How to increase anabolic hormones without steroids in natural bodybuilding?

How to increase anabolic hormones without steroids in natural bodybuilding?
How to increase anabolic hormones without steroids in natural bodybuilding?

Natural bodybuilders often increase muscle gain by increasing the concentration of anabolic hormones. Learn How To Boost Testosterone For Protein Synthesis? Everyone understands that gaining weight without using steroids is not easy. Natural athletes are constantly looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of training. They often lack patience and start using AAS or quit training altogether. In the human body, only a few hormones can accelerate muscle tissue growth. There are also techniques to increase their concentration. Today we are going to talk about how to increase anabolic hormones without steroids in bodybuilding.

Over the entire existence of modern bodybuilding, a large number of training and nutrition programs have been created. Most of the techniques that can be found on the net today are designed for the use of anabolic steroids. When an athlete uses steroids, then practically nothing depends on his hormonal system, since exogenous substances are responsible for increasing the level of anabolic substances.

Natural athletes need to find the most effective ways to increase the rate of synthesis of protein compounds, since they are the building materials for all body tissues, including muscular ones. Among all human hormones, only a few can influence this process: growth hormone, testosterone, IGF and insulin.

It should be remembered that the concentration of three of these substances increases under the influence of force loads. If you create your training program correctly, you will be able to manage hormones and thereby stimulate mass gain.

The correct training process in natural bodybuilding

The athlete demonstrates the muscles of the arms
The athlete demonstrates the muscles of the arms

All bodybuilders today can be divided into two categories. Now we are talking only about those athletes who have been training for more than one year. The first group should include athletes who actively use anabolic drugs. They manage to achieve great results, which is quite understandable.

The second group should include those athletes who use sports supplements, but do not use drugs that affect the hormonal system. It is very difficult for them to gain weight.

To the greatest extent, the rate of secretion of growth hormone and testosterone in natural bodybuilding is increased by basic exercises. This is due to the work of a large number of muscles, which triggers a response in the body, expressed in the acceleration of the production of anabolic hormones.

The load is no less important. According to recent studies, the maximum rate of male hormone production is observed when using a shell weight of 75 percent of the one-rep maximum, as well as with a rest between sets of two minutes.

Duration of classes

The athlete trains in the gym
The athlete trains in the gym

It is much easier for natural athletes to overtrain in comparison with "chemists". This fact directly affects the duration of the training and your lesson should not last more than 75 minutes. If you train more, then quite quickly in the body, the hormonal balance can shift towards catabolic processes. Natural athletes need to keep the concentration of catabolic hormones to a minimum. The main way to achieve this is through short and intense training.

Duration of rest

Athlete resting after training
Athlete resting after training

Surely many people know that muscles grow only during rest, and training gives them an incentive to grow. We have already said that with frequent exercise, the concentration of catabolic hormones increases and this leads to the destruction of muscle tissue. The body needs to rest after class for seven or eight days. This will maintain the balance between catabolic and anabolic hormones necessary for muscle growth.

Number of repetitions

The athlete performs a dumbbell press while standing
The athlete performs a dumbbell press while standing

Human muscles are composed of two types of fibers - fast and slow. Fast fibers are designed to do strength work, and slow ones, in turn, have more endurance, but are able to develop less effort. In addition, the training of fast-type fibers is more conducive to the acceleration of testosterone secretion. Thus, the optimal rep range for naturals is between 6 and 10.

Natural bodybuilding nutrition program

Athletes are at the table with food
Athletes are at the table with food

We have already recalled that under the influence of physical activity, the rate of production of growth hormone, IGF and testosterone increases. At the same time, the level of insulin decreases. This hormone acts as a transport for all nutrients in the body, including amino acid compounds and glucose.

Scientists have found that glucose is one of the main sources of energy for muscles, and protein is synthesized from amino acid compounds in tissues. Therefore, it is important to increase the insulin concentration after the exercise is completed so that all the necessary nutrients are delivered to the muscle tissue as soon as possible.

When you eat a meal after exercise, insulin levels rise and this leads to an accelerated synthesis of protein compounds and replenishment of glycogen stores. The largest release of insulin is caused by carbohydrates and proteins. For this reason, it is important to consume foods containing these nutrients after exercise. Insulin does not have the ability to act directly on muscle tissue, but it stimulates the secretion of IGF-1. The maximum concentration of this hormone is reached after 60 minutes. But it affects the body during the day. For this reason, after eating after completing the training, for 24 hours in the body, favorable anabolic conditions will be created for muscle growth.

All athletes are aware of the need to consume a large amount of protein. Foods rich in this nutrient also stimulate the synthesis of the male hormone. Consume at least 2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight during the day.

For more information on how to increase testosterone in natural bodybuilding, see this video:
