Lagotto Romagnolo content, breed features

Lagotto Romagnolo content, breed features
Lagotto Romagnolo content, breed features

Historical data about the breed, the appearance of the Lagotto Romagnolo, character traits, health, advice on care, training, interesting facts. Purchasing a puppy. This is a unique Italian species of canines, well, just mambo-italiano. Not only do they have an amazing sense of smell, they are excellent athletes and well-written beauties. For the sake of their beloved owners, they are ready for anything. Amazing, contrasting, contact, creation. You still need to look for such complaisant pets. But the main thing is different, these are the only dogs whose specialty is the search for mushrooms.

Historical data on the Lagotto Romagnolo breed

Lagotto romagnolo on a walk
Lagotto romagnolo on a walk

These animals are among the very ancient canines. But who were their progenitors, scientists still cannot determine. There are two versions. The first tells us that their ancestors were the so-called peat dogs, which laid the foundation for all Spitz and huskies. According to the second version, the family tree is based on ash dogs, which gave their roots to all hounds without exception.

Literally, translated from Italian, this is a lake dog from Romania. There is a version that its first representatives appeared in the vicinity of Comacchio. But it is impossible to establish this fact for certain, because the first lagotto breeders did not leave any herd books after themselves. Most likely, their ancestors were respected by both ordinary peasants and aristocrats.

If you stroll through the museums of Italy, you can find there many paintings of local nobility with pets, like henna of modern lagotto is like two peas in a pod. One of the oldest images of Romagnolo, can be found in the palace of the Doges of the city of Mantua, on a fresco by Andrei Mantegna, which depicts the Marquis Louis Ganzaga. She is notable for a cunning dog that looks out from under the nobleman's feet.

They started up with a practical purpose: to get shot game out of the water. However, when all the marshes in the region were drained, and this was no longer relevant, breeders came up with the idea of using lagotto to find truffles. This is the only canine species that is resorted to in order to find the most expensive mushrooms in the world.

In Russia, lagottos appeared relatively recently, only five years ago, but the number of people whose hearts have won these dogs is steadily growing.

Description of the external appearance of lagotto romagnolo

Lagotto romagnolo in the snow
Lagotto romagnolo in the snow

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a well-proportioned dog, small in size with a curly, dense coat. Typical gait: firm and agile trot. Height at withers in males from 43 to 49 cm in bitches from 41 to 46 cm. Weight in males from 13 to 16 kg, in bitches from 11 to 14 cm.

  • Head medium size. The occipital protuberance is smoothed. The brow ridges and the frontal part are not pronounced. The transition from forehead to muzzle is smooth.
  • Muzzle slightly shorter than the skull. Powerful jaws with white teeth. Scissor or pincer bite. Also allowed as inverted scissors.
  • Nose in line with the nasal canal, protrudes slightly. The nose is developed with wide, mobile nostrils. Its pigmentation ranges from light to very dark brown to match the base color. The upper profile of the nasal canal is straight. The bottom of the muzzle in profile is created by the lower jaw. The upper lip is incomplete, relatively smoothed. The labial joint is weak. The lips are covered with long, hard hairs that form a mustache.
  • Eyes lagotto romagnolo are relatively large, rounded, slightly bulging. The color of the iris ranges from ocher to dark chestnut or brown, in accordance with the color scheme of the coat. They are never yellow or gray.
  • Ears of moderate size compared to the volume of the head. Their tops are slightly rounded. Triangular in shape, wide at the base. Set high on the head, but not hanging too much. When the dog is alert, they rise slightly.
  • Neck slightly arcuate. No dewlap at all. Strong, muscular and oval in cross section. Clearly delimited from the back of the head.
  • Frame mesomorphic addition, square format. Good proportional build. The withers are above the level of the croup.
  • Tail set relatively low with a fusiform tip. When lifted, slightly reaches the height of the withers. Covered with a woolly and coarse hairline.
  • The limbs are erect. The shoulders are strong and well muscled, close to the chest, but have freedom of movement. In profile, the lower limbs are vertical.
  • Paws - in the form of a cat, in a ball, large, compact. The nails are strong and curved. The pads of the feet and toes are dark pigmented. The membranes between the toes are highly developed. The hind legs have less arcuate phalanges. than the front ones.
  • Wool cover. Such a structure of the lagotto romagnolo's wool is explained by the fact that once upon a time they had no equal in feeding game from the water. Forms tough, woolly curls that adhere tightly to the skin. There is an undercoat and intermediate hairline, which does not allow the dog to get wet. In the area of the head: on the muzzle there is hair in the form of a beard, above the eyes there are eyebrows. Its structure is such that if the lagotto is not subjected to a haircut, then it gets lost and falls into tangles. The skin adheres well to the body in all areas, thin with poorly developed subcutaneous tissue.
  • Color can be solid or two-color. Uniform: provides shades of white, gray, silver, ash, beige. Double: white with chestnut or red spots, savra chestnut. Some individuals have a chestnut mask.

Characteristics of the character of lagotto romagnolo

Lagotto romagnolo running
Lagotto romagnolo running

These are magnificent dogs with a wonderful temperament. They are friendly, easy to learn. Among other things, they live for the owner. Get along well with children. This is a family dog. Nobody can compare with them.

Great friends and companions. They have excellent dimensions. They can be worn on your hands. Your pets can always be with you anywhere: just in a store or on long trips. Lagotto Romagnolo does not fade, which is also very convenient. You will not constantly clean their fur in your home.

They are very smart. They are easy to train and teach new things. It is enough to explain once or twice, and they perfectly understand what is required of them, instantly executing the command. Dogs are very obedient and patient. If the situation calls for it, they know how to remain calm and self-possessed.

And besides, you must admit, it sounds great: I went for a walk with the dog, and after a while, I returned with an armful of truffles, from which you can make a wonderful dinner. Such a helpful and loyal friend will bring you many minutes of joy.

Lagotto romagnolo dog health

Lagotto romagnolo on the grass
Lagotto romagnolo on the grass

Lagotto Romagnolo, on average, live about 14-16 years. They are distinguished by excellent health, strength, unpretentiousness and endurance. To preserve these innate properties of the dog, not paying attention to aspects such as nutrition, would be a big mistake.

Common household foods such as bread, rice and meat, even with a carefully formulated diet, cannot satisfy such a dog's food needs. For more than 25 years, some manufacturers have specialized in producing foods that are much more balanced and more nutritious than traditional homemade food, which also takes a long time to prepare.

Constantly consumed amount of ready-made feed in certain quantities (by weight of the animal) will help maintain the necessary energy at the right level, necessary to meet the needs of the lagotto. During periods of intense exertion, the diet increases by about twenty percent.

The pet is vaccinated throughout its life. Up to a year, they are vaccinated three times, and then once a year. This will protect the dog from various infectious diseases. An important point is the regular treatment of the pet from external and internal parasites. After all, these "animals" can bring terrible discomfort, and even damage to the health of your four-legged friend. In the warm season, it is necessary to carry out treatment for fleas and ticks. Worms are disinfected once every three months. The dosage of all drugs is selected according to the instructions, according to the weight of the animal.

Care tips for lagotto romagnolo

Lagotto romagnolo near the owner
Lagotto romagnolo near the owner

Caring for a water dog, first of all, is taking care of their fur coat.

  1. Wool you need to trim a little every ten days. The big plus is that this breed does not shed. All dead hairs remain on the dog. They must be removed, otherwise the wool will felle and disfigure the animal. You cannot comb them with a cheek or a comb, the hair can straighten and give the dog an untidy look. Grooming can be done both with scissors and with a trimmer. On the body, the hair grows much faster than on the head. Therefore, when cutting, you need to maintain a balance. This is not difficult. They do not need a pretentious hairstyle, since they are required not to be beautiful, but to have excellent working qualities. About twice a year, they should be cut bald. If the first haircut is optional, then the second is a must if you want your dog to be healthy. The best period for manipulation: July and August. Then the coat will grow back to the optimal length by the time it starts to work - not too short or too long. And for city pets, this will protect against temperature changes after returning from a walk to a warm house. It must be remembered that the Lagotto is a country dog that tolerates frost well, and suffers from the heat in summer if it is not cut. The lagotto romagnolo is bathed about once a month, using typed means. There is nothing complicated in the procedure, the main thing is to thoroughly wash off the chemicals from the wool. It is important that the pet dry in a warm, draft-free room before going outside.
  2. Ears checked systematically. If necessary, they need to be cleaned.
  3. Eyes do not require special care.
  4. Teeth best cleaned from puppyhood. This procedure will save lagotto from dental plaque and gum disease.
  5. Claws when regrowing, you need to cut it regularly.
  6. Feeding should be varied and proportional, with the correct ratio of protein, fat and carbohydrates needed for a working dog. Therefore, it is not natural food that is best suited, but ready-made feeds from trusted manufacturers. They contain a balance of nutrients, minerals and vitamins for your dog's well-being.
  7. Walking two to three times a day. Since the dog is mobile, and requires energy release, then you should be walking for at least an hour. It will be good if you find a fun company for your water dog to frolic with.

Training lagotto romagnolo

Lagotto romagnolo jumping over the crossbar
Lagotto romagnolo jumping over the crossbar

Teachable from an early age. When they are 40-60 days old, they begin to learn the basics of training. The very first thing for these of them is to master Retrieving. Everyone thinks it is so simple, but each business has its own subtleties. First you need to teach your dog to play. Love for this activity is the basis of successful pet training.

Romagnolo has it in his blood. It is better to choose your favorite toy as an apparel item for good stimulation. Having thrown an object, watch the moment when the pet caught it, and you came into its field of vision. Noticing this, begin to move backward, if the pet has passed a little, as it were, consider that success has been achieved.

The second skill that lagotto needs to learn is taming the water element. The essence of the training is that they throw the ball into the pool, and the dog brings it. All animals in the water feel great, but if a dog is just starting to exercise, then it is gradually taught to the depth. For this purpose, use multilevel pools or reservoirs with a shallow bottom.

They are great, athletic, and some of them do such tricks that you are simply amazed. In order for the dog to learn to overcome all agility shells, swim and bring any item of your choice, you just need to practice with it regularly.

Lagotto is very good at finding things lost by the owner. The secret is that each item has its own reward. For example, for the keys found, the dog gets a crouton. When you show him this delicacy, he knows what he needs to look for. They are excellently used by the police. They are simply irreplaceable in the search for explosives and drugs. The dog will carry out the activities that he has been trained with full dedication.

Interesting facts about the Lagotto Romagnolo breed

Lagotto romagnolo plays
Lagotto romagnolo plays

Eight or nine types of truffles can be found in Italy. The most valuable of them are considered to be white. The price of these mushrooms varies from season to season, but this particular species is ten times more expensive than any others. They are not judged by the piece. Even hundredths of a gram are determined here.

Searching for them is incredibly gambling. According to the breeders, it is a pleasure to work with lagotto. They are able to find truffles that are still underground. Dogs are trained to carry them right into their hands. These pets are taught from an early age to the smell of truffles. When Romagnolo go mushroom hunting, they already know what to do.

This is not an easy task, and not for everyone, but a kind of hobby. People walk long distances to find what they want - just a few mushrooms. There are wild animals, snakes, insects in the forest. It spends a lot of nerves, time and energy, but if you are in love with your hobby, you are not afraid of any fatigue.

The hunter took the lagotto romagnolo into the boat. Swimming in the reservoir, he looked out for a bird and shot at it. The game fell, and then the dog entered the work. She jumped into the water and took out prey, bringing it directly into the hands of the owner. The pet could do such things at any time of the year and in very cold water due to the structure of its coat.

Scientists have proven that apart from humans, only dogs are capable of experiencing the feeling for other creatures that is called love. They are used to improve the psychological state of children with Down syndrome, patients with cerebral palsy, epilepsy and various types of nervous disorders.

The first person who guessed to use dogs for therapeutic purposes was the American psychiatrist Boris Levinson. He made this discovery in 1961. The doctor noticed that in the presence of cheerful four-legged, in his patients, the level of anxiety decreased and the state of health improved.

There are people who give their pets not only love and care, but also their condition, preferring them to their relatives. This is not as rare as it might seem at first glance. In the United States alone, the number of dogs-heirs has already exceeded a million.

Purchasing a Lagotto Romagnolo puppy

Lagotto romagnolo puppies
Lagotto romagnolo puppies

Serious breeders donate puppies no earlier than 90 days of age. These dogs live a long time and you must understand that this is not a toy. A small dog in the house will definitely gnaw things, and you need to be prepared for this. If he messes up something, take it okay. He should be treated like a child, with affection, care and love.

If you have already decided to purchase such a miracle, it will be safer for you to contact professional nurseries. Experts raise animals healthy, fully consistent with the breed exterior. You will receive valuable advice and advice from breeders throughout your pet's life.

The cost of a Lagotto Romagnolo puppy will depend on what you want from the animal in the future. Whether you are planning to breed him, or for exhibitions, or maybe you want to realize his working qualities. The approximate price can vary from $ 1000 to $ 1500. In Russia, this breed is rare. To acquire dogs with the best breed line, it is better to go to Italy.

More about the Lagotto Romagnolo breed:

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