Slimming fiber

Slimming fiber
Slimming fiber

Now you can often hear about the benefits of fiber for weight loss. In this article we will try to consider this issue from all points of view. Fiber or plant fibers are nutrients that, like mineral salts or water, cannot provide the human body with energy, but it is necessary for full functioning. The main source of fiber is plant foods, which are low in sugar. It must be said right away that fiber inhibits the absorption of macronutrients, which is very useful for losing weight, but just the same, it is unacceptable for gaining muscle tissue mass. Recently, a study was carried out, the results of which showed that with a daily intake of more than 210 grams of fiber, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced by 41%.

Fiber types

Industrial Siberian nut fiber
Industrial Siberian nut fiber

All dietary fiber can be classified into two types:

  • Soluble fiber - Contained in legumes, grains and some fruits;
  • Insoluble, the main sources of which are nuts, seeds, cabbage, greens.

Soluble fiber has the following properties:

  1. In the intestines, they turn into a gel;
  2. Reduces the processing of carbohydrates;
  3. Reduces cholesterol content.

Insoluble Fiber:

  1. Prevents constipation;
  2. Accelerate the movement of food in the gastrointestinal tract.

There are also features common to the two types, such as an increase in intestinal contents, which contributes to:

  • decreased appetite;
  • increasing the absorption of minerals and vitamins;
  • inhibition of the growth of glucose levels in the blood.

Differences in fiber types by chemical structure

Wheat fiber
Wheat fiber


- refers to insoluble fibers. Mainly found in bran, cabbage, apples, carrots, etc.


- refers to a type of soluble fiber and is found in beets, Brussels sprouts, bran, etc. Hemicellulose, like cellulose, absorbs water well, helping the intestines work. Thanks to this, the prevention of constipation, colon cancer, hemorrhoids and other diseases is carried out.


- belongs to the type of insoluble fiber. It is contained in some types of legumes, strawberries, eggplants, etc. The substance stops the absorption of other types of fibers, and due to its ability to bind with bile acid, it reduces blood cholesterol.


- refers to soluble fiber, found in dried beans and products derived from oats.


- found in apples, citrus fruits, cabbage, etc. Due to its ability to slow down the absorption of sugar by the intestines, it is very useful for people with diabetes.


- are of the type of insoluble fiber, and are found in unripe vegetables and fruits.

Fiber and dietetics

Foods that contain fiber
Foods that contain fiber

Nowadays, most nutritionists are advising to increase the intake of plant fiber. The average daily intake of fiber is 35-50 grams. However, most people do not consume even 15 grams. To provide the body with the necessary amount of plant fibers, the following products must be consumed throughout the day:

  • At least three fruits;
  • Approximately 300 ml of vegetables;
  • From four servings of bread made from wholemeal flour or cereals;
  • Beans should be consumed several times during the week.

To compare the modern diet with what the ancestors ate, we can cite just the average daily rate of plant fibers. Previously, it was 35-60 grams.

Fiber and bodybuilding

Vegetarian Fiber Athlete
Vegetarian Fiber Athlete

Healthy carbohydrates contain a large amount of fiber, found only in plant foods. Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, they are practically not absorbed. However, due to its special properties, plant fibers are indispensable for losing weight. According to a study in France, when the daily intake of fiber is increased by only 5 grams, the risk of obesity is reduced by 11%. The most effective in this regard, was the fiber related to the insoluble type. It is mainly found in seeds, nuts and dried fruits.

It was also found that when the dose of plant fiber intake is increased by 8 grams, women begin to consume 150 calories less per day in comparison with those who have reduced the intake rate. This was a long-term study lasting 12 years. During this period, the first group threw off about 3 kilograms, and the second, on the contrary, gained about 9. It should be noted that both groups of women tested did not adhere to strict diets. The study was connected precisely with the addition of plant fibers to the diet and their effect on the body.

On the basis of numerous clinical experiments, it has been established that people systematically reduce their own weight with regular consumption of plant fibers.

And one more important fact that speaks about the benefits of fiber. In addition to eliminating the risk of obesity, with the constant consumption of plant fibers, the likelihood of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and cancer is also reduced.

At the same time, you can often hear that when consuming a large amount of fiber, bloating may appear. To avoid this unpleasant moment, you should eat often, but in small portions. Such a diet, with a balanced intake of macronutrients, will provide the body with a sufficient amount of energy and nutrients. In addition, gas production in the body will decrease.

Nowadays, you can find a large number of materials on the Internet on the amount of fiber and macronutrients contained in each product. If you care about your health, then you need to take a responsible approach to drawing up a nutrition program. This is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle.

The results of the experiment with fiber can be found in this video:
