High frequency versus low frequency training in bodybuilding

High frequency versus low frequency training in bodybuilding
High frequency versus low frequency training in bodybuilding

The debate about the optimal training frequency will probably never subside. Learn about all the features of high frequency and low frequency training. Of course, the topic of the optimal training frequency has always been and will be relevant for athletes. Today we will look at the topic - high frequency training versus low frequency training in bodybuilding. However, in order to find out what training frequency can be called optimal, you should consider all the positive and negative points. We should start with definitions.

  1. High-frequency training is an exercise or movement performed three or more times over the course of a week.
  2. Low-frequency training is a movement or exercise performed no more than once a week.

High frequency training

The athlete demonstrates the venousness on the arm
The athlete demonstrates the venousness on the arm

With the right training program, high-frequency training can be more effective than low-frequency training. Let's move on to the positive and negative aspects of high frequency training.

Positive aspects of high frequency training

Athlete training in the gym
Athlete training in the gym
  • The athlete gets quick results.
  • Neuromuscular coordination develops. Indicators of strength and endurance largely depend on the state of the central nervous system, and the more often exercises are performed, the more results can be achieved.
  • The more practice an athlete has, the better his results will be.
  • At a high frequency of exercises, muscular performance increases when performing certain movements.
  • It becomes possible to carry out more workouts with a large working weight.
  • The body gets used to constant physical activity.
  • High-frequency training has been proven to be more effective for low-weight athletes. This is most likely due to the receipt of fewer microtraumas by the muscle tissues, which accelerates their recovery.

Negative aspects of high-frequency training

Girl resting on a stationary bike
Girl resting on a stationary bike
  • The likelihood of injury increases. With frequent training with large working weights, the athlete increases the risk of injury. After recovering from previous injuries, high frequency training can be challenging.
  • Training programs designed for high frequency of training are much more difficult to create. With low frequency training, progress is more dewy and easier to predict.
  • It is more difficult to change the training regimen. The body gets used to certain loads and already two missed workouts can seriously slow down progress.
  • When the body becomes accustomed to high frequency training, changes in the training program can unsettle the athlete. It is impossible to practice high-frequency training all the time, but after their completion we will not bypass the decline in performance.
  • Power indicators fluctuate significantly, but when everything is calculated correctly, then you can reach the peak of strength to participate in competitions.
  • With high-frequency training, the athlete shows results that are very close to competitive ones. But do not expect them to rise sharply during the competition.
  • It is often very difficult to focus on muscle balance while working on tight spots. For example, when an athlete is working hard on the bench, then he simply does not have time for other exercises. This does not contribute to the harmonious development of the muscles.
  • With high frequency training, an athlete can quickly burn out emotionally.

Low frequency training

The athlete performs a barbell press while standing
The athlete performs a barbell press while standing

Low frequency training is much easier to do over a long period of time. It is also much easier to create a training program using low-frequency training.

Benefits of low frequency training

Bodybuilder looks into a jar of sports nutrition
Bodybuilder looks into a jar of sports nutrition
  • When using low-frequency training, it is much easier to achieve harmonious muscle development. In this case, athletes have time to work on bottlenecks, thereby achieving the necessary balance in muscle development.
  • Training at low frequency significantly reduces the risk of injury. Of course, the likelihood of this is not completely excluded, but the chances of injury are reduced.
  • Low-frequency training makes it easier to maximize and finish smoothly.
  • It is possible to predict the time for the body to recover. Progress will be achieved with low frequency training, although it will be slower, but stable.
  • Strength and endurance indicators will also grow steadily.
  • Low frequency training takes less time. Of course, when an athlete wants to work on small muscle groups, then this advantage will not be there.
  • The emotional state of the athlete during low-frequency training is significantly better in comparison with high-frequency training. Thanks to this, an even growth of all indicators is ensured.
  • Muscle mass gains faster with low frequency training.

Disadvantages of low frequency training

Athlete drinks protein shake after training
Athlete drinks protein shake after training
  • The training time is limited and when performing movements once a week, it is difficult to work on the technique. If the exercises are performed well from a technical point of view, then there is nothing to improve.
  • Neuromuscular coordination is poorly developed, which significantly affects the ability to work with large working weights.
  • It is impossible to achieve quick maximum results. This disadvantage is especially serious for athletes who want to see quick results.
  • There is little time to work on tight spots in the muscles, which is important for the harmonious development of the figure.

That's all the pros and cons of high-frequency and low-frequency training. Of course, each athlete decides for himself what tasks to set for himself, and what way to use to achieve them.

Today we tried to deal with the topic - high-frequency training versus low-frequency training in bodybuilding. It is rather difficult to give an exact answer to the question - what is the optimal frequency of training sessions. Much depends on the athlete himself and his goals.

For the frequency of bodybuilding training, see this video:

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