A revolutionary approach to 3x3 powerlifting

A revolutionary approach to 3x3 powerlifting
A revolutionary approach to 3x3 powerlifting

There are many training programs for powerlifters today. It will be about the unique 3x3 program. Meet the revolutionary approach to powerlifting. Today's article is devoted, without exaggeration, to the revolutionary approach to powerlifting. This training program is used by leading German powerlifting representatives, including Ralf Geers, who became the world junior champion. Recall that he managed to collect a total of close to 2.2 thousand pounds. Also, this training method was used by Michael Brugger, who became the first German powerlifter to overcome the milestone of 2.2 thousand pounds.

This training program is called "3x3" and its duration is eight weeks. There are two stages in the program:

  1. High volume stage;
  2. Stage of the competition.

It should be noted that the revolutionary approach to powerlifting described today is in many ways similar to Louis Simmons' training. There are no dead seasons here either, with training weights ranging from 58 to 64 percent of maximum. This program places particular emphasis on the high volume stage.

Another similarity to the Simmons training program can also be noted - a small number of exercises at the moment when the athlete goes to work with weights that are from 80 to 95 percent of the maximum.

The program can be called unique for the reason that, in comparison with other systems, it includes only those exercises that the athlete has to perform in the competition. In other words, there are no auxiliary exercises in "3x3".

The creators of this revolutionary approach to powerlifting put it quite simply. To achieve high athletic performance in competition, you need to pump certain muscles. This is what all attention is paid to. Of course, an athlete can use various auxiliary movements, but the main emphasis should be on competitive exercises. Most powerlifters do a lot of additional exercises in their training. It can be hack squats or leg presses, etc. But the biomechanics of these movements is completely different from the competitive ones.

This program shows excellent results due to the fact that the muscles of the athlete receive significantly more stimulation in comparison with other methods.

Preparation for training "3x3"

Athlete performing deadlift
Athlete performing deadlift

Athletes who decide to start practicing the "3x3" program need to know the maximum weight in all three competitive exercises. There are a large number of methods for this, and you yourself choose the most appropriate way for you to determine the maximum weight. Let's say it can be the results you showed at the last competition that took place no more than a month ago.

You will then be able to calculate your training weight for the training cycle, which we will discuss in a moment. But before moving on to the 3x3 training program, you want to increase your squats by 25 pounds, deadlifts by 15 pounds, and on the bench press by 10 pounds. Thus, you will get a new maximum on which the entire training program will be based. It should also be recalled that in the first stage, training weights are from 58 to 64 percent of the maximum, and in the second stage - from 60 to 95 percent.

Stage 1 of training "3x3" - from 1 to 4 weeks

Powerlifter performing deadlift in tournament
Powerlifter performing deadlift in tournament

Using a large number of sets and reps, the athlete will be able to achieve a large training volume in the first stage. This will build mass, strength, and improve coordination and technique in all competitive movements.

The first stage includes 12 training sessions, three during the week. There will be one rest day between training days and two days at the end of each week. The easiest workouts are done on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

In each session, you will do deadlifts, bench presses, and squats. No additional movements are provided, which implies a large amount of energy for performing competitive exercises.

The number of approaches and repetitions does not change during the entire cycle of the program. In total, you need to perform 5-8 sets, consisting of five repetitions each for deadlifts and squats. For the bench press, the number of sets is 6-8 with 6 reps each.

In the first stage, the athlete will have to work with 4 different percentages in the first stage, but one percent will be used during the week. Simply put, you have to use an individual weight in each movement and work with it throughout the week. After that, the weight must be increased every week. It should also be noted that other equipment other than the weightlifting belt cannot be used.

Stage 2 of training "3x3" - from 5 to 8 weeks

Powerlifter performing a barbell snatch in a tournament
Powerlifter performing a barbell snatch in a tournament

The second stage involves dramatically reducing the volume of the workout and simultaneously increasing its intensity. This will make it easier for you to get comfortable with heavy weights. At this stage, you should already use a bench shirt, jumpsuit, belt and bandages.

Do one or two repetitions for each exercise. Your task during this period is to increase power, strength indicators, as well as improve the technique of performing movements.

As in the first stage, you will have three lessons per week. But the number of sets and reps will change.

Training technique and power

Athlete Performs Barbell Squats
Athlete Performs Barbell Squats

When doing squats and deadlifts, you need to do 3 sets, and in the bench, 4 sets. Do 4 reps for each set.

Strength training

The athlete performs a bench press
The athlete performs a bench press

For each exercise, use a maximum of two sets of 1 repetition each. The weight should be between 80 and 95 percent of the maximum.

It is recommended to develop strength in only one exercise each training day. This will allow the body to recover faster after exercise.

Of course, the revolutionary approach to powerlifting described today is very interesting and worthy of detailed consideration.

For more information on powerlifting training, see this video:

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