Beautiful paintings can be created from grains, cereals and other bulk materials available in the kitchen. Even eggshells provide immense scope for needlework. From what just do not create modern canvases. They use not only paints, leaves, paper, but even coffee beans, pasta, cereals. Craftsmen make beautiful paintings from eggshells so that not everyone will understand what such a work of art is made of. The main thing is to properly prepare the materials, and then you can start creating.
Do-it-yourself cereal paintings

Yes, such colorful relief paintings are created from ordinary cereals. You can use any, but most often such canvases are created from:
- lentils;
- rice;
- millet;
- buckwheat.
But first, the cereal must be prepared. To do this, it is sorted out, removing impurities. If it is "clean", then you can not do this, but immediately proceed to the second stage. If your panel uses a color unusual for the grain, it needs to be painted. For this, light cereals are taken, for example, rice. It is placed in a technical vessel, gouache or acrylic paint is added, and thoroughly mixed. Then it is poured onto paper in one layer. Allow to dry and use for creativity.
If you are making crafts from cereals, then during the process of dyeing the grains, do not pour water into it or, if necessary, add very little. Then, during drying, make sure that the grains do not stick together. To do this, stir them occasionally with your hand or with a dry spoon. But not all cereal paintings require grain coloring. So, you can use white rice or semolina, brown buckwheat, yellow millet. In addition, you can take other bulk materials available in the kitchen: seeds, peas, pasta.
For a picture of cereals, you will need a photo frame with a background. You can buy an inexpensive one that has a plastic film on top instead of glass.
Beautiful baby pictures

If you and your child want to make such a panel, then start by drawing a future picture. To do this, use a simple pencil. Try not to press hard on it so that the lines of the lead are not visible in the finished work.
To do this, first stick a sheet of paper onto the backing board. In this case, pink is used, and then create a graphic basis for the future composition.

If the child can draw a picture himself, then let him do it. In the meantime, prepare the materials.
It is better to pour each type of cereal into a separate bowl or deep plate. Then the colors will not get confused, and the main material for the paintings will not be scattered on the floor. Start filling the canvas with a small piece. Better if they are closed. Cover the fragment, in this case one flower, with a brush dipped in PVA glue, sprinkle it with the cereal of the desired color. The contrast of detail can be added by gluing dry tea between the grains of yellow millet or directly on them.

The top of the second flower is buckwheat, the middle part and bottom are also millet. Tell your child that the stem of the plant will look good by sticking halves of dry peas on it. Each large element can be coated with PVA and glued, while for attaching small grains it is more convenient to apply glue to the base.

It is also better to glue the beans that frame the vase one at a time, applying PVA to each. Inside the vase, you can place pasta, which also looks beautiful, and you will soon be convinced of this once again. Frame the painting and hang it on the wall.
Making a panel from pasta
Continuing the theme of pictures from bulk products available in the kitchen, you can tell how to make such a wonderful canvas.

For him you will need:
- frame with a durable plywood or cardboard base;
- PVA glue;
- semolina, buckwheat;
- peas;
- pasta in the form of a spiral, horns, tubes, rounded;
- sponge.
Draw one large and 2 small trees, a wavy path, a mill with a pencil. Start with the background. Cover it with PVA, sprinkle semolina with a thick layer so that it covers the entire desired part of the picture of pasta and cereals. Avoid getting on other elements of the panel, but if a few small grains stick to them, it's okay. Slightly press down the semolina with a sponge for better contact with the canvas.
Now grease the tree trunk with PVA, glue buckwheat to it. Attach the pasta from above with glue as shown in the photo. Decorate 2 small trees in the same way.
The blades of the mill are made of tubular pasta, and the building itself is made of dry halves of peas. Create a path from spirals, then let the original creation dry. While this is happening, you can create other interesting works of art using egg waste for them.
Shell mosaic

Don't be surprised when you find out what this beautiful mosaic work is made of. The crushed eggshell was the perfect material for such a great picture.
For a shell mosaic, in addition to it, you need:
- a sheet of thick cardboard;
- PVA glue;
- a small wooden stick to press down on the shells (a sushi stick or a manicure stick will do);
- tweezers;
- acrylic paints;
- varnish.
We begin to make a mosaic with our own hands by preparing the material.
The eggshells need to be washed in warm water, removed from the inner film and dried. Professionals use just this, since the cooked surface is looser, while the raw surface is harder. But you can take, for example, colored shells left over from painted Easter eggs and boiled from simple ones.
First, a sketch of the future mosaic is drawn on cardboard. You can glue a picture from a children's coloring book on it and create a panel directly on this basis. If the shell is large, press down on it with your hands to get smaller pieces. If it is dark and light or colored, sort by color first.
You can upload it in two ways:
- Paint the shell in different colors, spread it out separately, let it dry, then grind it and start gluing piece by piece, choosing the desired shades.
- Glue the shell, and when it dries, then paint the finished picture.
Choose the option that suits you best.
Now how to make an eggshell mosaic. Lubricate a small area of PVA cardboard, attach a few fragments to it. If you come across a large piece, simply press down on it with a wooden stick so that the shell cracks and breaks apart.
Leave the same distance between the fragments so that the panel is done neatly and looks good.

After the work is finished, and the entire canvas is filled with fragments of the mosaic, let the glue dry until the end, then paint the shell if you used an unpainted one. When this layer is dry, cover the surface with varnish.
You can do this kind of mosaic with your own hands. There are many options, so choose which one you like best and get started.

You can also use other materials to make your own paintings, such as coffee. Attractive and tasty-smelling wall panels are made of it.
Coffee paintings

From fragrant grains, you can make the frame itself for the future panel or for photography, notes. Take a ready-made wooden or plastic one. Lubricate the flat side of each grain with glue and attach close to each other on the edging. For such work, coffee is ideal, the shelf life of which has expired, and it is a pity to throw it away.
But even if the beans are not old, you can donate a few to make a coffee painting. An invigorating aroma emanates from her and it will be pleasant to be in such a neighborhood. And is it possible to pass by indifferently, for example, by such? Not only a delightful aroma emanates from her, she attracts eyes, first causes surprise, and then, admiration.

And it is quite simple to create such pictures from coffee beans. In addition to this basic material, you need to prepare:
- a frame with a substrate of the required size;
- a sheet of soft paper;
- twine;
- glue;
- satin ribbon in brown and white.
In order for a coffee picture to conceal a note of mystery, remember the paper so that lines appear on it in a different direction. Now glue it to the backing. Find the center of the canvas and draw a heart in this place with a pencil. Starting at its outer edge, glue the grains one at a time.
Now draw an ornate pattern around the heart. Apply glue to it gradually with a thin brush or from a heat gun and attach the rope.
You can not draw a pattern first, but immediately glue the twine, folding it as needed. Of course, this is in the event that you have already performed such work, and your hand is "full". Start sticking it on the left side, then at the bottom left and going up the top of the picture. Here, twist the excess thread exactly in a spiral, having previously applied glue to this circle. Fix a coffee bean in its center. At the bottom, glue the flowers from satin ribbons. You will learn how to do them in one of the following articles. Let the coffee painting dry, hold it against the wall or hang it on it.
From this fertile material for creativity, you can make various crafts with your own hands or with the involvement of children, relatives, friends. Surely a loved one will be surprised if, waking up in the morning, he goes to the kitchen to drink coffee and discovers that his mug has become so original. If you are thinking of what to give your soul mate for Valentine's Day, then such a mug with flowers and a heart of grains will come in handy.

For a romantic evening, you can decorate the candles this way. These coffee crafts will also not be overlooked.

If you want to know how quickly a coffee painting is made, watch the video. It explains how to use blush to differentiate the elements and why it is more beneficial for athletes to smell such pictures than to drink a fragrant but strong drink.
From these videos, you will learn how and what else you can make pictures from cereals, coffee and eggshells: