Therapeutic nutrition in bodybuilding

Therapeutic nutrition in bodybuilding
Therapeutic nutrition in bodybuilding

Find out what principles of a therapeutic diet are used by athletes to restore the gastrointestinal tract and liver from steroids and long-term steroid use. Nutritional therapy should be understood as the diet of people with health problems. The main task of nutritional therapy is to help in recovery, as well as to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. Sometimes it is the nutritional treatment program that can be the main therapeutic tool, for example, for diabetes or peptic ulcer disease.

Most often, these nutritional programs can be used in conjunction with other treatments. They also act as a mandatory medical background when using other methods of treating diseases, as, say, in the case of infectious diseases.

The nutrition program should be drawn up by the attending physician and must take into account the nature of the disease, all existing contraindications and indications, especially the main and concomitant diseases.

There are several principles according to which a therapeutic nutrition program should be drawn up:

  • Using nutritional programs that affect the entire body, not just the affected organ;
  • Training or treatment of diseased enzymatic systems by introducing or eliminating certain specific nutritional factors, treatment with intermittent fasting to unload the body;
  • Variability in the use of nutritional treatment programs, or in other words, their use in accordance with the development of diseases. For example, sparing diet programs in most cases are inadequate and, if used for a long period of time, can lead to a serious weakening of the body.

Nutritional Tactics in Bodybuilding

Athlete eats
Athlete eats

Today, two schemes of therapeutic diets are widely used: individual and group. They are based on the principle of assigning appropriate nutrition programs.

The principle of sparing is always applied at the initial stage of therapy and is based on strict adherence to the conditions of the nutrition program. Then, in order to prevent partial starvation in relation to individual nutrients and to train minor disruptions in the work of various mechanisms for their restoration, one should switch to using the training principle. For this, one of the following patterns can be used: step or zigzag.

Step system

Schematic representation of a staged power system
Schematic representation of a staged power system

It assumes a gradual expansion of the principles of the initial nutrition program used due to the removal of the introduced restrictions. It should also be remembered that in the transition to the use of the principle of training, excessive haste in expanding the conditions of medical nutrition or its delay can lead to a negative effect on the body.

To exclude such a possibility, one should focus on the dynamics of clinical signs, the degree of disruption of the body's mechanisms and the associated consequences. This system, while eliminating pathological processes, makes it possible to dose the gradual expansion of the nutrition program up to the beginning of the use of rational nutrition, which fully corresponds to the physiological needs of the body.

Zigzag system

A glass of milk and a plate of porridge
A glass of milk and a plate of porridge

This system assumes relatively abrupt and short-term changes in the nutrition program. Such nutrition programs are called contrasting.

In turn, the contrast nutrition program can be of two types:

  • loading (plus-zigzag);
  • unloading (minus zigzag).

The loading nutrition program is used in full accordance with the training principle and has a second name - holidays. They imply the introduction into the diet of nutrients that were contained in the main diet in limited quantities or were completely absent. Exercise diets are periodic in nature and are prescribed once a week. Thanks to their use, weakened mechanisms of the body are stimulated.

With their help, the body receives deficient nutrients, and lead to an increase in appetite. This, in turn, through the introduction of variety in the patient's diet, facilitates the tolerance of long and often strict dietary regimens. High tolerance to exercise nutrition programs is important - the patient's confidence in positive changes is strengthened and shows the possibility of switching to a more rational diet.

With a gradual increase in the number of load days and the degree of load in the presence of high tolerance, as a result, it will lead to the fact that it is the load program that will become the main one, and the previously used one will be used as an unloading one. Thus, such an approach to the preparation of a nutritional treatment program leads to a transition from a strict diet to a rational diet.

Unloading nutrition programs involve limiting the energy value of the diet or its chemical composition. This allows you to protect the damaged mechanisms of the body and correct metabolic disorders. As a rule, fasting days are assigned once for ten days for a number of diseases. The use of fasting days can be justified after the restoration of violations. This is due to the fact that during this period of time they need periodic unloading and sparing.

Most often, these nutrition programs are used for diseases of the heart and vascular system, overweight, liver disease, kidney disease, etc. Also, fasting diets are classified according to the composition of foods. They can be vegetarian, sugar, liquid, meat, etc. It should be remembered that unloading nutrition programs have an inadequate chemical composition and energy value, which can lead to a feeling of hunger and at home they should be used no more than 1-2 times a week. In this case, the duration of the unloading nutrition programs should not exceed 48 hours.

Detailed information about nutritional therapy in post-cycle therapy in this video: