Learn how to prevent the development of occupational diseases associated with sedentary work. Many modern occupations involve low physical activity in the workplace. In order to maintain health and increase labor productivity in such conditions, it is necessary to carry out industrial gymnastics. Today you will get acquainted with a set of industrial gymnastics exercises.
In the days of the USSR, complexes of industrial gymnastics exercises were created for workers in various fields, and they were mandatory. A special program was broadcast on the radio at a certain time, and the employees did the exercises. Nowadays there is no such practice in any enterprise or firm. However, everyone should take care of their health. You can definitely devote a couple of tens of minutes to complete a set of industrial gymnastics exercises during your working day.
The negative effects of sedentary work

We will talk about exercises a little later, but now we should touch on the topic of the danger that sedentary work poses to a person. Now there is a surge in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The reason for this phenomenon is largely due to the working conditions in the office.
First of all, this applies to various diseases of the spinal column and especially osteochondrosis. However, there are a large number of other diseases that can be caused by inactive lifestyle and sedentary work. These include tunnel syndrome, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, pneumonia, etc.
To prevent these diseases, all people whose work is connected with the office need to monitor their working posture, as well as perform a simple set of industrial gymnastics exercises. Thanks to this, blood flow will accelerate, the rate of metabolic processes will increase, well-being will improve, and labor productivity will also increase.
Types of industrial gymnastics

We have already talked about a very useful practice that existed in Soviet times. If we talk about the types of industrial gymnastics, then it is worth highlighting introductory gymnastics, physical education and a physical culture pause.
Physical education

Physical education should be carried out by the employee independently with an interval of one or one and a half hours.
If the position of your body does not change for a longer period of time, then the load on the spinal discs will be excessive, which can cause them to deform. To carry out a physical training minute, you only need a couple of minutes, and during that time you must complete several simple physical exercises.
Physical culture break

Physical education pause is a group lesson that should be done at least once during the working day, but it is advisable to do it twice. The first physical training pause should be carried out two or three hours after the start of the working day, and then a similar time before its end. The pause lasts from five to ten minutes.
Do not underestimate the importance of a set of industrial gymnastics exercises. Nowadays one can very often hear reproaches against the Soviet regime, but not everything was bad. Also, industrial gymnastics today would be very useful for many people engaged in intellectual work.
In the course of numerous studies, it was found that the fulfillment of exercises that are part of the complex of physical culture pause at an average and high pace can significantly increase the efficiency of labor in comparison with a slow speed.
This statement is true for workers of all groups of labor. In the middle of the complex, it is recommended to increase the topics of the exercises, and then gradually reduce it as we approach the final stage. You should also change the sets of industrial gymnastics exercises once a month.
When choosing exercises, it is very important to focus on the specifics of the work of a particular category of employees. In this case, special attention should be paid to the working posture, the rhythm of the performance of official duties, the degree of participation in the work of the muscles, etc.
If employees perform physical work, then a set of industrial gymnastics exercises should be fused to muscle relaxation, as well as breathing movements. In turn, workers engaged in intellectual work must perform exercises at a high pace with a large amplitude. It is necessary to create sufficient tension for the muscles, as well as pay attention to stretching exercises.
Introductory gymnastics

The first two forms of industrial gymnastics should be compulsory for all categories of workers. It is also worth remembering about introductory gymnastics, with which it is worth starting every new working day. This will activate the work of all major body systems. The duration of the introductory gymnastics is from five to seven minutes.
The complex of exercises for introductory industrial gymnastics must include exercises using the following scheme:
- Walking in place.
- Sipping exercises.
- Movement for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.
- Exercises for the muscles of the arms.
- Stretching exercises and posture improvement.
- Exercises to improve coordination and attention.
It should be noted that all exercises must be performed at a pace that is as close as possible to the working one. In this case, it is allowed to perform some exercises at a higher speed.
Recommendations for performing industrial gymnastics

It is important to remember that exercise should be done in a well-ventilated area, and its temperature should not exceed 25 degrees with a relative humidity of 70 percent. If there is such a possibility, then the complex should be performed next to your workplace.
It is very good if the classes are conducted with musical accompaniment. Also, to reduce the risk of injury, all exercises should be performed in shoes that securely fix the heel and have a low heel, which increases the employee's stability. It does not make sense to perform movements with excessive intensity, as this will lead to increased sweating. Most likely, it will be impossible to visit the shower after completing the complex. We also note that it is necessary to carry out industrial gymnastics regularly.
What is hygienic gymnastics?

Hygienic gymnastics is designed to dramatically increase labor productivity for all categories of workers. Thanks to specially designed sets of movements, employees will be able to improve the work of the heart muscle, respiratory and vascular systems. Research results have shown that regular hygienic gymnastics can significantly increase the productivity of physical and intellectual labor.
The complex of exercises for hygienic industrial gymnastics must necessarily include movements to increase the strength indicator, increase the efficiency of the joints, and also to relax the muscles.
Now we will give an approximate sequence of exercises in the complex of hygienic gymnastics:
- Exercises involving flexion of the thoracic spine and stretching.
- Flywheels, as well as circular movements of the hands, contributing to an increase in joint mobility.
- Squats, leg flexion / extension, and lunges to improve the performance of the lower limb joints.
- Circular movements and side tilting of the body.
- Perform simple strength exercises, such as push-ups, if possible.
- Walking in place.
- Exercises to relax the muscles of the whole body.
The most optimal indicator of the effectiveness of a set of industrial gymnastics exercises is the employee's well-being. After completing all movements, an increase in the heart rate indicator is allowed by 50 percent. After a maximum of ten minutes, the heart rate should return to normal. The number of repetitions of exercises in the complex is about 10.
Due to the regular implementation of hygienic gymnastics exercises, it is possible to slow down and even completely eliminate stagnant processes in the body. The blood supply to all tissues will also improve.
Note that breathing exercises have a positive effect on improving the quality of venous circulation. This is due to the fact that at the moment of inhalation, the volume of the chest increases, which leads to an increase in negative pressure. At the same time, the heart muscle and arteries work at reduced pressure, and the contracting skeletal muscles at increased pressure.
When the muscles relax after performing a movement, they fill with blood, which leaves the muscle tissue after the next contraction. All this together leads to an increase in the velocity of venous blood flow. The alternation of muscle tension and relaxation during breathing exercises has a positive effect on the smooth muscles of all internal organs.
Also, in conclusion, it should be noted that hygienic gymnastics can be carried out not only during working hours. This will allow a person to reduce the risks of developing a large number of diseases, say, varicose veins.
Check out the following video for a set of industrial gymnastics exercises: