Do you want to feel like real artists, depict their famous masterpieces? Then you need to familiarize yourself with how to paint pictures by numbers. Drawing helps you express yourself. Paintings by numbers will make you feel like famous artists, because you will depict on canvas or paper what they once painted.
How to paint pictures by numbers on canvas?

Do you want to feel like real artists? Then you need to buy a painting by numbers template, but it's easier and cheaper to download it. For beginners, it is better to paint the outlines of larger objects for the first time. The following example is perfect for this.
So that soon juicy strawberries with emerald leaves and white flowers appear in front of you, then we suggest downloading the following scheme for such a picture by numbers.

In the background, there is a chicken that monitors the harvest or tries to drive out the pest so that it does not eat the berries. But the snail cleverly hides in the foreground, away from the brood hen.
It is not difficult to carry out such pictures by numbers. As you can see, the palette is presented on the right, each shade is assigned a number. So:
- one is red;
- deuce pink;
- 3 light green;
- 4 green;
- 5 dark green;
- 6 even darker green;
- 7 light green;
- 8 yellow;
- 9 light brown;
- 10 blue;
- 11 brown;
- 12 dark brown.
So, to draw such masterpieces, you will need:
- scheme of the picture with numbers and palette;
- paints;
- acrylic lacquer;
- canvas or sheet of cardboard;
- brush.
At the beginning of creativity, you can use a variety of paints: gouache, acrylic, watercolors. Even colored pencils and markers will do.
- Looking at the tips of the palette, you need to paint over specific areas of the picture with a specific color. It is better to first use some one shade, for example, in this picture, paint over the berries, the comb of the chicken, its beard in red. Then shade around her eyes using pink paint.
- To make the leaves of the strawberry as realistic as you can see, they are depicted using different shades, from light to dark green.
- This picture is perfect for beginners, as there are quite large elements. Sometimes there are also small ones. If it is not possible to indicate their color, then extension lines are used for this.
- To draw a picture by numbers, you need to download two identical copies, if you will paint on one of them. Then you can look at the second one at any time to make sure that you applied the right color when painting.
- You can download one scheme, decide whether you will paint on canvas or cardboard. Then it is necessary to transfer the outlines to some of these materials. To do this, you can use carbon paper, placing it on this surface, and on top - the downloaded scheme. If the artistic detail is large, it can draw all the cells on the canvas, and only then transfer each fragment to the canvas or cardboard.
- But the easiest way is to start with a sheet of thick paper, on which you simply print the presented diagram. You can enlarge to see even small fragments well.

Subsequently, you can paint pictures where several colors are applied, each of them is indicated by a certain number.
For darker or lighter shades, mix two colors at a time. So, in order to turn green into light green, you need to add white to it. Red will turn pink if you add a little scarlet to white. These issues also need to be addressed when creating such masterpieces. To make the colors more saturated, wait for the first layer to dry, apply a second on it.
If you want to buy a painting for drawing by numbers, then pay attention to the difficulty level, it is indicated by asterisks. The more of them, the more paints you will have to use and the higher the complexity. Usually 1 to 5 stars.
How to choose paints, brushes, finishes for paintings by numbers?
About paint
Acrylic paints are a great option for creating such artistic masterpieces. The intermediate coat will dry in just a couple of minutes. After you have used the paint, it is enough to close it, it will be stored for several months. If you are postponing the beginning of the creative process, you bought paint in a can, but did not open it, do not worry, it can be stored in this form for several years. But keep in mind that acrylic paint, if it has dried, cannot be diluted with anything.
Therefore, after unsealing the container, it must be closed very well. If there is a dried layer on the lid of the jar, on its edges, remove it, and only then firmly seal the container so that the tightness is not broken.
As mentioned above, it is better to first cover the fragments of the picture with paint of the same tone. This is due not only to the convenience of drawing, but also to the fact that then you will not have to open a jar of paint of a certain color several times, which will significantly extend the shelf life.

About brushes
It is important to choose the right brush. If you need to paint a large area, then use a flat one. If you need to draw individual details, in this case, take round brushes. To get the colors you want, rinse the brush well in water after using a specific color, then blot it with a napkin. If this is not done, water can get into the already applied paint and change its tone.
It is necessary to rinse the brush every 5-7 minutes if you paint with one color for more than this time. For those who like to have a cup of tea or coffee during the break of creating their masterpiece, the following recommendation: before you go to rest in this way, rinse the brush, otherwise the paint will dry out and the painting tool may become unusable. At the end of the work, it is also necessary to do this, wipe off excess water, dry the brushes well, then they will serve you for a long time.
How to paint pictures coloring by numbers

It is better for beginners to use cardboard, it is cheaper than canvas. Has less grain, due to which it will be easier for beginners to create their first masterpieces. It is a cheaper material than canvas. To make the picture on cardboard look complete, you need to frame it. To do this, you can take a photo frame, which is relatively inexpensive.
For a canvas, a more expensive frame is needed and the canvas itself is more expensive than cardboard, but if it is already stretched onto a stretcher, then it is not threatened with deformation due to moisture, like a painting with a base on cardboard, if it is not framed. As you become more experienced in this handicraft, you will be able to paint on canvas and feel like real artists. And you can choose a frame for your work, based on the following tips:
- The frame should first of all fit the picture itself, and secondly - to the interior.
- For small pieces of art, use thin frames. If the canvas is medium or large in size, then wider and voluminous frames will be very appropriate here.
- If you hang your work not close to the wall, leave a gap of 0.5–1 cm, then a picture with a stretcher made on canvas will look more voluminous.

The following guidelines will help your painting stay beautiful for a long time.
- If you want your finished work to shine with bright colors for as long as possible, protect it from UV exposure. To do this, cover with a matte acrylic varnish.
- If you want the picture made by numbers to shine, then use a glossy varnish. But in this case, you will need to hang it correctly, since too bright lighting and a switched on light bulb can glare on the canvas when viewing the image.
- In order for your masterpiece to retain its original appearance for a long time, do not store it in a humid place and where there are temperature changes. Otherwise, the tension on the canvas will weaken, and the stretcher may deform.
- If you bought a set for paintings by numbers, then cover your art with packaging from it to protect it from mechanical stress, light, dust.
Examples of paintings by numbers on cardboard
To complete a painting by numbers, take:
- printed diagram of the painting in duplicate;
- acrylic paints;
- brushes;
- a jar of water;
- napkins;
- a sheet of cardboard;
- photo frame.

- Print your favorite picture scheme on a printer, you can use the suggested paints or tones that you like best. If you prefer a pink-lilac color, then use these colors.
- As you can see, a similar flower draws from the core. Traditionally, it should be yellow, but in this case, pink is used. It is in perfect harmony with the lilac, which is painted over the petals.
- The veins between them, in this case they are indicated by the number 8, you can make lighter or darker using the same color scheme.
- Lilac paint goes well with green, so the leaves of the plant will be exactly that color.
If you want to use pictures for drawing by numbers, so that those who come to visit you are surprised, then take the stories of famous painters as a basis. Only you will know how you created the painting "Mona Lisa", which was once painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Also, this masterpiece has a second name "La Gioconda".

Of course, for a masterpiece to look like the original, you need to train for a long time. Many shades are used in such arts, so these paintings are rather difficult for beginners. They can be advised to use a more simplified version, for example, this one.

This idea for a portrait of Mona Lisa uses fewer colors, so it will be easier for you to repeat such a masterpiece. If those who come to your house have a good sense of humor, then you can do a work on this topic to make them smile. In this case, you do not need to try too hard to convey the features of the Mona Lisa. This person will be a parody of the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci.

If you still want to draw a picture by numbers, so that it is as close to the original as possible, then you need to print a thematic image with the numbers spaced. Then, relying on it, gradually paint your masterpiece.

Start with the background, use sand and shades of green here. The heroine's hair is black, her robe is dark brown. Face, arms and neckline area are made with flesh-colored paint. To make it, you need to take white, yellow and a little brown paint.
After it dries, cover the work with varnish and frame.
If you like rural landscapes, cozy houses that look like fabulous, then for the next painting for drawing by numbers, use the proposed plot.

- Start with the sunset sky, which is shown here in pink, which itself is light and the clouds are darker. The roof of the building is shown in the same color scheme. So, gradually move from top to bottom, fill the space of the canvas with paints.
- To show that the path is lit by the setting sun, use a light green paint. Draw its shadow areas with green and dark green paint.
- The stone path also has varying degrees of illumination. Where it is lighter, use white, beige paint. The shadows on the stone path are drawn using brown, dark brown, the outline between the elements - with the addition of black paint.
- Bright yellow windows eloquently indicate that the lights were turned on in the house in order to sit in the cozy atmosphere of a fabulous evening.
- The positive mood of the picture is conveyed by bright flowers, for the creation of which you will use white, blue, pink, crimson paint. Trees are created using white and green shades ranging from light to dark.
This is how you can create a painting by numbers.
Anyone who loves animals will surely like the next one.

- First paint the head of the cat, use a sand color. In the same tone, cover part of her back, breasts, paws. Remember to rinse your brush if you paint for more than 5-7 minutes.
- Using brown tones of various shades, paint the figurine of the cat, and highlight the bib, some places on the head and around the nose with white paint.
- Shading under the chin will help create black with some white paint to create a dark gray.
- It remains to depict the sky in blue, greens in various shades of green.
In this way, you can create a picture for drawing by numbers, develop your artistic abilities. After drawing a masterpiece, you can hang it at home or give it to loved ones.
If you are interested in this type of needlework, then look at the subtleties of creating works included in the video. From the first one, you will learn how to draw pictures by numbers to depict your parents or other close people here. The plot shows the subtleties of such work and what is required for this.

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