A comprehensive approach after the AAS course in bodybuilding

A comprehensive approach after the AAS course in bodybuilding
A comprehensive approach after the AAS course in bodybuilding

Everyone knows how steroids work, but few pay attention to proper PCT. Find out how to get rid of the side effects of complex recovery on PCT. The use of steroids in bodybuilding is very difficult. Here, every serious mistake can lead to very disastrous results. You must understand that by using AAS, you seriously interfere with the work of the hormonal system, which does not forgive mistakes.

If you have already started using steroids, then you need to properly complete the cycle. This implies not only the use of Clomid or Tamoxifen, but several stages of complete cleansing of the body. Today we will consider such an integrated approach to bodybuilding.

How to cleanse the body after a steroid cycle?

Girl drinking water
Girl drinking water

You must understand that not only the elimination of metabolites and the restoration of the HPA axis is your task. Yes, this is very important, but during the cycle the work of the whole organism was disrupted, and it is necessary to solve several small tasks that may seem insignificant to you.

Complete cleansing of the body consists of several stages. Perhaps someone will think that this is not necessary, but if you are reading this article, then you are taking care of your health. If you want the body to continue functioning without interruption, then continue reading.

Separate nutrition program

Foods divided by a separate food system
Foods divided by a separate food system

This is the first step in cleansing the body, which involves the division of meals in time. It must be said that this is how you should eat constantly. If before that you did not pay much attention to this, then it is necessary to correct this omission.

There are several reasons for using split nutrition in bodybuilding. Scientists have proven the usefulness of this method of nutrition, and this is now being talked about at every "corner". Equally important, all the enzymes that the body needs for quick recovery and that are part of food are best absorbed when using the principle of separate nutrition. Well, the last important reason is the fact that excess nutrients accumulate and can cause intoxication of the whole body. If you are using a separate power supply, then you do not need to worry about this. Try to eat every three hours.

Gastrointestinal cleaning

Schematic representation of the gastrointestinal tract
Schematic representation of the gastrointestinal tract

Using only separate meals to remove all steroid metabolites from the body will not be enough. You need to bring your body back to normal within a short period of time, about 4-6 weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to take a number of additional measures, one of which is the cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract. To speed up this process, you will have to use enterosorbents.

The mechanism of action on the body of these drugs is very simple. First, the toxins are released to the intestinal surface, after which they are removed naturally. But there are several nuances in the use of enterosorbents. It is not recommended to use them more than three times a year, and the duration of the course should be from 7 to 10 days.

From a fairly large number of drugs in this group, choose activated carbon or Polyphepan. Note that the second is much more efficient. The drugs should be used once every two days for the first week of cleaning and every day for the second. The third week implies a return to medication once every two days.

Liver cleansing

Schematic representation of the liver
Schematic representation of the liver

The liver is the body's natural filter and must be kept in good health. Steroids pose a serious risk to the liver, especially when using tableted AAS. Injectable preparations for the liver do not pose a serious danger.

There are many methods for cleansing the liver, but we will consider the most effective ones. The most optimal of these is the use of an injectable drug Heptral, administered intravenously. The course lasts from 10 to 15 days. The second technique is also associated with Heptral, but already in tablet form. It should be used two capsules twice a day. And the last way is to combine Heptral and Hepa-Merz.

When you have cleansed the liver, using one of the above methods, then it should be strengthened using the following drugs: Essentiale, Karsil, Phosphogliv, etc. The course of these drugs usually lasts about two weeks, which is quite enough to restore and strengthen the liver.

Cleaning and proper nutrition program

A girl looking at a glass of vegetables
A girl looking at a glass of vegetables

You must understand that if you decide to go in for bodybuilding, then you need to reconsider your approach to this. Most often, athletes make mistakes when drawing up a nutrition program, considering it not the most important thing. You should increase your intake of protein compounds and at the same time, most of this nutrient should be supplied to the body from food, and not from sports supplements.

In order for your body to synthesize new muscle tissue, you should consume about 3 grams of protein compounds daily for every kilogram of body weight. But it is much easier said than done, since there are many nuances when drawing up a nutrition program. To begin with, not everyone can afford to eat six or more times a day. You also need to understand that when composing your diet, you need to be guided by the characteristics of your body.

And the last nuance is related to personal food preferences. When designing a nutrition program, you must take into account a large number of factors, which is very difficult to do. It is impossible to create a single diet that will suit every athlete.

Recovery training

The athlete performs a block deadlift
The athlete performs a block deadlift

Drawing up the correct training process will have to spend no less effort than developing a nutritional program. You should be aware that training after the AAS cycle is not comparable to what you did when using anabolic steroids. In order not to lose weight, you must significantly reduce the intensity, number of sessions and the volume of training.

After you stop using the AAS, your job is to hold on to the gains and secure them. There should be no question of any set of muscle volumes during this period. During recovery, you should enter supportive training mode.

The first thing you will have to do is reduce your working weights by 20 percent. After exiting your steroid cycle, it’s time to start working on the lagging muscles. This is a rather complicated process, but necessary. And the recovery period should be dedicated to this.

For an integrated approach to post-cycle therapy in bodybuilding, see this video:
