Historical data on the appearance of the Thai Ridgeback, appearance parameters, character and health, care: walking, diet, upbringing, interesting facts. Puppy price. The word "ridgeback", if translated from English, means - a ridge on the back. This part of the dog's body, which is covered with hair growing in the opposite direction, is the calling card of this breed. These dogs know how to deal with deadly snakes. They are known to have attacked and killed cobras. Nobody will hurt you if you have such a four-fingered friend. He is strong, powerful and fearless. Having met and communicated with these dogs, your heart will be conquered irrevocably.
Historical data on the appearance of the Thai Ridgeback breed

There is every prerequisite to believe that the Thai Ridgeback is one of the oldest known breeds of Southeast Asia. It is impossible to establish exactly where it was formed, since the natural habitat of the species is not only Thailand, but Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia. Images of these dogs are found in cave drawings in Cambodia and Thailand, created three thousand years ago. The Thai Ridgeback is believed to be a primitive canine species that evolved from a wolftooth in Eastern Thailand.
It combines a mixture of genes, largely retaining the characteristics of aboriginal dogs. The Thai Ridgeback belongs to the relict dogs. It is curious that these dogs, tamed several thousand years ago, are real pets. But in physiology, these animals are still savages.
For the first time, breeders encountered the Thai Ridgeback around the 19th century, during the colonization of the Vietnamese islands, in particular the Phucco Island. These canines existed even before Thailand began its chronicle history. Archaeological excavations have shown that the first individuals of this breed lived in this area about four thousand years ago.
In the annals, the first mentions of these dogs date back to the beginning of the 17th century, during the reign of one of the reformer kings of the historical region of Ayutthaya, later renamed Siam. The Thai Ridgeback was described as "A big dog, bigger than a sauk." "Sauk" is the traditional measurement of guineas, which was equal to the length from the elbow to the end of the fingers in adults.
These are unique animals. Despite the antiquity of its pedigree, the breed was recognized not so long ago, in 1989, under the name "thai ridgeback dog". This was done by the Union of Dog Breeders of Asia. And in 1990 they were recognized by the parent organization of Asian countries - the Kennel Club of Japan, which is a member of the FCI. This organization officially formalized the breed in 1993 and assigned it the number three hundred and thirty-eight.
According to the pedigree books of Asia in 1985, there were forty-three individuals, by 1989 their livestock had increased to a thousand. They have only appeared in the United States since 1994. It is believed that there are about a thousand of them outside Thailand, and in America there are only a hundred. In Russia in 2007 there were only three blue Thai Ridgebacks. Today in the world officially registered, about two thousand individuals of the Thai Ridgeback. Therefore, this breed is considered one of the rarest.
In the homeland of Ridgebacks in Thailand, they are credited with amazing qualities. Dogs are versatile working animals. In ancient times, they were traction, security and hunting. It was believed that they could hunt not only for their own food, but also for the owner's family.
Now in Thailand, these are usually companion dogs, jealous of their family and property. For Thais, this is a moment of pride. They have a dog so beautiful, brave and desperate that people consider it their national treasure and try to preserve it in every possible way.
This royal dog is known for a number of special qualities. It is one of three purebred canine breeds with a crest running down the back, where the coat grows in the opposite direction. They have large, erect ears and, when looked at directly, are delightful. These automaton dogs are real athletes. They are active, mobile and versatile, they jump and climb well.
Thai Ridgebacks have four colors: red, black, blue and the so-called isabella. These animals are beautiful in any color, but the most valuable are blue and isabella. It's not easy to get them. All breeders in the world sigh for such specimens.
Description of the appearance of the Thai Ridgeback

The Thai Ridgeback is of medium size and short hair type. A distinctive feature is the ridge on the back, which runs from the tail to the withers, called the ridge. It is formed from wool on the upper part of the body. Visually, it should clearly separate from the general coat, start on the shoulders and taper towards the tail zone. Thai Ridgebacks can have up to twelve ridge shapes: heads, violin, lute, tie, arrow, etc. Ridge hairs vary in length, but they should be placed equally on both sides of the spine, without going over the sides of the body.
The dog has excellent mesomorphic, well-developed muscles and strong bones. She has an athletic and well-proportioned physique. She is hardy, strong, fearless, active, fast energetic and jumpy. Shows distrust of others and loyalty to his family and owner.
They are used as companion guards and hunters. Based on the established criteria, the height at the withers can vary in males from 62 cm to 68 cm and bitches from 60 cm to 65 cm with a variation of 1-2 cm. The weight of breed specimens in males from 33 kg to 37 kg and females from 27 kg to 31.5 kg. Bitches have a more elongated body shape due to fertility. The movements of Thai Ridgebacks are energetic, springy and free. The hind legs push off the ground perfectly. When moving, the forelimbs are directed forward, and the animal's body is kept straight.
- Head - of medium size, nicely set on the neck, tapering towards the end of the muzzle like a wedge, harmonious with the body. The frontal part is wide in the upper zone, slightly rounded when evaluated from the side. When alert, wrinkles form on the forehead. The furrow on the forehead is wide, poorly developed, not deep. The bump on the back of the head does not stand out. The cheekbones are flat and well muscled. The brows are not developed.
- Muzzle oblong, parallel to the skull, slightly less than its length, rectangular, gradually narrower towards the nose. Has good filling under the eyeballs. The bridge of the nose is straight, elongated. The stop is noticeable in profile, but not sharp. The lips are well taut and have dark pigmentation. Scissor bite. The flews are dry, slightly overlapping the lower jaw, but do not go beyond it. The jaws are long and strong. The canines are powerful, the teeth are large and white. The palate and tongue may be speckled or dark isabella.
- Nose - stands out. The lobe is pigmented in black-carbon or other solid color, depending on the color of the dog.
- Eyes Thai Ridgeback average placement, on one, front line. They are oval-almond-shaped, small in size. The color of the cornea depends on the color of the dog. May be dark brown, light brown, amber. The eyelids are dry, outlined with dark pigment. They have a lively and intelligent look.
- Ears placed at the edges of the head. They are slightly above average in size, triangular in shape. Cartilage erect, elastic, slightly rounded at the ends. The auricles have a slight slope towards the eyes.
- Neck Moderately long, oval in shape, with strong relief muscles, expands towards the shoulders. Set high, with a gentle curve. The withers are prominent, smoothly rolling. Suspension is not observed.
- Frame - balanced, rectangular, slightly longer than the height at the withers, with powerful muscles. The ribcage is oval, roomy, well shaped, extending down to or below the dog's elbow. The back is well muscled, strong, straight with a straight line. The loin is strong, moderately widened. The croup is strong, slightly sloping. The ribs are rounded. The belly line is perfectly matched in the lumbar region.
- Tail high location, is larger than average in size. It is thickened at the base and gradually decreases towards the end. When running, the dog carries it briskly up, in a slightly curved saber shape.
- Front - when viewed from the front and from the side, they are level-standing, have strong bones. The limbs are not wide apart, moderately long with strong dry muscles. The shoulder blades are inclined, tightly pressed. The shoulders are well connected to the body, set obliquely. The pasterns are straight when judged in front, and slightly tilted from the side.
- Rear - stand parallel to one another, with strong bones. Thighs with dry, powerful muscles, have a slight slope, almost equal in length with the lower leg. The joints are harmoniously curved. Metatarsus are straight and parallel.
- Paws slightly smaller than average, round-oval, strong. The toes are slightly curved. Their claws are hard and strong, colored black. The pads are firm and firm.
- Coat Thai Ridgeback is short and close-fitting to the skin. It can be super velor and velor to the touch. The "Ridge" is formed from wool on the upper part of the body. Visually, it should clearly separate from the general coat, start on the shoulders and taper towards the tail zone. It comes in different shapes and lengths.
- Leather - soft and elastic, fits the body well.
- Color - monochromatic: red, black, blue and the so-called isabella. Individuals of red color with a mask on a black face are appreciated.
Typical Thai Ridgeback behavior

You can only negotiate with this dog. They are real companions, combining the qualities of guard and hunting dogs. True, they never hunted together with humans, but exterminated small rodents and snakes on the territory that belonged to their owners. They treat strangers with great distrust.
Most importantly, they follow their owner everywhere. By the way, people who own Thai Ridgebacks today take them with them everywhere. They accompany them on vacation and at work, and some even take them with them to the office. The main problem of Thai Ridgebacks is wildness and distrust of outsiders. At the same time, dogs rarely show aggression towards people, but on the other hand, they are always on the alert.
This breed has another side of the coin. Its representatives very rarely show both their negative feelings in public and positive ones. It’s unimaginable to just caress the dogs or to lick a person.
Thai Ridgeback Health

Thai Ridgebacks are aboriginal dogs. Therefore, the immune system created by nature is strong. Dogs are hardy and strong. They have not been diagnosed with genetic diseases that are detrimental to health.
Thai Ridgeback Dog Care Criteria

- Wool Thai Ridgebacks do not require a haircut. They only need to be combed out and bathed. The dogs are combed a couple of times a week or every other day, when their coat changes, using rubber brushes. "Bath day" is arranged once every two weeks or if the pet is very dirty. Shampoos should be very mild so as not to harm the skin.
- Teeth Keep the ridge clean to keep it healthy and to protect it from stones and periodontal disease. To do this, teach your dog to clean them from an early age. For manipulation, zoological, edible pastes and brushes are suitable.
- Ears often do not need to be cleaned once or twice every two weeks.
- Eyes in order to avoid various infections, check regularly and wipe promptly. The manipulation can be carried out with wet wipes for animals towards the inner corner of the eye.
- Claws be sure to cut with claws to avoid deformation and change in gait. They are cut as they grow back or once a month. You can cut them off with a simple file, then the claws will not exfoliate.
- Feeding select such aboriginal dogs carefully. Even if you settled on quality food, natural, raw lean meat is a must for such a dog. A mixed diet is best for them. For example, in the morning you gave raw meat with a small admixture of boiled porridge, and in the evening a portion of dry concentrate. Mineral and vitamin supplements should always be available. Pamper your pet with all sorts of goodies. For example, dried beef lungs or bones cut from animal veins. From time to time, the dog needs fish oil.
- Walking Thai Ridgebacks take a long time. They should include adequate physical and mental stress. Adult pets are taken out for a walk several times a day, for at least 30 minutes.
Features of the upbringing of the Thai Ridgeback

When a Thai Ridgeback puppy first appears in your home, immediately instill obedience to the owner. With perseverance, develop reinforcement for obedience and learning in him. According to breeders, Thai Ridgebacks need a firm yet gentle hand. A rude attitude can lead to the development of isolation, cowardice or aggression.
If you want to find a common language with your dog, be sure to pet it and play with it. Do not be afraid at such moments to seem not serious or funny. Next to you is a puppy, and this is a child who completely depends on you. For a four-legged fool, you are everything! Do not disappoint his expectations. Think back to yourself at this age. For a puppy, a simple plastic bottle is as important as a once simple soccer ball or doll is to you.
First of all, you must attract the dog to you by play, not by coercion. One can only negotiate with a ridgeback. Their instinct for self-preservation is excellent. There is no extravagance in them. Dogs are agile and jumpy, endowed with a strong grip. They can defend themselves and claim respect from both humans and other living beings. Love for freedom, their main distinguishing feature.
There are some species that are aggressive and shy. Most importantly, they are not afraid. People who work with animals are divided into two groups: tamers and trainers. The tamer must be subdued, forced, broken no matter what. The trainer agrees - finds a common language and, if necessary, makes concessions. Violence may be the shortest path, but certainly not reliable. Love, affection, mutual respect - these are the three whales that support the world and not only the dog. You cannot make a slave from a dog because it is only a friend.
When raising such an aboriginal dog in a family, it is necessary to take time to explain to children how to handle such a pet. The Thai Ridgeback has a well-developed mind and intuition. The dog can assess the situation itself and take appropriate action. Due to their passion, intelligence and speed, they can be used in high-speed sports. This is agility, coursing, freestyle.
Interesting facts about the Thai Ridgeback

Thai Ridgebacks are extremely interesting animals. They love to eat vegetables and fruits, especially bananas.
A distinctive feature of the Ridgeback from other dogs is the strip of hair on the back, which grows against the main direction of the hair. If the Rhodesian Ridgebacks, which are their relatives, have only one type of ridge, then the Thai Ridgebacks have many of them.
Purchase and price of Thai Ridgeback puppies

The number of Thai Ridgebacks is not large, but they are becoming more and more popular all over the world. If you want to acquire such a four-legged Thai friend, then you will have to book a puppy even before his birth and wait for more than one month, or even a year. But the wait is worth it. The price of a puppy will be from $ 500 to $ 10,000.
For more information on the Thai Ridgeback, see below:
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