Feronia fruit tree, characteristics of the plant, growing conditions, composition of a wooden apple, beneficial properties of the fruit, application options.
Useful properties of Persian lemon

The chemical composition of lemon feronia fully testifies to its beneficial properties.
The beneficial effects of a wooden apple on the human body can be described as follows:
- Improving vision … It occurs due to the intake of nutrients, while beta-carotene is the most important for the visual organs.
- Improving the body's defenses … Strengthening the immune system. Increased resistance to viruses and external influences. It is actively used in the treatment of stomatitis and tonsillitis, has antipyretic properties.
- Treatment of ailments of the gastrointestinal tract … The fruit has an astringent effect on diarrhea. Relieves symptoms of vomiting, indigestion, hiccups.
- Toning effect … Improving memory and increasing concentration, increasing mental abilities.
- Calming effect … It is taken to relieve pain during menstruation.
How to eat an elephant apple

The fruits of lemon feronia are considered edible, therefore they are used not only as a medicine, but also as a food product.
To peel a wooden apple, it must be chopped like a coconut; without the use of kitchen utensils, it is almost impossible to open the fruit.
Elephant Apple Cooking Options:
- The peeled pulp should be mixed with palm syrup, sugar, and coconut milk to create a fragrant sorbet.
- Feronia pulp mixed with sugar is boiled over low heat to get jam.
- The young leaves of the tree are used to make salads. This application is typical for the inhabitants of Thailand.
- You can prepare a drink to quench your thirst. For this, the core of the fruit is thoroughly kneaded and diluted with water (1.5-2 liters per fruit) with the addition of a small amount of sugar. This mixture should be infused for several hours. This recipe came from Sri Lanka.
- Indonesians prefer to eat the inner part of lemon feronia with added sugar for breakfast.
- The crushed pulp can be added to fruit salads, used as a basis for making jelly.
- Tea made from wood apple is widely known. It is brewed from pre-dried fruit slices. Let it brew for a few minutes. You can add honey, sugar to improve the taste.
The easiest way to buy a wooden apple is during the harvest season in the countries of Southeast Asia. In dried form, this fruit is supplied to large stores in our country. Tea can also be ordered online. Approximate prices for it: for 250 g - 340 rubles, for 100 g - 160 rubles.
Feronia application options

So, the benefits of the fruit of the elephant apple for the human body are obvious, but there are other options for using this plant:
- Medicine … Decoctions, medicines are made from fruits, pericarp, feronia leaves.
- Cosmetology … The pulp of a wooden fruit is used to create creams to improve the skin, decoctions for rinsing oxen in order to give them a pleasant smell. Feronia essential oil is used in the production of shampoos.
- Chemical industry … Special processing of the peel produces permanent dyes for fabrics such as chintz and silk.
- Domestic use … As a household glue, a sticky mass is used, which forms around unripe seeds. The same material is also used in jewelry. The dense rind can sometimes serve as utensils, and the core can be used to wash your hands or utensils.
- Construction … Feronia wood is of great value. Due to its dense structure, it is used in the construction of houses, in the construction of poles, in the manufacture of agricultural tools. The sticky part of the fruit, when mixed with lime, makes an excellent material for creating a waterproof layer on walls.
Watch a video about feronia:

The benefits of any fruit, including a wooden apple, are greatest when consumed raw. Any heat treatment reduces the content of nutrients and beneficial effects. Therefore, eat fresh fruits whenever possible.