Sexual gestures

Sexual gestures
Sexual gestures

What are sexual gestures and why are they needed. The most common male and female ways to attract attention. Sexual gestures used by both sexes. Sexual gestures are a way to express your sympathy without words, that is, non-verbally. Our body has a fairly large arsenal of body movements, with the help of which you can demonstrate your interest. And it is better to study such gestures and learn how to control. This will help you avoid unpleasant situations, quickly draw attention to yourself and notice interest in yourself.

The meaning of sexual gestures

Stroking your hair
Stroking your hair

The roots of these special signs are in our distant past and in many respects have something in common with the habits of animals. Therefore, most often they manifest themselves instinctively, on a subconscious level. Although many who know the power of such "manipulations" use them deliberately. Such knowledge not only makes life much easier (especially for shy people), but can also become a powerful weapon of communication.

Benefits of knowing the ABC of Sexual Gestures:

  • The ability to see the manifestation of attention to oneself in time and adequately respond to it (ignore, suppress or encourage);
  • Attracting the interest of the object of passion according to your own rules (as quickly or gradually as possible, frankly or carefully);
  • The ability to realistically assess the situation (the degree of their activity and its appropriateness) and control their "body language";
  • Ability to effectively use sexual gestures to your advantage;
  • Ability to avoid awkward situations, misunderstandings and vulgarity.

Courtship signals can be very different in "performance": facial expressions, gestures, postures, movements, voice intonation, etc. Or a combination of them. However, they can be explicit and displayed openly. Or vice versa - hidden, invisible to prying eyes.

Sexual gestures can be used purposefully, with a narrow range of activities - that is, to attract the attention of a specific object. Or with a wide range - for everyone to see.

When using body language to generate interest, it's important to keep a fine line so you don't look out of place or vulgar.

The main types of sexual gestures

This "weapon" is used by both sexes, but women have a much wider arsenal of visual attacks. Therefore, they say that men love with their eyes. At the same time, they are still less attentive to such signs, so they may simply not notice them, in contrast to the beautiful half of humanity, whose increased sensitivity allows them to catch the messages of sympathy immediately.

Female sexual gestures

Girl playing with lips
Girl playing with lips

A distinctive feature of female signals of interest is not only their number. They are more graceful and sophisticated. In addition, they are not always intended for the same object, as in men. Very often women use hidden sexual gestures (and sometimes explicit ones) in order to please all men in their field of vision.

The most common female sexual gestures are:

  1. Hair … To attract attention, women often use games with their hair: smoothing, twisting a curl around a finger, gently throwing it back from the face, tucking it behind the ear, or throwing it from the shoulders onto the back (if the hair is long). An interested beauty can straighten her hair, loosen her curls, or simply touch her hair. Moreover, the slower she does it, the more attractive it looks.
  2. Posture … To demonstrate herself in all her glory, under the gaze of men, a woman interested in attention literally turns into a model. She straightens her back, pushing her chest forward, and engages her hips in her gait. It is the latter who play a very important role in the process of seduction: a smooth rhythmic swaying with pleasant curves literally hypnotizes men.
  3. Wrists … Another marker of a woman's readiness for close acquaintance is the desire to demonstrate her wrists and palms in front of the man she likes. The smooth skin of this area of the hands is considered one of the most sensitive erogenous zones, so "hunters" try to keep them in the field of view of the object. An additional attractive maneuver can be graceful bracelets, watches and even tattoos. A woman's wrist looks no less impressive while smoking. Especially if it is done elegantly and languidly.
  4. Pose … The position of her body or limbs can also indicate a woman's interest. For example, slightly apart legs (both in a sitting and in a standing position) in the direction of a man she likes, immortalized in the "Basic Instinct" unhurried throwing of legs one on top of the other. Freely crossed legs from the ankle area, bending one leg under oneself, straightening the legs can testify to this. The main condition for this is precisely the free and unconstrained behavior of a woman. Firmly clenched knees and crossed legs may indicate the opposite: she is not ready for a close relationship or the interlocutor is generally unpleasant to her.
  5. Stroking … A frank sign of sympathy is, as it were, a fleeting stroke of the seductress of her thighs, arms, calves or knees. This can happen during a conversation with an object of interest or simply in his field of vision. This also includes such sexual gestures of women as gentle stroking of the stem of a glass, cigarette, handle - any cylindrical object.
  6. Face … Eyes and lips can be no less eloquent in terms of female interest. The most famous version of seduction is the flirtatious look. When a woman looks a little askance, from under half-closed eyelids, languidly and mysteriously, smiling slightly. Another option is flapping eyelashes with the same light smile. It all depends on the temperament of the coquette: one will bashfully lower her eyes, the other will play with her gaze, and the third will boldly look into the eyes of a pretty interlocutor with a challenge. If a woman does not avert her eyes during a conversation, this can also be regarded as a sign of interest.
  7. Wiggle shoes … Another classic seduction technique is playing with a shoe, when the seductress gently shakes it at the tips of her toes. In this case, the leg on which the shoe sways invitingly is thrown over the other and directed towards the object of attention. Stiletto heels look most impressive. Naturally, ladies who want to use this method of seduction need to take into account several very important details: the appearance of the shoes, the integrity and cleanliness of the tights (or the grooming of their feet in the absence of them).
  8. Opening the neck and shoulders … A woman who is ready for closer contact instinctively exposes her neck in front of the object of interest, tossing her hair or turning her head. She can run her hand over it, emphasizing the graceful curve of this part of her body. And this is not only aesthetic implication. By these actions, the woman demonstrates her trust and acceptance. Exposing the shoulder has a similar effect, especially if the seductress also touches it with her cheek. Such a sign is an unequivocal signal that she is not against closer, bodily contact.
  9. Voice … In the presence of a man whose attention a woman wants to win, her voice subtly changes. It becomes deeper, softer, viscous. Languid, playful notes appear in it.
  10. Distance … A woman who has entered the path of seduction is not afraid to violate the personal space of her target. She tries to take a seat closer, and when talking more bend over to meet. A clear sign of sympathy is tactile contact, so she does not miss an opportunity to touch her chosen one by chance - walking by, dancing, leaving the table, during a conversation, etc.
  11. Demonstration … A clear manifestation of the fact that the fair sex wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex is demonstrative preening in front of the mirror. It can be a haircut or lip tinting, a glimpse of yourself from the side, or a frank admiration for yourself beautiful. An equally frank expression of interest on the part of a woman can be licking her lips, unbuttoning the top buttons of a blouse, showing her legs (the most advantageous poses, opening a slit on a skirt or dress, etc.), driving her finger in the neckline. Willingness for close contact is also manifested in the manner of eating (slowly, languidly) and drinking (especially through a straw), looking your chosen one directly in the eyes.

Important! Any body movements of a woman must be compared with facial expressions and vice versa. For example, the cross-legged pose already described may be a sign of unwillingness to communicate. A direct look also cannot always be regarded positively: it can be a manifestation of aggression and rejection.

Male sexual gestures

Demonstrative pose of a man
Demonstrative pose of a man

Male expressions of interest are more straightforward compared to female "things". And no wonder - this is the nature of men. Moreover, this does not make them less effective.

The main sexual gestures of men:

  • External transformation … Getting into the field of vision of the object of desire, a man literally spreads his tail like a peacock and grows younger literally before our eyes. Revitalization appears, he straightens, tightens his stomach, straightens his shoulders. To demonstrate his masculine beauty and strength, he begins to play with muscles, includes a "sports" gait, stretches. His hands automatically stretch out to straighten his tie (shirt collar, jacket lapel, cufflinks, hairdo, etc.), shake off imaginary dust from his shoulder, stroke his throat.
  • Demonstration poses … If a woman sets herself the task of showing her femininity and defenselessness, then men have a more straightforward approach. His trump card is his masculinity and manhood. Considering that a modern man is constrained by moral dogmas that do not allow him to show everything at once, animal priorities still appear at the sight of a representative of the opposite sex he likes. This is manifested in the fact that a man sits or stands with his legs wide apart, puts his hands on his hips, stretches his legs forward. Particularly striking in regard to interest is the placing of the thumbs in the belt. Hands hidden in the pockets of trousers (jacket, jacket) with thumbs sticking out can testify to the same.
  • Sight … At the sight of his object of lust, a shine, fire appears in the eyes of a man. An interested “hunter” looks at his “prey” with a special, masculine gaze - “undressing”. He examines it all - from head to toe. Less open, but still just as grateful is the look that lingers on the woman you like a little longer or more often than a decent one.
  • Facial expressions … Not only the man's body reacts to the appearance of sympathy in the field of view, but also his face. It visibly revives, becomes joyful, good-natured and open. The complexion changes towards freshness and health, bags under the eyes disappear. The eyebrows are raised, a smile appears, the chin begins to move back and forth.
  • Behavior … The masculine base makes the representatives of the stronger sex constantly compete with each other, especially in relation to women. Therefore, they will try to stand out from the crowd of imaginary or obvious competitors with beautiful gestures, bright and extraordinary actions.
  • Distance … An interested man is not at all against the violation of the boundaries of personal space by the object of his interest. And he does not miss the opportunity to break them himself. Therefore, he tries to take a seat closer, touch his arm or shoulder while talking, hug, kiss the wrist. A more formal gesture is to shake hands. Not to mention such obvious signs of sympathy as an invitation to dance or an offer to spoon feed.
  • Games … The enacted imagination with subconscious "inclinations" makes a man, in the presence of the object of desire, mechanically fiddling with or playing with round objects that remind him of the pleasant roundness of the female body.

Unisex Sexual Gestures

Playing with the eyes
Playing with the eyes

There is a range of behaviors where the sexual gestures of women are intertwined with the sexual gestures of men. That is, the range of gestures used by both genders.

Universal Sexual Gestures:

  1. Preening … Representatives of both halves of humanity, at the sight of an object of interest, begin to correct everything that can be corrected on themselves - hair, clothes, accessories. The abdomens are drawn in, the backs are straightened, the gait and smoothness of movements change. The transformation of appearance literally manifests itself.
  2. Tactile contact … Another common male-female trait in the state of interest is the desire to be closer to the chosen object, to touch it.
  3. Sight … Games with eyes are also inherent in both participants in the fascinating action of inter-sex interactions. Unisex signs are considered two options for looking: often glancing at a member of the opposite sex you like, or holding a glance at him for a longer time than prescribed by etiquette.
  4. Poses … Both men and women prefer to instinctively direct the toe, knee or body of their body towards the chosen one.
  5. Facial expressions … If the object of interest evokes strong enough emotions, it is difficult for both sexes to hide them on the face. A smile immediately appears on the face, and the eyes sparkle with sparks of desire.
  6. Copying … Interested in rapprochement, heterosexuals subconsciously imitate each other, repeating gestures and movements. For example, he puts one foot on the other - and she does the same; he leans back in his chair - and she repeats after him.

Interestingly, all of the above signals can be sent to several objects at once. The winner is the one that turns out to be the most "responsive", that is, gives more response signals of sympathy.

Watch a video about sexual gestures:

The sexual gestures given in the article are a generalized sample, an average list. Therefore, evaluate the behavior and gestures of other people, taking into account their personality, environment, mood.
