In just 5 minutes you will learn the secret technique that will allow you to get rid of body fat once and for all. Being overweight gives people a lot of problems. Often, neither newfangled diets nor various drugs help in the fight against fat. You can burn fat efficiently only if you understand what causes a violation of the acid-base balance of cellular structures. As part of this article, we will explain how plant foods should be used for fat loss in bodybuilding.
Acid-base balance and fat burning

The activity of all body systems is based on the use of electrical impulses. The energy balance is greatly influenced by the pH level. This is a rather fragile indicator and its negative changes negatively affect the operation of the human energy system. This, in turn, leads to disruption of the activity of cellular structures.
Even with a minimal decrease in the concentration of alkali in the blood, its ability to carry carbon dioxide begins to decrease. For this reason, a large amount of acid begins to accumulate in the tissue cells, which prevents the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Scientists call this condition acidosis.
Acidosis is the cause of the development of a large number of diseases, for example, nephritis, atherosclerosis, etc. It negatively affects the functioning of all systems, increasing the risk of diabetes and cancer. The main reason for the development of acidosis is inadequate nutrition. First of all, this applies to a combination of alkaline (green vegetables) and acidic (meat, cheese, etc.) products. In addition, the concentration of alkali in the blood can also fall under the influence of physical exertion. At the same time, alkalis are essential for normal human life.
As a result of metabolic reactions in the body, the release of acids is possible. In addition, they can enter the body and with food. When the concentration of acids exceeds a certain level, the kidneys and liver are no longer able to remove them from the body, which leads to acidosis.
Of course, the body has mechanisms to combat high acidity. To do this, he needs to use reserves. Since there is always a supply of various substances in the body, active production of alkali begins. This process resembles the leaching of calcium from bone structures, which then lose strength. It should also be remembered that with a high content of acids in the blood, blood vessels can be seriously damaged. To protect the main organs, the body begins to remove acids into adipose tissue, since it is fat that is the natural storage for acid. This fact is the main reason that with acidosis a person cannot effectively burn fat, despite the rigidity of dietary programs and the quality of training. If there is a sufficient amount of alkali in the body, then fat burning is faster and more efficient.
How to increase the concentration of alkali for fat burning?

Plant-based foods for fat burning in bodybuilding will help you with this. Fruits, herbs and root vegetables contain a large amount of alkali. It is with the help of such food that the acid-base balance in the body can be normalized. The human diet should be 80 percent of food containing alkali and only the remaining 20 percent should be foods high in protein compounds and starch.
Pro-athletes can prove the effectiveness of such a diet. Let's say Lee Priest consumes large amounts of asparagus in preparation for a competition. Jeff Willett consumes at least two kilos of green vegetables during the day.
According to the recommendations of doctors, an ordinary person needs to eat fruits and vegetables about five times a day. At the same time, the daily intake of protein compounds is about 80 grams. Bodybuilders consume at least 200 grams of protein daily, but vegetables are often absent in their diet.
With such a consumption of protein compounds, at least 15 servings of green vegetables and fruits should be consumed during the day. If this is not done, then at some point the body will fail.
Also, vegetables and fruits contain fiber, which is also important for effectively fighting fat. When processed in the digestive tract, plant fibers are easily fermented and can be converted into short-chain fatty acids, which are an excellent source of energy. This enables the body to start using fat stores for energy. By eating green vegetables, you can heal your body and speed up the fat burning process.
Lecture by a dietitian on nutrition to burn fat in this video: