Aerobic exercise is often used as a fat-fighting aid. Find out how the pro athletes lose fat? Many people work hard on exercise bikes, bicycles, or jogging in an effort to shed those extra pounds. But this is the wrong way and it can only lead to negative consequences for the body. Today we are going to talk about how to properly use aerobics for active fat loss in bodybuilding.
The body can gain, maintain, or lose weight. The state in which it is at the moment depends on the number of calories consumed. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. This means that for some time you will have to calculate the calorie content of your diet until you determine the rate at which you begin to lose weight.
But you need not only to lose body weight, but to get rid of fat mass. If you look closely at various diets, then they almost always talk about weight. However, in order to look slim and attractive, it is necessary to reduce body fat, not body weight.
The human body is extremely reluctant to get rid of fat reserves. You need to put in a lot of effort to get him to do it. It is much easier to destroy muscles, especially if the muscle mass has been gained during training. In order to provide 0.5 kilogram of muscles with energy during the day, the body spends about a hundred calories. To avoid this, you need to not only cut calories in your diet, but also engage in strength training. Now let's look at methods of fighting fat.
Fat Fighting Methods

In total, there are four ways to combat body fat. Let's consider them in more detail.

0.5 kilogram of fat contains 3.5 thousand calories. Theoretically, with a daily calorie reduction of 100 calories throughout the year, you can lose about 4.5 kilograms of weight. However, in practice this does not happen, since the body adapts to any changes. Other than that, not all of the mass lost will be fat.
As you know, a decrease in muscle mass leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and this, in turn, will negatively affect the process of fat burning. Many people only try to lose weight through extreme dietary nutrition programs and they often lose weight with low calorie intake. But most of these losses are in the muscles. As a result, after returning to their usual diet, they gain even more than was lost. This is primarily due to a slow metabolism.
Diet and cardio

Today, you can often find recommendations for using cardio loads with a heart rate range of 60 to 70 percent. This is possible, but only if there is a shortage of energy. If you do not reduce the caloric content of the diet and do two hours of jogging every day, then your fat mass will still increase. All possible fat burners will not help you in this case either.
In addition, you should remember that half an hour of aerobics can burn only two hundred calories than if you were at rest. Thus, we can say that even with three cardio workouts per week, you will not be able to burn more fat compared to simply reducing the calorie content of the nutrition program.
Diet and strength training

By creating an energy deficit and strength training, the severity of which will be sufficient for the appropriate response of the body, you can effectively burn fat. At the same time, it is quite possible that you can even gain muscle mass, albeit only two or three kilos. We have already said that 0.5 kilograms of muscle burns 200 calories per day.
To accelerate fat burning, it is best to do basic exercises in one approach. At the same time, you should not use more than five movements in one lesson and train more than two times for seven days. At the same time, reduce the calorie content of the daily diet by 500 calories.
Diet, cardio and strength training

Perhaps someone does not know that cardio cannot be used throughout the week. First, we have already said that this is not an effective method of fighting fat. Secondly, frequent cardio exercises will significantly slow down the body's recovery after strength training.
If you want to use an aerobic type of exercise, then spend no more than three sessions a week lasting half an hour. You also need to monitor your heart rate. This indicator, as we mentioned above, should be in the range from 60 to 70 percent of the maximum.
Fat burning workouts from Kostya Bublikov in this video: