9 principles of sports nutrition in bodybuilding from Arnold

9 principles of sports nutrition in bodybuilding from Arnold
9 principles of sports nutrition in bodybuilding from Arnold

Find out what types of sports supplements the great Arnold recommends for gaining good muscle mass. Every athlete should be aware of the importance of proper nutrition. It is this factor that is one of the key during the period of mass gain, since if the energy value of the diet is insufficient (less than 3 or 4 thousand calories), even the best training program will not allow you to achieve the desired result. But don't assume that simply increasing your calorie intake can bring you success.

It is important to train according to the correct program. In order to be able to count on success, it is necessary to select such a calorie intake that will correspond to your energy consumption. Most bodybuilders know about this, but only a few are engaged in calculations. If you do this, then you are simply wasting time in the hall. All your hard work in training is being wasted. The issue of nutritional quality is no less important. You need to not only consume a lot of food, but make sure that it is healthy.

Unfortunately, today we cannot eat natural products, since frozen or canned raw materials are often used for cooking. As a result, many nutrients are destroyed, and we can no longer provide the body with all the substances necessary for muscle growth, although it seems that a lot of food is consumed.

Of course, sports supplements can help solve this problem, but there are some nuances here. Scientists are constantly studying the human body and all the processes taking place in it. Through numerous experiments, it has been found that there are some rules that must be followed to optimize nutrition. If you ignore them, then the body will recover much longer after exercise.

Although all these rules are extremely simple, athletes often lack the willpower to adhere to them. Now you can learn about 9 secret principles of sports nutrition in bodybuilding from Arnold. We hasten to inform you that they were all tested by pro-athletes and the results obtained were simply amazing.

9 principles of sports nutrition from Arnold

Schwarzenegger performs on stage
Schwarzenegger performs on stage
  • Rule # 1. Protein compounds are fully absorbed only when combined with carbohydrates. It makes no sense to eat only one meat without a good serving of the side dish, which is high in carbohydrates. These products include rice, potatoes, pasta, etc. it is also important that the portion of the side dish is two or even three times the size of the meat consumed.
  • Rule # 2. Each type of meat has its own calorie content. You should not eat only, say, chicken breast every day, although this meat is the most useful. This is due to the fact that all sources of protein compounds have a different amino acid profile and only variety in the diet allows supplying the body with all the necessary amino acid compounds. But it is better to exclude canned meat, sausages and sausages from your diet so as not to consume a lot of unhealthy fats.
  • Rule # 3. Scientists believe that 75 percent of meals should be taken during daylight hours, and half of this amount of food should be absorbed before 1 pm. This is due to a change in metabolism, which peaks in the middle of the day and then begins to fade. For the same reason, you should not eat after nine in the evening.
  • Rule # 4. If you constantly hear the smell of food coming from the kitchen, then this may mean that a large amount of nutrients are escaping. Always cover pots and pans tightly, and use low heat. The longer food is cooked, the more nutrients will be lost. The best option for cooking meat is a microwave oven. Also, you should not prepare food for future use and store supplies in the refrigerator. The fresher a dish looks, the healthier it is.
  • Rule # 5. Very often, the reason for the lack of progress lies in dental problems. You simply cannot chew food efficiently and large chunks enter the digestive system. They are then processed by the body for a long time. All products and especially meat should be thoroughly chewed, in which case the food will be absorbed quickly.
  • Rule # 6. Do not drink food with water while consuming it. So you reduce the activity of the digestive juice. If you have a thirst, then first quench it and start eating no earlier than 20-30 minutes after that. In addition, you must remember that throughout the day you need to consume 1.5-3 liters of liquid. This amount includes soups, tea, coffee, not just water. Avoid a variety of sugary sodas.
  • Rule # 7. You need to eat vegetable salads every day. Moreover, it does not have to consist of exotic vegetables and cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. are quite suitable. This will allow you not only to consume a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, but also to maintain the performance of the intestinal microflora.
  • Rule # 8. You should not eat in a hurry, and always try to get satisfaction from this process. To speed up the absorption of food, it is worth focusing on the process itself. For this reason, it is advisable to eat alone, since the company has to communicate at the same time.
  • Rule # 9. Eat food as often as possible. All pro-athletes eat at least 4-5 times during the day. Scientists have found that frequent fractional nutrition increases the synthesis of various hormones, including sex hormones. The best option is to eat every three hours. You can also advise, if it is impossible to have a full meal, to give up sandwiches. It is better in this case to use a protein shake.

You can learn more about the Schwarzenegger's diet in the following video. Also in it you will get acquainted with the recipe for the famous protein shake from Arnie:

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