Find out how in a short period of time you can gain huge muscle mass and at the same time become the owner of a relief belly. What the person did not do, but the desire to look attractive remains unchanged. If you play sports, then you have an excellent chance to prepare for the summer: melt fat, gain muscle. It is in the spring that the influx of visitors is observed in most halls, since the beach season is coming soon and many are beginning to prepare for it.
However, it can be very problematic to defeat the fat accumulated over the winter. Of course, bodybuilding is a good helper in this matter, but sometimes you can't do without special fat burning supplements. With their help, metabolism is accelerated, excess fluid is removed from the body, and the muscles acquire a relief. Here are the main types of fat burners:
- Thyroid stimulants.
- Diuretics
- Omega-3.
- L-carnitine.
- Thermogenics.
- Nutrient blockers.
All these drugs differ in the mechanisms of work, properties, and they have one thing in common - the ability to accelerate the process of fat burning. Very often drugs are combined to get the maximum result.
Often, a fat burner strongly stimulates the nervous system, loads the heart, etc. When using them, it is very important to consider their compatibility. For example, the combination of thermogenics with Carnitine is very effective. This is due to the ability of Carnitine to protect all systems and organs from the negative effects of thermogenics, as well as muscle tissue from catabolic reactions. To this combination can be added omega-3 and nutrient blockers (fats and carbohydrates).
L-carnitine for weight loss

Quite often you can find reviews of people claiming that L-carnitine is not effective. And in fact, you probably won't feel the effects of taking carnitine. This substance does not belong to those products that burn fat in front of your eyes, but thanks to its effect, it will be much easier to lose weight. L-carnitine is a nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid and is not an amine. Scientists have ranked it among the group of vitamin-like substances, and the body uses methionine and lysine for its production. Carnitine's job is to deliver fatty acids to the mitochondria, where energy is produced from them.
Since the energy value of fats is twice as high as compared to protein compounds and carbohydrates, they are the best source of energy. However, the body is in no hurry to part with its fat reserves. Taking L-carnitine, you significantly accelerate the process of fatty acid oxidation, which not only allows you to burn fat more efficiently, but also get additional effects, many of which are very significant.
However, one should not expect immediate effects from Carnitine. The peculiarity of this substance is that it produces a mild effect on the body, strengthening it. By increasing the body's energy reserves, you increase the body's ability to withstand various negative factors, for example, infectious diseases. Carnitine can be effective only in combination with a balanced diet and exercise program. It is from ignorance of the mechanism of operation of the additive in specialized forums that statements appear in its inefficiency. Of course, the fat burning properties of Carnitine are significantly inferior to the same ECA mixture. At the same time, its cost is also not small, if the supplement is taken in an effective dosage.
Dosages also significantly affect the effectiveness of Carnitine. Scientists have found that for an average adult, the normal daily dose is 2 to 4 grams. For athletes, it will be higher and for an effective fight against fats it will be from 8 to 10 grams per day. We can confidently say that L-carnitine is efficient and can help you lose weight. To do this, it must be applied correctly, understanding the mechanism of work.
Dmitry Glebov talks about Karnitine in this video: