Momordica harantia or bitter gourd

Momordica harantia or bitter gourd
Momordica harantia or bitter gourd

Momordica harantia, description of the plant, area, useful properties and taste, contraindications to use and harm, options for use.

Chemical composition of Momordica charantia

Seeds and ripe Momordica
Seeds and ripe Momordica

Like its relatives in the biological family, Chinese bitter gourd has a rich composition. And, despite the fact that the energy value is small, and the calorie content of Momordika is only 19 kcal, the fruits are of great importance for nutrition and maintaining human health.

The nutritional value is described as follows:

  • Dietary fiber - 2 g;
  • Proteins - 0, 84 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 4, 3 g;
  • Fats - 0.2 g.

Vitamin composition:

  • Vitamin C - 33 mg (or 40% of the daily requirement);
  • Vitamin B9 - 51 mcg (or 13% of the daily requirement);
  • Vitamin K - 4.8 mcg (5% of the daily dose);
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.2 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 0.14 mg;
  • Vitamin B3 - 0.28 mg.

In a noticeably smaller volume, Momordica includes vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, F.

Mineral composition:

  • Potassium - 319 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 36 mg;
  • Magnesium - 16 mg;
  • Calcium - 9 mg;
  • Sodium - 6 mg

Less than 1 mg per 100 Chinese bitter cucumber contains iron, manganese, zinc.

Momordika seeds contain a substance that can lower blood sugar levels, as well as flavonoids, amino acids, alkaloids.

Useful properties of Chinese cucumber

Bitter gourd
Bitter gourd

The beneficial properties of bitter gourd are numerous thanks to the beneficial substances found in the pulp, seeds, roots and leaves of the plant. Momordica can be described as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-febrile, decongestant, anti-cancer, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, which also stimulates sexual activity.

The healing properties of Momordika harantia can be described as follows:

  1. For the pancreas … Thanks to the substances contained, the fruits of Momordika are able to enhance the secretory function of this organ, increase the production of insulin, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by people suffering from diabetes. By using drugs based on this plant, you can significantly reduce the intake of drugs that are synthetic analogs of insulin.
  2. For immunity … Helps the body to cope more actively with bacteria, viruses and various kinds of external influences. It is believed that Momordica helps in the fight against the immunodeficiency virus.
  3. For metabolism … The complex of nutrients improves metabolic processes, helps to more intensively remove toxins and toxins. Stimulates recovery processes. Momordica can be used for weight loss, because accelerates the breakdown of fats and prevents weight gain.
  4. For the organs of vision … Improves visual acuity.
  5. For the circulatory system … Improves the process of hematopoiesis. Cleans blood vessels from cholesterol.
  6. For the genitourinary system … Fights microorganisms that cause inflammation in the genitals, kidneys, urinary tract. Some components of Momordika have contraceptive properties.
  7. For skin … Bitter gourd has the ability to neutralize allergic itching, swelling from insect bites. Momordica helps with skin rashes and prickly heat. Its leaves can be applied to gasoline burns to avoid wound infection.
  8. For the gastrointestinal tract … Components contained in the pulp, roots, seeds, leaves of Momorodica can help in the treatment of infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In different countries, this vegetable is used to treat diarrhea, stomach ulcers, and to get rid of worms.

Contraindications to the use of Momordika charantia

Ban on the use of Momordica during pregnancy
Ban on the use of Momordica during pregnancy

The Chinese cucumber Momordica has a number of contraindications for ingestion and even for external use. The main prohibitions are the following cases:

  • Pregnancy, because some components of the vegetable can cause abortion.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Age under 16.
  • Allergy to this vegetable.
  • Large portions of the product.

With caution, it is allowed to use the leaves of Momordika for diseases of the duodenum and stomach ulcers. A relative prohibition is the use of a vegetable with hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis and in the presence of adrenal gland diseases.

Side effects are manifested by nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, itching, sore throat, hypoglycemia, primaquine anemia, fever. Keep in mind that the juice of unripe fruits of Momordika contains dangerous toxins that can cause severe poisoning, coma.

Before fruiting, bitter gourd leaves can cause burns. This ability disappears as soon as fruits appear on the plant.

How to eat bitter gourd

Dish with momordica
Dish with momordica

Growing Momordika can be a virtually waste-free production. almost all parts of this plant can be used in cooking, as well as for the creation of medicines. Due to the fact that at different stages of plant development, the components of its individual parts can both help in the treatment of diseases and harm the body, we will consider in more detail the basic conditions and options for using bitter gourd.

In order for ripe fruits of Momordika to survive for 2-3 weeks after harvest, they must be placed in a place with a high level of humidity (about 90%) with a constant temperature of 11-12 ° C. Unripe fruits can be stored for a little longer.

Let's describe a few nuances that will help you understand how Momordiku can eat without harm to health:

  1. Bitter gourd pulp resembles the taste of cucumber only in an unripe state, so unripe fruits are an excellent source of tasty pulp.
  2. Momordika seeds take on a sweet taste only after they are fully ripe: this is the best period to eat raw seeds.
  3. Young leaves, flowers, shoots can be eaten stewed.
  4. To make the seeds softer, they are heat treated.
  5. The pulp, seeds of Chinese pumpkin can be fried, boiled. They are added to various dishes (salads, stews, soups). The vegetable goes well with meat, fish, legumes, potato dishes.
  6. To soften the bitter taste, the vegetable is boiled in salted water.
  7. Momordica is an important ingredient in a hot curry.
  8. Jam is made from the pulp. And the syrup of this delicacy is used to create liqueurs, wine, liqueurs, tonic, tinctures.

The use of momordica in traditional medicine

Chopped bitter cucumber
Chopped bitter cucumber

The use of bitter gourd in folk medicine began many centuries ago. Currently, tinctures and decoctions based on this vegetable are very popular in Asian countries. Let's describe the recipes for creating these remedies.

Seedless fruits are used as the basis of the tincture. The pulp is thoroughly washed and cut into small cubes, which are placed in a jar to the top. Then the contents are poured with vodka. Place the tightly closed container in a cool, dark place. The infusion period is 2-3 weeks.

The first intake of this remedy is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, and at lunchtime and in the evening - half an hour before a meal. The dosage is 1 teaspoon.

This tincture is effective for prostatitis, urolithiasis, cough, runny nose, colds, fever, psoriasis, rheumatism, as well as for increasing brain activity, healing from sclerosis and general strengthening of the body.

The broth is made on the basis of seeds. They are taken in an amount of 20 grams, crushed and poured with 1 glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture must be boiled over low heat for no more than 10 minutes. After this time, the broth is left to infuse for 1-1, 5 hours, then filtered.

The number of receptions per day is 3-4 times. The dosage is 50 ml. Purpose of a decoction from Momordika: hemorrhoids, problems with the urinary system, fever, to increase potency, to maintain the body in the treatment of alcoholism and nicotine addiction.

How to grow Momordica Charantia

Growing bitter gourd
Growing bitter gourd

The cultivation of Momordika harantia is widespread among gardeners, the most experienced of whom describe the requirements for this process as follows:

  • The soil … Should be loose, slightly acidic. Momordica develops well in those areas where potatoes, legumes, root crops, tomatoes, early cabbage, green crops previously grew. For harvesting seedlings, one part of sand and 2 parts of a mixture of leafy earth and humus are used.
  • Breeding options … Seeds, cuttings, seedlings are used.
  • Temperature regime … A drop in air temperature below + 10 ° C, as well as sharp fluctuations, negatively affect the plant. During seed germination, a temperature of 22-25 ° C is required. After emergence, it is sufficient to maintain + 15 ° C.
  • Sowing … Produced at the turn of March and April. Pre-soaking of seeds is used for a day or two in a weak manganese solution, but not longer, so that the seeds do not start to rot. The pots with the planted seeds should be covered with a foil until shoots appear (for 7-8 days). After that, the film is removed and the containers are placed closer to the light to prevent the plant from stretching.
  • Transplanting … It is unacceptable to plant shoots of Momordika in the soil if its temperature is less than 11 ° C. Before planting in open ground, the seedlings are hardened. The best plant age for transplanting is 20 days.
  • Watering … Moderate but frequent, preferably warm water. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Spraying foliage is encouraged to maintain high humidity levels.
  • Plant care … Periodically, you should thin out the foliage and side shoots, pinching off their tips. It is impossible to completely get rid of stepchildren, tk. they bear a lot of fruit. As you grow, you should equip the trellis. The plant is wrapped around twine, following the example of growing cucumbers. Momordica is pest resistant, so it is not sprayed.
  • Cuttings … The stepsons removed from the main stem can be rooted for subsequent planting. The roots appear after a couple of weeks while maintaining a constant water temperature at 25 ° C.
  • Fertilizer … Held every 2 weeks. The best option is mullein solution.

How to eat bitter gourd - look at the video:

Momordica perfectly decorates the garden area and at the same time brings a good harvest of healing and nutritious fruits that will help get rid of many diseases, support the body during the recovery period, preserve youthful skin and gain longevity.
