Natural chemistry in bodybuilding

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Natural chemistry in bodybuilding
Natural chemistry in bodybuilding

Find out what other substances of biological origin can accelerate metabolism and accelerate the regeneration of damaged muscle fibers. All body activity is regulated by hormones. These substances have a selective effect, affecting only specific tissues or organs. The activation of hormone production occurs in response to an external stimulus. For example, during a danger from the brain, a signal enters the adrenal cortex, which begins to intensively produce adrenaline.

It should be recognized that the adrenal gland secretes about four dozen different hormones that perform different tasks. However, in the case of adrenaline, molecules of this hormone enter cells through membranes and act on a specific organ. Let's say the heart starts to work actively under the influence of adrenaline.

The relationship between strength training and hormones in bodybuilding

Athlete exercising with a chain
Athlete exercising with a chain

It is not difficult to understand that the growth of muscle tissue is also activated by hormones. Steroids are a synthetic male hormone and many athletes believe that these drugs are the key to their success in bodybuilding. However, they do not take into account the factor of negative effects from their use. Perhaps the danger of AAS is somewhat exaggerated, but remember that their misuse can lead to serious consequences.

Steroids are used in traditional medicine after surgery or to correct endocrine problems. The use of these drugs in sports leads to accelerated muscle growth. Let's take a look at the mechanisms of their work.

Each gland can secrete a certain set of hormones, but they are all elements of the endocrine system. For this reason, problems in the work of one gland are reflected in the functioning of others. Also, the endocrine system has a single control center - the pituitary gland.

This part of the brain can synthesize hubbubs on its own, thereby regulating the work of the entire system. It will not be a mistake if we call the pituitary gland a kind of computer that controls the work of the whole system. When exogenous hormones (steroids) with high activity are introduced into the body, the entire hormonal system is subjected to powerful stress. This also affects the work of the pituitary gland. In response to the administration of steroids, the pituitary gland begins to send signals, activating the secretion of various hormones, including growth hormone. The growth of muscles largely depends on the concentration of this substance. It should be noted here that the rate of somatotropin synthesis is largely related to the individual characteristics of the organism. For this reason, AAS often does not produce the desired result on the bodybuilder. Long-term use of anabolic drugs can lead to addiction, which is more of a psychological nature. It is very difficult to come to terms with the lack of the performance that steroids provide. Disorders and work of the pituitary gland are also possible, but most often they are reversible.

How to accelerate the synthesis of growth hormone in the body?

Growth hormone reference
Growth hormone reference

The rate of growth hormone secretion depends on the intensity of the training. But in this case, bigger won't be the best. With excessive physical exertion, the secretion of growth hormone slows down. Note that in the course of a large number of experiments, various factors have been found that can affect the rate of hormone production.

An important point is the concentration of the hormone, since its high content reduces the effectiveness. But at the same time, if there is sufficient time between the release of the hormone, the sensitivity of tissues to its effects can significantly increase. For this, it is important that after the last fact of somatotropin synthesis, the blood is completely cleansed of it. To achieve this, you need to divide your session into two or three high-intensity, but not long-term workouts. In other words, it is better to do a couple of short, intense workouts during the day than one long one.

Sleep also has a great effect on the synthesis of growth hormone. It is during sleep that the rate of hormone production reaches its maximum. Bodybuilding athletes seriously understand the importance of frequent meals. Scientists have found that this also leads to an acceleration in the synthesis of growth hormone, but the reasons and mechanisms for this have not yet been disclosed.

It should be recognized that today, an active study of growth hormone and its effect on the body of athletes continues. But at the moment, scientists still have not found agreement on the optimal amount of peak concentrations of growth hormone during the day. In their opinion, this number ranges from 4 to 10.

You will learn how to increase the production of growth hormone from this video:
