Conditioning training or cardio for jocks

Conditioning training or cardio for jocks
Conditioning training or cardio for jocks

The opinions of bodybuilders regarding cardio are completely opposite. Find out if they are necessary for bodybuilders or it is better not to use them in training. The overwhelming majority of strength athletes have a negative attitude towards aerobic loads. Some people use this type of load in their training programs, but more often than not, this is not the usual cardio for everyone, but conditioning training. Today we will find out if athletes need conditioning or cardio for pumping.

Adaptation of the body to cardio stress

People exercise on treadmills
People exercise on treadmills

The human body reacts differently to each type of load. To determine the capabilities of your body, it is enough to carry out heavy, high-intensity training with minimal pauses for rest. However, bodybuilders need to build muscle mass, and this method is not optimal for this task. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to connect a different energy exchange system to the work.

Most athletes are unaware that the phosphagenic energy system is involved in their training. ATP / KF or phosphagenic system is a short-term power system, which at full power is capable of operating for about six seconds and is completely switched off after half a minute of intensive load. The energy sources in this system are adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CP). At the same time, the body does not use oxygen in this case. For a moderate replenishment of energy reserves it takes from 30 to 60 seconds, and for a full one from 3 to 5 minutes.

Glycolysis is a medium duration system that comes on after 15 seconds and reaches full power in 30 seconds. After working for one minute, it turns off almost completely. The source of energy in it is glucose, which comes from the blood or the reserves of muscle glycogen are used.

Under anaerobic exercise, glycolysis lasts about two minutes and, as a result, lactic acid is synthesized. Surely every athlete is familiar with the burning sensation in the muscles, which arises from the presence of this substance in the muscle tissues. It should also be noted that glycolysis can also work with aerobic exercise. As a result, the body synthesizes less lactic acid, as well as energy, the reserves of which usually last for five minutes.

Athletes should remember that during their training sessions, the body uses the phosphagenic system, thanks to which it becomes possible to do presses and deadlifts. It should be noted that this system is easier for the body in comparison with glycolysis. The body uses glycolysis for conditioning training or cardio for pumping. Thus, glycolysis is the source of energy for mid-distance races or drop sets. If the athlete is faced with the task of increasing muscle mass, then he should focus on the phosphagenic system and be careful with glycolysis (conditioning training). In this regard, several rules should be voiced that all strength athletes should adhere to:

  • With conditional training, the maximum muscle effort should not last more than 5-15 seconds and in no case should not exceed half a minute.
  • After each such load, the body must rest for a minute.
  • A similar load-rest cycle should be repeated 5 to 15 times. More can be done if necessary.
  • The general level of load should not be too high, for example, such that you cannot catch your breath for a long time.

Examples of cardio exercises

Man jumping rope
Man jumping rope

Weighted sled push

It should be noted that this simulator may not be available in every gym. If equipped, you should push the sled 5 to 20 meters and rest for 30 to 60 seconds.

Ski ergometer

The duration of intense movement should be about 10 seconds, after which you should simply keep the simulator in motion for 20 seconds. Repeat this exercise for 3-10 minutes.

Jumping rope

Jump for 15 seconds. Then pause for 30–45 seconds. The exercise time should be between 5 and 15 minutes.

Punching bag

It is enough for bodybuilders to perform the exercise for 10-15 seconds, or even better to keep track of the blows. After 15–20 good hits, pause.

Other types of cardio workouts

Man and woman perform brisk walking
Man and woman perform brisk walking

Walking at a brisk pace is a very good way to stay healthy. This will be especially useful during the recovery period from injury or illness, when intense training is not possible. At the same time, walking does not affect the number of motor units and muscle fibers. Athletes can use this aerobic exercise without fear of a possible decline in their performance.

In addition, a few words should be said about the organization of rest when performing cardio workouts. First of all, it all depends on the intensity of the loads. In some cases, it is better to use outdoor activities, such as when using a ski ergometer.

Active rest should be no heavier than walking at a brisk pace. Your body needs time to recover. For example, if you used a sled as a load, which was pushed at a distance of 15 meters, then you should not make a thirty-second pause active. Just stand there and rest.

You can perform the exercises described above one to four times throughout the week. To a large extent, it all depends on the availability of free time. Conditioning training is used after strength training, or if you have time, you can take the whole day.

A single cardio workout should not last more than 30 minutes, but more often than not, 15 minutes will be enough. Avoid fatigue when doing aerobic exercise.

The above recommendations for using conditioning or cardio for bodybuilding will help you improve your health without affecting your athletic performance.

For more information on using cardio loads, see this video: