DASH diet - nutrition principles, menus, reviews

DASH diet - nutrition principles, menus, reviews
DASH diet - nutrition principles, menus, reviews

Basic principles of the DASH diet. List of permitted and prohibited foods, food ration for the week. Results and reviews of losing weight.

The DASH diet is one of the most effective diets that does not impose strict dietary restrictions, but allows you to quickly normalize body weight. Allowed the use of fresh vegetables and fruits, lean protein sources, dairy products, healthy fats, whole grain carbohydrates, plenty of water. This type of nutrition has a general healing effect, improves mood, the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Features of the DASH diet

DASH Diet Products
DASH Diet Products

DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This type of nutrition was developed by leading nutritionists for people who are overweight and who have associated problems with being overweight. The main difference between this type of nutrition is that it was developed for those people who need to monitor their daily diet throughout their lives.

There are no strict restrictions, it is enough to give preference to whole, natural products: fresh, seasonal vegetables, herbs, fish, high-quality vegetable oils. At the same time, it is important to remove refined, "junk food" from the diet, as well as reduce salt intake.

To achieve the best result, it is recommended to adhere to the basic principles of the DASH diet:

  • Calorie content … It is necessary to calculate the daily calorie intake and not go beyond 2000-2500 kcal.
  • Basis of the diet … The daily menu should contain whole grains, legumes, vegetables, lean meats, and quality fish.
  • Multiplicity of meals … Five meals are allowed, and the weight of one portion should not exceed 220 grams. Snacks no more than 8 times a day.
  • Basic limitations … The absolute prohibition includes alcohol, tobacco products, smoked meats, excessively fatty foods.
  • Drinking regime … It is necessary to drink enough water to speed up the elimination of toxic substances, normalize stool and reduce weight. The optimal amount of liquid is calculated using the formula: multiply 30 ml by body weight. You can add lemon, lime, mint, rosemary to the water.
  • Salt … Limit the daily amount of salt to 2/3 teaspoon per day. It is advisable to use high quality, rock or sea iodized salt.
  • Sweets … You can use fresh fruits and berries as sweets, following the recommendations for acceptable serving sizes. Purchased and refined products completely exclude, remove all food with the addition of white sugar, fructose, corn syrup, stevia.

DASH is a balanced diet rich in protein, fiber, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Allows you to bring your weight back to normal without severe restrictions and psychological discomfort. People who adhere to the basic principles of such a diet do not experience hunger. The daily diet is varied and rich in tasty, healthy and nutritious foods.

DASH Diet Allowed Foods

DASH Diet Allowed Foods
DASH Diet Allowed Foods

To draw up a correct diet, a nutritionist takes into account the initial indicators of body weight and the general condition of a person, as well as goals - improvement, normalization of weight. If you need to bring your weight back to normal quickly, you should reduce your daily calorie intake.

According to the recommendations of the developers of the DASH diet for weight loss, the following foods should be present in the diet:

  • Whole Grain Food … At least 7 servings a day. 1 serving is equivalent to one slice of whole grain bread or 0.5 cups of prepared pasta.
  • Milk products … Fresh, natural milk is consumed with good lactose tolerance. With age, the amount of enzyme for the digestion of dairy products decreases, in which case you can pay attention to products from goat milk. You can add dairy and fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat to the diet.
  • Legumes … Allowed to use 4-6 servings per week, the weight of each - no more than 50 grams. Before starting cooking, the legumes must be thoroughly washed and soaked overnight with 0.5 teaspoon of soda.
  • Fat … The main sources of healthy fats: ghee, olive, unrefined coconut oil within 3 tablespoons per day.
  • Meat fish … No more than 200 grams of animal protein per day. The product can be boiled, baked, steamed.
  • Seeds … It is recommended to consume a tablespoon of seeds daily - sesame, sunflower, flax, pumpkin. The product is pre-soaked in water to neutralize the negative effect of phytic acid, which interferes with the absorption of nutrients.

A maximum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables are also allowed. The size of one serving of fruit is equal to one fresh fruit or a quarter of a glass of dried berries and fruits (or 0.5 glasses of freshly squeezed juice). One serving of vegetables - 0.5 cups of boiled products.

Prohibited foods on the DASH diet

Chips as a prohibited food on the DASH diet
Chips as a prohibited food on the DASH diet

While following the DASH diet, it is recommended to stop eating such foods:

  • alcohol;
  • refined food;
  • fried food;
  • white sugar;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty and commercial sauces;
  • crisps;
  • white flour;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • fresh bakery;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • purchased sweets.

Nutritionists strongly recommend that you give up the use of prohibited foods, not only during the diet, but also completely remove it from the diet. If it is not possible to exclude all junk food at once, then this is done gradually - 1-2 positions in 3-5 days.

DASH diet 7 days menu

Fresh vegetable salad for the DASH diet for 7 days
Fresh vegetable salad for the DASH diet for 7 days

The 7-day DASH diet menu can be diversified with your favorite dishes, modifying them according to the main recommendations of nutritional developers. To form a full-fledged diet, it is necessary to introduce permitted foods daily and remove prohibited foods as soon as possible.


  • Breakfast: freshly squeezed orange juice with the addition of a tablespoon of fiber from pumpkin seeds, long-cooked oatmeal in water with berries;
  • Snack: whole grain bread, a slice of boiled chicken fillet, cucumber;
  • Lunch: fish baked in tomato sauce, a large portion of fresh vegetable salad, lettuce, iceberg, boiled chickpeas and lemon-olive dressing;
  • Snack: any seasonal fruit;
  • Dinner: kefir on bacterial starter culture with a low percentage of fat.


  • Breakfast: smoothies based on apples, berries, spinach leaves, pancakes with whole grain flour with fruits;
  • Snack: goat yogurt and seasonal fruit;
  • Lunch: red borsch with beans and sour cream, steamed chicken cutlets, salad;
  • Snack: fruit with crumbly, fat-free cottage cheese;
  • Dinner: millet porridge, salad.


  • Breakfast: multi-cereal flakes with vegetable milk (almond, oatmeal, coconut), a glass of green tea;
  • Snack: whole grain bread with a piece of red fish;
  • Lunch: cabbage rolls with rice and quinoa, turkey fillet stew, salad;
  • Snack: whole grain crisps with a slice of cheese;
  • Dinner: low-fat kefir.


  • Breakfast: whole grain bread, goat cheese, herbal tea;
  • Snack: natural sugar-free yogurt with berries;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew, boiled chicken fillet, salad;
  • Snack: fruit with natural yoghurt;
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge, salad.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, green tea;
  • Snack: small apple or pear;
  • Lunch: boiled potatoes with a slice of butter and herbs, baked chicken fillet with pineapples;
  • Snack: walnuts;
  • Dinner: brown rice with chicken fillet with coconut cream and curry sauce, a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, sprinkled with pumpkin seeds and fried sesame seeds.


  • Breakfast: whole grain bread with butter and red fish, a boiled egg, a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice;
  • Snack: a handful of pre-soaked cashews;
  • Lunch: baked potatoes with Provencal herbs, steamed chicken cutlets, a large portion of salad;
  • Snack: a glass of ayran;
  • Dinner: cream soup with cauliflower, lentils, whole grain croutons.


  • Breakfast: poached egg, salad, red fish;
  • Snack: a handful of pre-soaked almonds;
  • Lunch: hake soup, whole grain crisps, a serving of salad with olive oil;
  • Snack: a small portion of berries;
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge with a small piece of butter, salad, baked chicken.

The DASH diet is very thoughtful and popular, you can find many reviews and proven, tasty and healthy recipes. This type of food is suitable for people of all ages. Everyone will create their own individual diet based on fresh, healthy and healthy food.

DASH diet results

DASH diet results
DASH diet results

The main advantages of the diet include satiety, the ability to form a habit to eat right, reduce cravings for sweets, sugar, and junk food.

The results obtained can be preserved for a long time if you adhere to the basic principles of good nutrition. Some people find that this type of diet requires less material costs and less time to prepare a healthy, complete DASH diet for a week.

However, some effort may be required in the process of eliminating prohibited foods, especially in the initial stages. There is a need for self-catering, which can become a problem for people who are used to eating in public places or buying ready-made products.

The DASH diet is gentle and gentle on the body and is not suitable for people who are looking for food for rapid weight loss.

To achieve the best results from the DASH diet, it is important not only to change the diet, but also to modify the lifestyle. It is necessary to observe the regime of work and rest, observe hygiene of sleep (go to bed no later than 23:00 in a cool room), work out the main sources of stress.

The key point is daily physical activity. Useful cardio and strength training, stretching, yoga, swimming, running, cycling. You need to walk at least 10,000 steps daily at a fast pace. You can practice not only in the gym, but also at home, in nature. Breathing practices, massage, work with a psycho-emotional state are also useful.

Real Reviews of the DASH Diet

DASH diet reviews
DASH diet reviews

Real-life reviews of the DASH diet nutrition system indicate that it is an easy and quick way to bring weight back to normal without stress for the body and constant feeling of hunger. A varied diet provides all the necessary micronutrients and nutrients. Everyone will be able to create an individual menu, not excluding favorite, familiar dishes.

Sergey, 32 years old

I have been adhering to the basic principles of the DASH diet for more than six months. He began to follow such a diet in order to normalize body weight and eliminate concomitant disturbances in well-being. I carefully studied the basic principles, reviews about the DASH diet, and made an approximate menu for a week. It turned out that you have to give up many of your favorite products - smoked meats, chips, crackers, ice cream, baked goods. The ban included the food that accounted for 30-40% of the daily diet. It was decided to start gradually. I tried to cook healthy breakfasts and lunches, I took food from home to work. At first it was unusual and not entirely comfortable, but the habit was formed quickly. Despite the fact that many people note that the weight on DASH does not go away so quickly, the result was not long in coming: in the first week it took 5 kilos of excess weight. But here, probably, the initial indicators are of great importance. Now it has become a habit to eat healthy and varied, as well as drink plenty of water. As a bonus, sleep was normalized, irritability decreased. As practice shows, the most difficult thing is to start. Then the body gets so used to healthy and really tasty food that you simply don't want to return food waste to the diet.

Irina, 35 years old

The DASH diet was advised by a nutritionist friend who was contacted with a request to normalize weight. The reason for the recruitment was physical inactivity, the use of a large amount of sweets. One day I noticed that the body literally floats with excess fats, and the skin on the face has become problematic and gray. It was decided to try one of the most gentle and healthy diets - DASH. I carefully studied the list of permitted foods and that same evening removed all prohibited foods from the shelves and from the refrigerator. I was lucky that I decided to observe the basic principles of healthy eating in the summer, when there are a lot of fruits, vegetables and berries. The diet was based on large portions of salads with olive oil, olives, goat cheese, porridge, whole grain pasta, legumes, boiled chicken fillet, baked fish. She ate as varied as possible and at the same time simply. I easily refused prohibited products, because I really wanted to put my body in order. The week passed unnoticed, but it got involved so much that I continue to diet. This is no longer a diet, but a way of life. To restore skin tone, I did yoga, walk, and swim in the sea every day. The comprehensive approach was very pleasing: along with the excess weight, sagging skin, fine wrinkles and a dull complexion disappeared.

Maria, 28 years old

The DASH diet turned out to be the most suitable option, since it does not exclude vital substances from the diet - fats, proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates. On the menu you can leave oils, fish, legumes, vegetables, berries, fruits. She ate as varied as possible, but did not notice any particular effect in terms of weight loss. Perhaps 1 week is too short, and you need to stick to such a diet for a longer time. I tried to drink a lot of water with lemon, I drank green tea. Of the cereals, I left only those with the least gluten - millet, buckwheat, quinoa. I parted with purchased cookies, sweets and cakes without much difficulty. I used fresh fruits and berries as a dessert, made smoothies from them with the addition of spinach and greens. There are many recipes for the DASH diet on the Internet, and everyone will definitely find something suitable for themselves. What I noted during this time: increased strength and vigor, it became easier to wake up in the morning, rashes on the face in the chin area decreased. Overall, I feel much better, but the DASH diet will not work for quick weight loss.