Egg roll stuffed with processed cheese

Egg roll stuffed with processed cheese
Egg roll stuffed with processed cheese

The most delicious snacks - this is your favorite dish in a new version. Make an egg roll stuffed with melted cheese - a delicate yet savory dish that can decorate any festive table.

Ready egg roll stuffed with processed cheese
Ready egg roll stuffed with processed cheese

Recipe content:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Step by step cooking
  3. Video recipes

Do you want to please your loved ones with something new or surprise guests with an unusual dish? Let's paraphrase: the new is the well-tested old! Everyone loves processed cheese spicy food, but it certainly isn't served as a roll! We suggest preparing an egg roll snack, which will not only make the serving more attractive, but also soften the pungency of the filling. And preparing such a dish will not be at all difficult if you follow our photos and tips. By the way, the filling can be made from any ingredients: chicken with cheese, mushrooms with onions and herbs, liver mousse, forshmak. Assorted egg rolls with different fillings will definitely become the center of the festive table!

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 200 kcal kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Processed cheese curds - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Greens - a few twigs
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Step by step preparation of egg roll stuffed with processed cheese

Beat eggs with a fork
Beat eggs with a fork

1. Let's prepare an egg pancake for a roll. To do this, break the eggs and beat them lightly with a fork or whisk.

Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper
Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper

2. A little mayonnaise, just a couple of teaspoons will make the pancake taste more expressive. By the way, you can replace mayonnaise with sour cream. Season with salt and pepper to taste. You can add a tablespoon of flour for density and mix thoroughly, but we wanted the roll to be very tender, so we limited ourselves only to eggs.

Cheese, herbs and garlic
Cheese, herbs and garlic

3. Prepare a spicy cheese filling. To do this, grate the processed cheese on a fine grater, combine with chopped herbs and add garlic passed through a press.

Add mayonnaise
Add mayonnaise

4. Season the filling with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly, making it homogeneous.

Baking an egg pancake
Baking an egg pancake

5. Let's bake an egg pancake to decorate a snack. Heat the pan and lightly sprinkle with vegetable oil. Pour the egg mass onto it and distribute it over the entire surface. Fry for 2-4 minutes over medium heat. When the egg grabs well, the pancake is ready.

Ready egg pancake
Ready egg pancake

6. We will not fry it on the other side, but simply transfer it to a plate or a large dish on which we will continue to work. We simply covered the pan with a cutting board and turned it over. Thus, the pale yellow, not browned side was at the bottom, and it is this that will become the outer side of the roll.

We distribute the filling
We distribute the filling

7. Spread the filling over the pancake, leaving a small edge intact.

Roll the pancake on the board
Roll the pancake on the board

8. We fold the pancake so that the edge without filling covers the roll and is at the bottom. You can wrap the roll in plastic wrap and send it to the cold for several hours, or you can serve it right away.

Piece of egg pancake
Piece of egg pancake

9. Cut the egg roll with cream cheese filling and serve. An unusual appetizer with a delicate base and spicy filling is ready. Bon Appetit.

See also video recipes:

1) Omelet roll with processed cheese, a very simple recipe

2) Egg Roll with Cream Cheese Oven Recipe
