Description of green cheese Pesto, recipe for making. Composition, benefits and harms to the body. Culinary uses, history of the variety.
Baziron, or green pesto, is a young Italian cheese developed in Genoa. The texture is firm, elastic; in the section, medium-sized, unevenly spaced eyes; color - green background with emerald and gray blotches due to spices; smell - spicy, garlic-herbal; the taste is reminiscent of the sauce of the same name, which contains basil, pine nuts, spices and olive oil. It is produced both in the form of cylinders weighing 2, 5-4, 5 kg, and briquettes with rounded edges - 2, 5-3, 5 kg. The shape of the head depends on the fat content in relation to the dry matter. For cylinders it is 48-53%, for briquettes it is not higher than 45%.
How is green pesto cheese made?

As with most Dutch cheeses, the raw material for basirone is pasteurized cow's milk. Non-gas-forming mesophilic culture, liquid rennet, calcium chloride and flavorings are used as essential components. It was not possible to find out the complete recipe for green cheese Pesto. The analysis showed that garlic and basil were used to give the original taste and color. What spicy herbs are included in the composition is not exactly known.
Herbal ingredients are prepared in advance. Spices, with the exception of dry garlic and basil, are boiled for 8-10 minutes over very low heat, rather they languish. The aromatic liquid is drained, mixed with pasteurized milk, and everything is cooled to 30 ° C. Calcium chloride is poured in, the sourdough is added, allowed to soak, mixed, and after 40 minutes rennet and basil, garlic and dried herbs are added.
Duration of curdling is 40-45 minutes. After checking for a clean break, the cala is cut into cheese grains with dimensions of 1x1, 5 cm. It is more convenient to use a lyre. The tender pieces are mixed for 5 minutes, and then they are allowed to settle and thicken a little. A third of the serum is drained and replaced with hot water (50-60 ° C). Intermediate raw materials should be heated to 33 ° C. Mix again, leave to settle, mix again and again allow the cheese grains to sink to the bottom of the vat.
Next, they prepare green Pesto cheese, like the Leiden variety, according to a special recipe. The liquid is not drained. The curd mass at a time, without stirring, is lifted with a slotted spoon from under a layer of greenish whey and immediately transferred into molds. They do not strongly seal, otherwise small eyes will not form. But at the same time, the formation of voids should not be allowed.
They take 6-8 hours for pressing. For 15 minutes, the cheese is compacted under its own weight, then oppression is set. After 30 minutes, the mold is turned over, and the weight of the load is increased by 1.5 times. During pressing, make 20% brine, cool it to 12 ° C. Before immersing the heads, the surface is additionally rubbed with salt from below and from above. The heads are in the brine for 12-36 hours, they are turned over every 4 hours.
Then the cheese is soaked and left to dry at room temperature on a drainage table. At this time, the serum is still separating. The larger the heads, the longer the process takes. As soon as the edges are dry to the touch, the surface is covered with green wax. Its color is changed with the help of natural dyes - fenugreek, sage or other herbs. Despite the fact that the coating is inedible, it smells very appetizing.
The microclimate of the ripening chamber: temperature 11-12 ° C and 90% humidity. The first 2 weeks, the heads are turned over 2 times a day. The presence of foreign mold cultures on the head is not allowed. If they appear, wipe the surface with a solution of salt and vinegar. The later the basiron is taken out of the chamber, the sharper the taste. Taste in 10-12 months. With a longer exposure, the herbs begin to taste bitter. The optimal ripening period is from 1-1.5 years.
Composition and calorie content of green pesto cheese

The variety is relatively new, but it is appreciated not only for its original appearance and interesting taste. Thanks to herbal supplements, the beneficial effect on the human body is increased. All ingredients are natural.
Calorie content of green cheese Pesto - 377 kcal per 100 g, of which
- Proteins - 23.7 g;
- Fat - 30.5-32 g;
- Water - 36.4 g.
- Organic acids - 2.8 g;
- Ash - 4.1 g.
Vitamins per 100 g
- Vitamin A - 300 mcg;
- Retinol - 0.27 mg;
- Beta Carotene - 0.18 mg;
- Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.05 mg;
- Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.5 mg;
- Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.3 mg;
- Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.1 mg;
- Vitamin B9, folate - 10 mcg;
- Vitamin B12, cobalamin - 1.59 mcg;
- Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 0.6 mg;
- Vitamin D, calciferol - 1 μg;
- Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol - 0.6 mg;
- Vitamin H, biotin - 0.9 μg;
- Vitamin PP - 6.5 mg;
- Niacin - 0.1 mg
Macronutrients per 100 g
- Potassium, K - 100 mg;
- Calcium, Ca - 930 mg;
- Magnesium, Mg - 45 mg;
- Sodium, Na - 750 mg;
- Sulfur, S - 246 mg;
- Phosphorus, P - 650 mg.
Microelements per 100 g
- Iron, Fe - 0.8 mg;
- Copper, Cu - 90 μg;
- Zinc, Zn - 4.6 mcg.
It should be noted that green Pesto cheese contains ascorbic acid, a nutrient not typical for dairy products of this type. In addition, it contains a high amount of amino acids. Leucine and histidine prevail among the irreplaceable ones per 100 g, and of the non-replaceable ones - proline, aspartic and glutamic acid.
The recommended dosage of green pesto is 80 g per day. This allows the product to be used to replenish the energy reserve, to introduce into the diet of athletes and patients who are recovering from physical exertion, illness and emotional breakdowns.
Health Benefits of Green Pesto Cheese

The microbiological hazard of basiron is low. The milk required for production is pasteurized, and during aging, extraneous bacteria and molds are removed if they settle on the crust. The dense wax stops their penetration into the pulp. If there is no predisposition to allergies to ingredients, the delicacy can be introduced into the diet of children from 1, 5 years old, the elderly and people with reduced immunity.
Benefits of Green Pesto Cheese
- It stabilizes the work of the hematopoietic and cardiac systems: the pulse rate is kept constant, the frequency of blood pressure drops is reduced.
- Accelerates impulse conduction, has a mild analgesic effect.
- Strengthens teeth and bones, prevents osteoporosis and age-related degenerative changes in the musculoskeletal system.
- Maintains water and electrolyte balance, stops dehydration.
- It has immunostimulating and antioxidant properties, suppresses cell degeneration and the formation of neoplasms.
- Accelerates the movement of the food bolus throughout the body, improves bad breath.
- It has an antibacterial effect and inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic flora that penetrates the small intestine with food.
- It stabilizes the menstrual cycle and reduces the number of spotting.
- Improves the condition of the lower respiratory system.
- Stimulates the secretion of enzymes, which accelerates the absorption of nutrients and saliva. The frequency of inflammatory lesions of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx decreases - stomatitis, gingivitis, exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis.
It is useful to include this variety in the diet for complications of ARVI - prolonged cough, regardless of its quality (dry or wet). Basil, which is in the product, liquefies phlegm and stimulates its excretion.
Another positive effect of basiron on the body is that it stimulates the production of the hormone of joy, serotonin. The mood improves, irritability disappears and falls asleep faster.
To increase the tone, it is enough to eat 50-60 g in the morning, and to avoid insomnia - a translucent 10 g slice. No more needed - spicy herbs have a diuretic effect, albeit weak.
Read more about the health benefits of Ramboll cheese
Contraindications and harm of green pesto cheese

Children should be introduced carefully to new tastes. If you give your toddler a bite and get distracted, he may choke on the dried flavors. In addition, the high likelihood of allergic reactions should be taken into account. They can occur with intolerance to lactose, basil, garlic and other components, the composition of which is known only to manufacturers.
The harm of green cheese Pesto is determined by a concomitant history. You should not supplement the diet with a tasty and beautiful product for diseases, the impetus for the development of which is increased acidity. Do not experiment with chronic pancreatitis and impaired hepatic function or inflammatory processes of the urinary system.
There is a restriction on use during pregnancy and lactation. In the first case, herbs can provoke uterine tone, and in the second, taste enhancers affect the quality of breast milk. It becomes bitter and the infant may give up breast.
People who are overweight and do not have enough time should reduce the recommended portion of basiron due to its high energy value. To burn the calories from the daily dose, you will have to devote 1 hour a day to vigorous exercise. With active professional activity, this time may not be enough.
Green Pesto Recipes

Baziron is a wonderful decoration for any cheese plate. But if cheeses are served as a dessert, it is impractical to lay out green pieces. It is washed down with white wines and champagne, it does not go with beer and ale. It is used as an aperitif, it improves appetite. But do not eat green Pesto cheese when tasting gourmet dishes - garlic can stop the taste sensations. But in salads, morning sandwiches and casseroles, this variety takes its rightful place.
Green Cheese Pesto Recipes:
- Pies … Small items are called wontons. You can buy unsweetened puff pastry in the store or use the usual one, kneading it with kefir. Pour 1 tbsp into a bowl with half a glass of kefir. l. sugar, a pinch of salt and soda (as a baking powder), flour, how much it will take (usually you need 3-3, 5 glasses). As you knead, add olive oil - 4-5 tbsp. l. The kneading should be elastic. Cooking methods depend on the preference of the cook. If you plan to bake, then the oven is heated to 200 ° C and left until a golden brown crust appears. It will be delicious when it is brought to readiness, dipping it into boiling sunflower oil - deep fat. The taste goes well with honey mustard sauce. To make it, beat in a blender for 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and mustard, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 pinched garlic teeth, and a pinch of nutmeg. The pies are served hot and the sauce is chilled.
- Meat sauce for pasta … Fry the bacon, when the bacon is melted, pour in a little broth and cream, boil for 10 minutes. Before turning off, add grated Pesto, allow it to dissolve and add pre-fried finely chopped onions. This dressing is combined not only with pasta, but also boiled potatoes.
- Casserole … The dish is not only tasty, but also beautiful. The oven is heated to 180 ° C. The red peppers are cut in half and stuffed with grated green pesto mixed with cottage cheese and garlic. Spread on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated carrots and zucchini cubes. Bake until the cheese is melted.
- Ham cheese rolls … For dressing, mix, after rubbing, 150 g of green cheese and 4 eggs. Add crushed garlic cloves to enhance the flavor, dill and just a little mayonnaise for a pasty consistency. Spread the dressing on pieces of low-fat ham and stab with a skewer. You can use boiled chicken breast instead of ham.
If you need to cook something quickly, and only pasta and baziron are at hand, rub it on a grater, sprinkle with boiled "pasta" and put the dish in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. The “real” Italian dish is served hot.
Interesting facts about green Pesto cheese

Attempts to improve the taste of various varieties of fermented milk products using natural flavors began in the 15th century. They were not crowned with success. First they experimented with soft, fast-maturing varieties, then with Parmesan and Pecorino. Soft cheeses spoiled quickly, while hard ones suffered from taste. Only towards the end of the twentieth century, cheese makers from the Netherlands found out that additives are best combined with traditional Dutch varieties. But the first to create a new variety were the producers of Genoa. In 2006, they developed a variety based on pesto sauce - the trademark of Italy.
Unlike the Swiss older Shabziger and the untitled green cheese produced in the USSR in 1950-60, baziron is made not from secondary products left over in dairies after cream or butter, but from fat, whole milk. The cooking technology is complex, so you can taste this cheese only when you visit Italy.
You should not buy heads covered with emerald-colored wax in the markets - the variety is sold only in specialized stores. According to reviews about green Pesto cheese, it is advisable to examine the cut in order to see for yourself the scattering of multi-colored spice dots and make sure that there are no foreign odors. The delicacy is often counterfeited by the addition of a chemical dye.
Note! The shelf life of high-quality baziron is no more than 5 days on a refrigerator shelf in a hermetically sealed glass jar.
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