How to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles using gymnastics?

How to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles using gymnastics?
How to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles using gymnastics?

How to get rid of nasolabial folds using special gymnastics? What should be done to increase the effectiveness of classes? The best exercises for age-related wrinkles around the mouth. Recommendations for their prevention. Nasolabial wrinkles are expression lines that start from the corners of the nose and go down to the corners of the mouth. They deepen due to overstretching of the muscles (small and large zygomatic, chewing fascia), which are responsible for changing grimaces, reducing their tone. Non-compliance with the drinking regime, a sharp weight loss and active facial expressions have an adverse effect. Exercising for nasolabial wrinkles helps to slow down age-related changes. With regular exercise, you can look 5-6 years younger up to forty, and 3-4 years younger than fifty.

Does gymnastics help smooth out nasolabial wrinkles?

Woman examines nasolabial wrinkles
Woman examines nasolabial wrinkles

Do not rely on exercise to completely eliminate wrinkles. But regular exercise will help:

  • Learn to control muscles, which means control facial expressions;
  • Relax overstrained muscles and reduce skin tension;
  • Improve peripheral blood supply, which will increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the epithelial tissues.

Gymnastics against nasolabial folds is a prevention of external aging and a way to improve your appearance. For daily training to be effective, it is necessary to expand the drinking regimen to 2 liters per day and take good care of your face.

Additional recommendations: try not to overstretch the skin, do not sit with your hand under your cheek, and learn to fall asleep so that your face is not wrinkled by the pillow.

Basic rules of gymnastics for nasolabial wrinkles

Woman removes cosmetics from face
Woman removes cosmetics from face

So that gymnastics for the face from nasolabial wrinkles does not lead to problems with the skin, a few minutes should be devoted to personal hygiene before classes. Wash your hands thoroughly, clean your face, remove cosmetics and household dirt. A light nourishing cream is applied to the skin to increase elasticity.

Exercises are done in front of a mirror. This is the only way to remember mimic changes and learn how to control them. Starting position - standing or sitting. If you carry out training lying down, the face will "drain" and the result will be impossible to achieve. The muscles of the neck and back should be in good shape, the head should be kept straight.

The duration of the lessons is 10-15 minutes a day. You should not get carried away so as not to create an increased load on the skin.

Completing the exercises, the facial muscles are completely relaxed. After training, a light facial massage is performed, patting the massage lines with the fingertips.

Note! To visually track positive changes, you need to photograph your face once a week. Contraindications for performing a complex of gymnastics to remove nasolabial wrinkles are as follows:

  • Chronic dermatological diseases in the acute stage, viral and fungal skin pathologies, acne in the active phase;
  • Couperosis, frequent inflammation of the facial nerves;
  • Injuries, purulent-inflammatory processes;
  • Conducting a course of salon procedures.

How to Exercise Against Nasolabial Wrinkles?

From the many techniques developed to improve the appearance, you can always choose the one that suits the best.

Express complex for nasolabial folds

Woman rubs face with ice cube
Woman rubs face with ice cube

The complex is best done in the morning, wiping your face with an ice cube made from a medicinal infusion - lime blossom, chamomile, parsley or sage juice. This will help to quickly restore tone.

These exercises are suitable for young energetic women as a prevention of age-related changes:

  • The lips are pulled out, as if preparing for a light kiss. Children call such a grimace "nufic".
  • The mouth is opened so that an oval is formed.
  • Cheeks puff out and forcefully blow out air.

All positions are fixed for 3-5 seconds. First, all positions are repeated 20 times, gradually increasing the frequency of approaches to 30.

Important! Before applying cosmetics, a hot compress is applied to the nasolabial folds for 10 minutes.

Carol Maggio's method for nasolabial wrinkles

Carol Maggio Gymnastics
Carol Maggio Gymnastics

According to the reviews of those who have already tried the complex developed by a Hollywood cosmetologist, the effect resembles a lifting in the salon or even a cosmetic lift.

This method will not only help remove nasolabial folds with gymnastics, but also effectively rejuvenate the entire face:

  1. They stand in front of a mirror and mentally divide the face along the vertical axis into 2 halves. Determine what the asymmetry is. In the future, with the help of muscle tension, you need to try to get rid of it.
  2. The lips are strained, squeezed, pressed tightly to the teeth.
  3. The mouth is opened so that the points in its middle, which are on the same axis, do not move from it.
  4. Having fixed the position, they begin to breathe evenly through the mouth, while simultaneously pressing with their fingers on the nasolabial folds. Can be rubbed or massaged vigorously with your fingertips. When there is a burning sensation, the air is exhaled vigorously, the mouth is closed.

It is advisable to do it 3-4 hours before going to bed. With daily training, visual changes can be seen after 3 weeks.

Classic gymnastic complex for the face

Exercise of the gymnastic complex for the face
Exercise of the gymnastic complex for the face

These exercises for women over 30 years old help to slow down age-related changes and restore facial muscle tone.


  • They puff out their cheeks and blow out the air.
  • They open their mouths, try to pronounce vowel sounds so that it is clear.
  • The lips are pulled into a tube, and then take on a normal facial expression.
  • Push the lower jaw forward, straining and relaxing both lips. They try to lower the lower lip, and press the upper lip to the lips.
  • The air is inhaled through the nose and, imitating water in the mouth, "rinse" it.
  • Breathing through the nose is continued. This time, when the cheeks are puffed out, they hold their breath. The air is exhaled in small portions, slightly opening the lips. Difference from exercise # 5: when the air is completely exhaled, the cheeks are drawn in.
  • At the end of the complex, all muscles completely relax, close their eyes and begin to breathe evenly through the nose and mouth.

The multiplicity of approaches is 10-15 times. It is recommended to monitor the pulse. During classes, it increases slightly.

Note! During training, not only the facial muscles are tense, but also the neck muscles. Increased stress can provoke a "jump" in blood pressure.

Gymnastics from Greer Childers for nasolabial folds

Exercise for nasolabial folds
Exercise for nasolabial folds

Greer Childers was once an eternally notorious housewife, and then began to engage in bodybuilding, lost weight and rejuvenated herself, and then began to help other women. Gymnastics for the face against nasolabial wrinkles with action on active points:

  1. They take a deep breath, give the usual shape to the mouth, fix it. Press the corners of the lips with index fingers and forcefully move them 1 cm along the nasolabial folds towards the nose.
  2. Mouth breathing is light, facial expressions are invisible. At this time, the pads of the index fingers are pressed against the points at the wings of the nose and vigorously worked with pressure.
  3. Cheeks are puffed out several times, inhaling and exhaling air.
  4. They work with the language. Pull and retract vigorously, keeping the tip constantly visible.
  5. The fingers are moved 1 cm lower along the massage lines and the pressing is repeated.

During acupressure, the breath is held. The repetition rate is 8-10 times.

Japanese exercises for nasolabial wrinkles

Woman inflates a balloon
Woman inflates a balloon

You can reduce nasolabial folds with the help of available accessories. The technique was developed by Japanese cosmetologists:

  • With a bottle … Water is poured into a glass bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters, tightly cover the neck with your lips, and raise it above the table. At first, the water only closes the bottom, then its amount is increased.
  • With a balloon … The balloon is inflated and deflated several times. Then, when the ball is inflated, the position is fixed when the air has already been taken in, but has not yet been blown out, and at this time the problem area is vigorously treated, tapping with the pads of the fingers, simultaneously from both sides. The air is blown into the ball, the elastic is tightly clamped between the lips, the cheeks are drawn in. The poses are fixed for 10 seconds.
  • With a comb or massage brush … It is desirable that balls are installed at the ends of the teeth. The comb smooths out deep wrinkles from the mouth towards the cheekbones, through the massage lines, obliquely. It is advisable to first apply a nourishing cream with a lifting effect to the skin.
  • Whistle … Pull the lips out with a tube, blow out the air through the whistle to get a louder sound.
  • With a spoon … Clamp the handle with closed lips and try to smile. They complicate the action - they try to raise the spoon as high as possible with the help of muscle efforts.

All positions are repeated for 7-10 seconds. You do not need to do everything at once, it is enough to do 10 approaches, choosing what you like.

A set of exercises for the correction of the lip area

Woman performing facial gymnastics
Woman performing facial gymnastics

With the help of an independently compiled complex of gymnastics for the facial muscles, it is possible to reduce the severity of the nasolabial folds within 2-3 months. 5 exercises from the following list are performed daily, repeating approaches 10-20 times:

  1. Cheeks are sharply inflated and deflated.
  2. The lips are folded into a "tube" and pulled as far as possible. Relax by stretching the mouth gap.
  3. Having made a tube, they try to stretch the mouth with their fingers, acting on the corners.
  4. The starting position is a "tube". They try to pronounce vowel sounds clearly.
  5. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. All facial muscles are completely relaxed.
  6. Deep breath. Rolling air from cheek to cheek, exhaling slowly in portions.
  7. The exercise is similar to that described in paragraph 6. But with the mouth they imitate the movement, as when releasing smoke rings. Before pushing out the next portion of "smoke", hold the breath.
  8. During a normal smile, the formed skin fold is clamped with the index and thumb. Return to a serious expression overcoming resistance.
  9. They pronounce the alphabet clearly, periodically pulling in their cheeks and relaxing.
  10. Take air into your mouth and blow it out with force. Then they repeat, slowly releasing and stretching their lips into a smile.
  11. They try to lower the lower lip as low as possible, and then raise it.
  12. They press the nasolabial folds with their little fingers and grimace, overcoming resistance. They pull their lips into a tube, puff out their cheeks, smile, move their jaws back and forth and left and right.

Composing a complex for daily anti-aging exercises, one exercise with accessories is introduced.

Note! The training technique should be changed every two months.

Measures to prevent the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles

Woman drinking water
Woman drinking water

The skin loses its tone much earlier than age-related changes appear visually. To understand that it is time to start gymnastics for the face, it is enough to bring a mirror with multiple magnification closer to the cheek. If the pores on the skin are not round, but elongated, you need to start daily workouts. The earlier the rejuvenating complex is mastered, the more successful the correction is.

To stop the deepening of the nasolabial folds:

  • The entire daily fluid intake should be drunk 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • You need to get enough sleep and put in order the nervous system. With fatigue, even in young women, the folds around the lips deepen.
  • Provide a comfortable environment for a night's rest. The soft down pillow is replaced with a flat one with a hypoallergenic filler or a neck roll. If you turn over on your side, the skin will not wrinkle.
  • Weight gain and weight loss should be avoided. Older women must make a choice once - a face or a figure, and then adhere to this principle. Do not lose weight, but correct your figure with the help of active training. With a decrease in weight, first of all, the face "floats" and the nasolabial folds deepen.
  • When caring for your face, you must not neglect tonics. It is advisable to start the morning with ice cubes.
  • It is recommended to study your own facial expressions. In order not to deepen the wrinkles at the mouth, you need to try not to wrinkle while smiling, not to stretch your lips excessively. Gradually it will become a habit.

How to do gymnastics from nasolabial wrinkles - watch the video:

Complementing facial gymnastics with competent skin care, you can slow down the formation of nasolabial folds and look younger than your age.