamed areas or the entire face in a thin layer. The ointment dries out the skin, so it is imperative to use high-quality moisturizers. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 1 month. Sulfur ointment is very effective in fighting acne.

Video - cheap effective tools:

Popular recipes for acne:

Popular recipes for acne
Popular recipes for acne

1. Cucumber lotion

Grate a medium-sized cucumber, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Add 1 tbsp. l of natural honey. Lotion intensively lubricate the skin in places where acne appears.

2. Mint lotion

One Art. l peppermint pour 0.5 tbsp. boiling water and insist for 15 minutes. After the infusion strain, add 1 tbsp. l tincture of calendula and boric alcohol, 1 tsp of lemon juice. Wipe pimples in the morning and evening.

3. Tincture of white lily

An effective remedy for acne is white lily tincture. Put 0.5 tbsp in a glass dish. crushed petals and several whole ones. Pour with vodka (200 ml), cork and leave for 4-5 weeks in a dark place. Tincture to wipe problem areas where acne has formed. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

Traditional medicine is rich in many proven and effective recipes. However, there is one more condition that must be met without fail. Acne usually loves oily skin, so you need to keep it clean and perform daily hygiene procedures using special solutions for the care of oily skin.

In any pharmacy, you can find inexpensive, effective products for morning and evening washing. Before going to bed, the skin must be cleaned of daytime makeup and treated with special cosmetics. For this, it will not be superfluous to visit a cosmetologist. He will prescribe the necessary cosmetics and will also write a daily skin care schedule.

Video about acne, acne and acne treatment:
