Find out what adaptogens Bulanov recommends for recovery after hard workouts. Here are collected the best natural preparations for mass gain and strength. Adaptogens are preparations made from herbal ingredients. They are able to strengthen the human body, increasing its resistance to various negative factors, including high physical exertion. The most famous of these remedies is ginseng tincture. However, this is not the most powerful adaptogen and there are plants that are superior in strength. Today we will talk about adaptogens in bodybuilding from Yuri Bulanov.
Effects and mechanism of work of adaptogens

So, with the help of adaptogens, athletes can increase the body's resistance to power loads, and as a result, this will lead to an increase in the effectiveness of training. The drugs can increase the physical performance of athletes, and especially endurance.
Due to the strong energetic effect when using drugs of this group, athletes notice a powerful surge of strength. The recovery of the body after classes is sharply accelerated and active oxidation of lactic and pyruvic acids begins. Scientists call these substances "fatigue toxins."
It should be recognized that the term chosen for the name of the group does not fully reflect the whole essence of the effect of drugs on the body. Thanks to their use, the body not only adapts to the effects of the environment, but also strengthens. With the help of adaptogens, it is impossible to pour out from various diseases, but thanks to the increased efficiency of the defense mechanisms, the body itself can resist bacteria and viruses.
We have already said that all drugs in this group are herbal and, if used correctly, are completely safe. People have been using them in medicine for more than a millennium. In recent years, a new area in pharmacology has begun to actively develop in some countries, the task of which is to create drugs that do not cure diseases, but strengthen the body, because it is much easier to prevent diseases than to cure them later.
One of the important features of adaptogens is their property - regulation of the state of the central nervous system. Thanks to these drugs, you can speed up the main nervous processes or slow them down. In small doses, adaptogens reduce excitability and induce general relaxation.
When using medium dosages, the body is moderately stimulated and an emotional and energetic rise occurs. Excessive amounts of drugs can lead to overexcitation and sleep disturbance.
For athletes, an important feature of this group of plants is also an increase in resistance to oxygen deficiency. This is very important for the reason that under their influence the body is more actively using anoxic oxidation of fatty acids and carbohydrates. When athletes take adaptogens, the "carbohydrate window" opens faster and the body makes the most of this period of time.
Drugs in this group significantly increase the sensitivity of all tissues to insulin. This anabolic hormone is known to be a vehicle for nutrients. The higher the insulin sensitivity of cell membranes, the better their nutrition. In addition, insulin delivers glucose to the tissues, which is used by brain cells as the main source of energy. This greatly stimulates the brain.
The use of adaptogens allows the body to accelerate the process of glucose phosphorization, which increases the efficiency of the energy system. This is because the body can produce energy from fats and protein structures without glucose.
If we talk about the dosages of adaptogens, then it is necessary to use an individual approach. An excellent solution to this issue is a blood test, the results of which will help to determine as accurately as possible the required amount of drugs for each specific person. You can also rely on your own feelings when determining dosages. In any case, adaptogens should be taken in therapeutic dosages and the instructions should be strictly followed.
The most effective adaptogens

Now we will consider the most powerful and effective adaptogens in bodybuilding from Yuri Bulanov.
Schisandra chinensis

This plant grows in China, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories. Modern technologies make it possible to isolate the active components of the plant in their pure form, the most powerful of which is schizandrin. The greatest concentration of the substance is contained in the seeds of the plant, and it is from them that all preparations are made.
Schisandra chinensis differs from most adaptogens in its powerful stimulating effect. According to this indicator, it is not inferior even to some doping agents. Also, the plant is able to improve vision by increasing the sensitivity of the retina. Another feature of lemongrass will be useful for athletes - to improve the functioning of the digestive system. During the mass-gathering course, this will be very useful.
It is recommended to take lemongrass extract once a day and preferably in the morning. To obtain a tonic effect, the initial dosage is 10 to 15 drops. If it is necessary to achieve a calming effect on the body, then the optimal dose should be selected from 5-10 drops.
Leuzea safflower

The plant is widespread in Central Asia, Altai, Northern and Eastern Siberia. Phytoecdysions are the main active component of the plant. Substances are steroidal in nature and have a strong anabolic effect on the body. This is the main difference between leuzeia and other drugs in the group.
With prolonged use of the drug, the quality of the blood is noticeably improved, and its use also contributes to the expansion of blood vessels. As we have already said, the drug has anabolic properties, which are expressed in accelerating the synthesis of protein compounds and, as a result, accelerating the growth of muscle mass.
For a tonic effect, Leuzea should be taken daily in an amount of 10 to 30 drops. When used in doses of 5 to 10 drops, the effect will be soothing. The drug is taken in the morning before meals.
Eleutherococcus spiny

The homeland of Eleutherococcus is the Far East. The active components of the plant are eleutherosides. These substances significantly increase the rate of permeability of cell membranes for glucose. In addition to this hypoglycemic effect, it is also necessary to note the acceleration of oxidative processes in relation to fats. For this reason, Eleutherococcus is a powerful herbal thermogenics.
A dosage of 15 drops to one teaspoon will produce an aphrodisiac effect, while a soothing effect can be achieved with 6 to 12 drops. The drug is taken before eating food.

Almost everyone has heard of this plant. It grows in the Far East, Altai and Siberia. The active component of ginseng is panaxosides, which are one of the types of glycosides.
The drug has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and liver. Much has been said before about the ability of a plant to prevent a large number of diseases, but in this aspect it is no better than other adaptogens.
The drug should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach in an amount of 30 to 40 drops to obtain a tonic effect. A soothing effect is achieved with a dose of 10 to 20 drops.
Learn more about natural adaptogens in this video: