Bodybuilding Recipes - Sports Nutrition

Bodybuilding Recipes - Sports Nutrition
Bodybuilding Recipes - Sports Nutrition

Learn the secret sports nutrition regimen for better recovery and consistent muscle building. Today we are going to talk about recipes for sports nutrition in bodybuilding that will help you increase muscle mass. Build strength and endurance and burn excess fat.

The recipe for gaining muscle mass

Weight gain foods
Weight gain foods

For weight gain, the best sports nutritional supplements include creatine, ZMA, arginine, and a carbohydrate-protein shake. To gain muscle mass, you need to consume more calories than is expended, and also constantly provide the body with the required amount of protein compounds.

You will need to eat at least five times a day and two of these meals can be replaced with a protein-carbohydrate shake. Thanks to arginine and ZMA (zinc-magnesium-aspartame), you can increase the synthesis of hormones. By adding creatine to this mixture, you will significantly accelerate mass gain.

Using this shake can give you an additional half a kilogram of lean muscle mass every two or three weeks, which is a very good result. Let's take a quick look at the principle of the cocktail for gaining mass. Thanks to creatine, the strength index increases, and the fibers of the muscle tissue are denser. ZMA helps to increase the level of the male hormone, and with the help of arginine, the body synthesizes somatotropin more actively and improves blood flow. In turn, the combination of fast carbohydrates and whey protein reduces the soreness after high physical exertion, and also reduces the catabolic background.

The use of a cocktail for gaining mass

The carbohydrate-protein shake must be taken twice during the day: before class and after it. It should also be said that the composition of the cocktail should include from 30 to 40 grams of protein compounds, as well as from 50 to 80 grams of carbohydrates. Also, the following additives must be added to cocktails:

  • Before the start of the training - from 3 to 5 grams of arginine;
  • After completing the session - from 3 to 5 grams of creatine.

Drink 3 to 5 grams of arginine and ZMA on an empty stomach about one hour before bedtime.

Fat Burning Recipe

BCAAs are used in drying
BCAAs are used in drying

For a fat burning shake, you need the following sports supplements: Whey Protein, BCAAs, Gaglesterones, Calcium, and Capsicum.

To lose fat mass, you need to spend more calories than you consume. This axiom is quite simple to implement in practice - we increase strength and cardio loads. However, this raises one problem, and a very serious one - how to maintain muscle mass?

One of her solutions is the use of proteins and supplements that accelerate the conversion of fat into energy. As a result, you will be able to use a tough eating program while maintaining muscle mass. During the fat burning period, you should use cardio exercises 4 to 6 times per week, and their duration should be 35-45 minutes. Using this recipe will allow you to burn half to one kilogram of fat mass weekly. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body. If you feel very tired, then you overdid it with increasing load. In this case, you will have to reduce cardio loads and increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.

A few words should be said about how our recipe works. Protein is clear - it is used to protect muscle tissue. When you reduce the caloric intake of your diet, you automatically need to increase your protein intake. In recent studies, it has been found that when using a high protein diet program, fat mass will be burned faster when using whey protein compared to red meat.

There is no need to talk a lot about the role of BCAAs; a lot has already been said about these amino acid compounds. When consumed during the drying period, they do not protect muscle proteins from breakdown.

How to apply a fat burning recipe?

You need to increase the amount of protein compounds in your diet to 3 grams for every kilogram of body weight. It is very difficult to do this with food alone, and for this reason you cannot do without protein supplements. Take a fat burning cocktail as follows:

  • Before cardio training - 5 grams of BCAAs and 60 milligrams of capsicum (take 2 to 3 times throughout the day).
  • We take calcium 1 gram daily, dividing the dose into three equal doses.
  • Guggulsterones - 60 milligrams each three times a day.

Recipe for beginners

Glutamine in a jar
Glutamine in a jar

It is recommended for beginner athletes to take: creatine, glutamine, protein-carbohydrate cocktails and flaxseed oil.

Beginners should understand that building muscle is easy enough - eat more and exercise regularly. Protein-carbohydrate mixtures will provide you with the opportunity to increase the calorie content of your diet. Thanks to our recipe, you can gain about 8 kilograms of high-quality muscle mass within 3 or 4 months. It is quite possible that at the same time you will add a couple of kilograms of fat, but since the muscle mass has also increased, you have accordingly gained in strength. This fact is a good harbinger of future progress.

Carbohydrate-protein cocktails already contain proteins, minerals and vitamins, but they contain less carbohydrates than necessary. For this reason, we recommend using juice or milk (skimmed) instead of water to dissolve the powder. Can also be added to smoothies and fruit pieces. Thanks to creatine, strength performance will increase, glutamine will replenish glycogen stores, and flaxseed oil will provide the body with omega-3 fatty acids.

How to apply the recipe for beginners?

During the day, you need to eat at least six times. You can replace one to three meals with carbohydrate-protein shakes. Take 5 grams of glutamine before starting a workout, and after training, take 3 to 5 grams of creatine and 5 grams of glutamine. Also, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil should be added to each serving of a carbohydrate-protein shake.

Check out the bodybuilding recipes in this video:
