Gray langur or hanuman

Gray langur or hanuman
Gray langur or hanuman

History of discovery, regions of habitation, main species and social groups of langurs. What they look like, what lifestyle they lead and what they eat. Breeding features and enemies of monkeys. The content of the article:

  • Discovery history
  • Habitat
  • Description and lifestyle
  • Species and social groups
  • Power features
  • Reproduction and offspring
  • Natural enemies
  • Home maintenance

The gray langur or hanuman is an amazing, agile creature with long limbs. Belongs to the family of the Martyshkovs. Travelers can usually meet representatives of this species in India, Pakistan, South Asia, especially in Sri Lanka. But fans of watching Indian films and TV series will surely notice them in the frames near the temples, because the langurs there are almost permanent inhabitants.

The history of the discovery of the species

Gray langur
Gray langur

There is no reliable data on who became the discoverer of this species among Europeans. But there is an interesting legend thanks to which langur khanuman is considered a sacred animal in India and Sri Lanka.

An ancient Indian legend mentions that once a wife was abducted from the deity of Sri Rama by a giant. The thief took her to his distant island of Ceylon, where it was not so easy to get. But the monkeys helped free the hostage and returned her to her legal spouse, for which they became revered creatures.

There are also interesting legends about their unusual colors. According to one of them, a forest fire broke out during the rescue of Rama's wife. The fast monkeys were not afraid to carry the woman through the fire, but they burned their muzzles and paws, so they turned black.

According to another legend, the langur decided to get a mango for a man by stealing the fruit from the giant. For such disobedience he was caught and sentenced to be burned. However, the monkey managed to extinguish the fire and escape, but during the extinguishing it burned its face and paws, and ash fell on its fur.

In general, langurs are considered the personification of the god Khanum - an ape-like deity. Due to their special status, they are forgiven for many pranks and mischief, including the plundering of fields, gardens, as well as raids on dwellings and temples. They also love to steal things and food from gape of visitors.

Gray langur habitat

Langur sitting on a tree
Langur sitting on a tree

Animals can live in deserts, and in fields, tropical, rain and even coniferous forests. Mountain gorges also become their home. The highest point where langurs have been sighted is 4000 m above sea level.

Paradoxically, Afghanistan is considered the birthplace of Langur. They live well next to people, even in cities with a million population, for example, Jodhpur. They can also be companions of wandering monks for many years. Since the animals are picky about their habitat, and their numbers began to decline significantly due to the destruction of natural conditions, they were given the protection status "Endangered".

It is worth noting that langurs are diurnal creatures. At night they rest in the trees. Sometimes they can climb on high-voltage poles and get an electric shock, fatal for them. And this is another reason why they were listed as "Endangered". Langurs are not adapted to life in big cities, do not feel danger, and therefore perish.

Description and lifestyle of gray langurs

Gray langur for a walk
Gray langur for a walk

The body length of an adult can vary depending on sex and other factors - from 40 to 80 cm. In this case, the tail reaches a length of 1 m. The muzzle is shortened, the nose does not protrude. Paws are long and thin, but very strong. Monkeys of this species have thick and long eyelashes. They protect the animal while it searches for food in the treetops. Animals differ in coat color. Scientists note three main shades - gray, red and purple. And yet the main one is grayish brown. In relation to people, gray langurs are not aggressive, which cannot be said about their red-faced fellows. In the peculiarities of the species, differences in the tail are also noted. For example, the northern Indian langur hanuman prefers to direct its tail to the head while walking, while the southern and Sri Lankan predominantly choose the position in the form of the letters "U" or "S". However, an important feature of this species of monkeys is that their tail is always longer than the body.

Half of the time they are on the ground, moving on four legs, the second they spend in the trees. They love to jump between branches, and their horizontal jump reaches 3.7-4.6 m and 10.7-12.2 m in descent. Therefore, it is sometimes said that they simply fly between branches. If the distance between the nearest trees is too great, the monkeys swing on their long arms to increase the distance when flying.

Since it is interesting to observe these macaques, some tour operators organize special trips to the reserves. For example, in Polonnaruwa.

Travelers note that monkeys are quite sociable, they can come within arm's length, especially if there is something tasty in this hand. In addition, they love to jump on the roofs of bungalows and make unpleasant, but natural sounds for the species. But photographing them is quite problematic, since cunning macaques, as if on command, turn their backs at the sight of the camera.

Under favorable conditions, the animal can live up to 25-30 years, but this is not so common.

Species and social groups of langurs

Group of langurs
Group of langurs

Since the langurs themselves are part of a large group of Montiyshkovs and are their main and largest representatives, they are not divided according to subspecies.

There is some data from zoologists, according to which they divide animals depending on the shade of the coat (gray, lilac, with golden wool or red), but others decided that it would be more correct to combine them into one species. And the thing is that throughout life and depending on the habitat, their color can change.

It is more interesting to consider the species by social group:

  • With one male … In this case, a kind of harem is created from females and one strong male. Usually in such a campaign there are about 8 representatives - one male, several females and offspring. The elders take care of the younger ones, the females help each other. It is worth noting that male young animals have the right to be in such a group for no more than 45 months. Then he leaves her.
  • Mixed … These groups include both females and males of all ages. There are about 20 individuals, including 4 males, and the rest are mothers and offspring. From the moment a child reaches puberty, he leaves the group and looks for a new one or creates his own. Individuals interact with each other using visual and vocal contacts.
  • Mens … The peculiarity is that all representatives are exclusively male. At the same time, the age category starts from adolescents and ends with centenarians. This is the smallest group. It is believed that they are formed after fights for territory and very quickly disintegrate into the previous two.

Langurs also have their own hierarchy. In male groups, the strongest male carries the laurels of primacy. In mixed high rank in the youngest and nimble female, which has reached puberty. The female half of the langurs maintain mainly friendly relations, they are not as aggressive towards each other than males. Females travel with pleasure, rest and find food together, look after each other and cubs, regardless of rank or position in the group. If men from different groups collide, then the fight cannot be avoided. And although the gray langur is not aggressive, the battle for territory or females among them is common.

Nutritional features of langur hanuman

Langur nutrition
Langur nutrition

Langurs are monkeys that are classified as herbivores. But they do not do with just one grass, leaves or plant buds. If they live near conifers, then they gladly feast on needles and cones. They also love fruits and fruit buds, evergreen young plants, fern rhizomes, mosses, seeds, bamboo.

Langur monkeys even feed on cobwebs, ravage termite nests and love insect larvae.

Since they live very close to human habitation, they got used to stealing grains from the fields, as well as the usual food that is not typical for their nature from the tables. If fruit trees grow in the yard of the house, then with a high degree of probability langurs will become new neighbors. Moreover, they will sit there until they have completely eaten the crop. And since they have a three-chambered stomach, it's really not easy to get enough of them.

Residents, of course, are not happy with this behavior. They chase macaques, but not very well. Although this attitude is rather the exception than the rule. Many residents deliberately leave food for the langurs on the doorstep of their home for the night. Of course, this is due to the belief in their holiness and belonging to the deity.

Langurs drink water from reservoirs, puddles, but the main amount of liquid is obtained from food.

Reproduction and nursing of offspring

Langur with offspring
Langur with offspring

In groups where there is only one male, he becomes the only father of offspring for all females. In mixed groups, leaders, more courageous and strong males, who are conventionally referred to the highest rank, have the right to continue the race.

As for the females, the ladies of the highest rank also become favorites. They are also, as a rule, more fertile in comparison with their less successful representatives of the tribe. Childless females help raise the babies of their relatives.

Usually intercourse occurs once every 1, 5-2 years. However, females can rarely refuse males. If the lady is ready for fertilization, she shakes her head, lowers her tail and exposes the genital area. Sexual intercourse can occur several times before fertilization.

Bearing cubs lasts about 200 days. It is noteworthy that this trend continues mainly in India. In other habitats, females can bear offspring for up to a year. It is also noted that the more adapted the monkeys to human conditions, the more fertile they are. Females generally give birth to one baby at a time. Twins among the offspring are a real rarity.

Mostly childbirth takes place at night. Babies appear with light, thin hair and pale skin. Over time, usually by the age of two, the coat darkens. The body at birth is quite long - up to 20 cm, which is not very compatible with the weight, which is only 400-500 grams.

Like children, little langurs spend almost the entire first two weeks in a dream, waking up only to breastfeed. They hug their mother around the waist and move like this with her throughout the territory. By the sixth week of life, they can already communicate their desires with squeaks or screams. Babies can run, jump and move on their own from the second or third month of life. An infant stops sucking at the age of 13 months.

Natural enemies of the langurs hanuman

Bengal tiger
Bengal tiger

Due to the fact that macaques are very nimble, it is not so easy for predators to catch them. However, they also become victims. Natural enemies of monkeys include tigers, leopards, wolves, jackals, pythons.

As for a person, these cute animals are of no particular value to him. Rather, unnecessarily annoying thieves who destroy the fields are destroyed. However, rather desperate people take such a step, since the gray langur is still a revered animal. It is worth noting that if any of the travelers decides to chase the macaque, even for the sake of a joke, threatening it, he may face the aggressive behavior of local residents.

However, the monkeys themselves can be enemies for their relatives. This mainly applies to adult males, which can kill young animals. Basically, the new male representatives become infanticides, only joining the group and ousting the previous leader. The new leader kills the cubs that are not produced from him.

Mostly one-man groups suffer from this. In mixed situations, such a scenario is less possible, since other adult males intercede for their offspring. Scientists also believe that the reason for infanticide is the desire of the male to quickly return the female to the readiness to mate.

Keeping gray langurs at home

Gray langur in a cage
Gray langur in a cage

Despite the fact that in the natural environment langur practically does not experience nutritional problems, under conditions of restriction of freedom it becomes very picky. Due to the difficulties with feeding, and in closed rooms it is almost impossible to please the macaque in food demands, these animals cannot be found in confinement - in zoos, cages, or just at home. What does gray langur look like - watch the video:

Thin langurs are a real symbol of many cities. They are mentioned in books, traveller's notes, as well as in the frames of famous films. Monkeys enjoy a special position, and also live more and more closer to humans.
