Pullups versus block pulls in bodybuilding

Pullups versus block pulls in bodybuilding
Pullups versus block pulls in bodybuilding

Find out the best wing pumping exercise in bodybuilding. That it is better to use simulators and work with your body with free weights. Many aspiring bodybuilders love the shape of Phil Heath's lats. For this reason, quite often on specialized resources, you can come across the question, which exercise is more effective in countering pulling up against the pull of the block in bodybuilding. Now we will talk about this.

It should be noted right away that you should not be guided by the training programs used by pro-athletes. For example, Phil Heath, already mentioned today, has amazing genetic data and for most athletes his training program will not bring the desired result. Moreover, some of Phil's movements can even be dangerous.

If we consider the opposition of two exercises - pulling up against the deadlift of the block in bodybuilding, then both of them can be very effective for the development of the broadest muscles, provided that the technique of their implementation is followed. If you have enough strength to perform at least six perfect pull-ups in terms of technique, then this exercise should be the main one for you. If you still cannot pull up correctly, then in this case, you should perform a pull down on the block.

You should also remember about the pull-up machine with a counterweight. If it is in your room, then you can use it. This will build strength until you can pull up. The pullups and pullups work your lats almost equally effectively, and you can safely use any of them. However, you should not use a very wide grip, as it reduces the load on the target muscles. You need to choose such a grip width that will be as convenient and comfortable as possible for you, as well as safe. For most athletes, this is the middle grip.

Sometimes athletes alternate when doing pull-ups pronated (palms facing outward) and supinated (palms inward) grips. The most comfortable and safe is the supinated grip, and in relation to the pulls of the block - the grip from the bottom. However, in these cases, the position you occupy is somewhat narrower than the one that is capable of maximizing the load of the lats. If you nevertheless decide to use a supinated grip, then first grasp the crossbar (simulator handle) at the width of the shoulder joints. After that, gradually reduce the distance between your palms, which will allow you to find the most comfortable position for you. If you still failed to do this, then try using a pronated grip, but place your hands on the bar (the handle of the simulator) slightly wider than the shoulder joints, for example, on one palm. It should also be remembered that it is much more difficult to monitor the load when performing pull-ups than working on blocks.

This is primarily due to the fact that you have to work with your own weight. Let's say you can now do six reps with a body weight of 70 pounds. After a few months, you do eight reps again, but your weight is already 74 kilos. Although you cannot increase the number of repetitions per exercise, you are working with a lot of weight. This suggests that you have made some progress and you have become stronger. When you work on the block, you only need to control the weight that you set on the simulator.

Why don't cubes appear on the press?

Girl shakes the press
Girl shakes the press

Very often, novice athletes cannot understand why, when working on the abdominal muscles for a long time, they do not see progress. First of all, the reason for this lies in the presence of subcutaneous fat deposits. Twisting will not help you get rid of them, no matter how hard you work.

The process of burning fat reserves proceeds differently and it does not happen in a specific place, but throughout the body. To lose fat mass, you first need to consume fewer calories per day than you get from food. Only in this is it possible to burn fat when certain conditions are created.

The thing is that the body is in no hurry to part with the stored fat, and you must push it to this step. In principle, you can burn fat without using strength training, but only by creating a calorie deficit. But if you exercise a lot, while consuming a large number of calories, then you will not be able to get rid of fat reserves.

Thus, in order for you to have the much desired six cubes on your stomach, you must first get rid of subcutaneous fat. Before you start gaining muscle mass, it is worth losing weight.

How you can complement the deadlift of the block and pull-ups in bodybuilding, you will learn from this video:

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