In our time, new dietary programs are constantly appearing. One of those? Lyle McDonald's author's Rapid Fat Loss (RFL) diet. Find out the secrets of this kind of nutrition? Lyle MacDonald is a well-known personality in the field of nutrition. His new RapidFatLoss (RFL) diet, the name of which can be translated as "rapid fat loss", has become quite popular among athletes. The main goal of this nutrition program is to maximize fat loss while maintaining muscle mass. Thanks to Rapid Fat Loss, you can lose about one kilogram of fat each week, as well as get rid of excess fluid.
According to MacDonald, all people can be divided into three categories according to the percentage of body fat:
- Category 1 - no more than 15% for men and less than 24% for girls;
- Category 2 - from 16 to 25% for men and from 24 to 34% for girls;
- Category 3 - all others.
For each of the above categories, McDonald has compiled a routine of normal meals (freemills), refeeds (regular foods high in carbohydrates), and diet breaks (pauses in the diet).
Basic Principles of the Rapid Fat Loss Nutrition Program

The MacDonald diet is based on the consumption of large amounts of protein compounds. However, for these purposes, only those foods that are low in fat are suitable. These include poultry fillets, lean fish, seafood, lean red meat, egg white, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, and protein supplements.
In addition to protein compounds, you will have to eat a lot of vegetables, which are the main suppliers of fiber. At the same time, it is important to eat not all vegetables, but only fibrous ones, for example, eggplant, lettuce, mushrooms, cabbage, celery, spinach, cucumbers, bell peppers, green beans, etc.
These products are only intended to improve the health of the intestinal tract and also to create a feeling of fullness. As you know, fiber quickly fills the stomach, and the feeling of hunger passes. The daily intake of protein compounds and fiber must be divided into three or four doses. It is also important that dairy products are included in one or two meals. You can use salt in small quantities, and only freshly squeezed lemon juice, soy sauce, various spices and vinegar with mustard are allowed as seasonings.
Rapid Fat Loss also involves supplementation. Every day you should consume vitamin and mineral complexes, fish oil (10 grams), 0.6 grams of magnesium, 1 gram of potassium and 0.6 to 1.2 grams of calcium.
Also, the author of the nutrition program advises to use the ECA mixture. If someone does not know what it is, then it contains ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. Basically, you only need to use 20 milligrams of ephedrine and 0.2 grams of caffeine. Aspirin can be safely ruled out.
Yohimbine can be used in conjunction with ECA to accelerate fat burning. The dosage of this drug should be 0.2 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. Take it about 30 minutes before low-intensity cardio. It is also very important that there is a pause of at least four hours between ECA and yohimbine.
Using Rapid Fat Loss refeeds and freemills

We already talked about what these terms mean at the beginning of the article. McDonald allows freemill to be used once a week. This is done for psychological relief and at this time you can eat not only meat or dairy products. For obvious reasons, freemilling does not help reduce fat mass, and if you can tolerate it, then it is better to skip it.
Freemeal means only one dish per serving. You need to forget about overeating forever. For people belonging to the first category, freemilling is prohibited. Representatives of the second category can use freemil once every seven days, and the third? twice in a week.
But the refeed is prohibited for the representatives of the third group, and it is mandatory for the first two categories. The first category should use a three-day carbohydrate load closer to the period of the diet break, according to the following scheme:
- Day 1 - 11 to 13 grams of carbohydrates per kilo of dry matter;
- Day 2 - 4.4 to 6.6 grams of carbohydrates;
- Day 3 - 2.2 to 3 grams of the nutrient.
For the second category, it is recommended to refeed once every seven days for five hours. It is advisable to start it about 60 minutes before the start of the training session, and finish it before going to bed. In this case, the amount of carbohydrates should be 6.6 grams per kilo of fly mass.
It is important that the amount of fat does not exceed 50 grams, and the bulk of carbohydrates is represented by starchy foods. During the refeed, the focus should be on baked potatoes, pasta, bread, and savory rolls.
How to Exercise During the Rapid Fat Loss Diet?

Since when using Rapid Fat Loss the body experiences a significant lack of calories, training should only be strength. Aerobic exercise not only increases the body's energy expenditure, but also leads to a slowdown in metabolism. Thus, when you combine strength training with cardio loads, you will not be able to achieve a greater effect. At the same time, low-intensity twenty-minute cardio sessions are perfectly acceptable.
It's important not to use interval cardio or long runs. Also, the number of strength training should be reduced. It will be enough to practice 2 or 3 times. Use one to three sets of 6-8 reps for large muscle groups and 8-10 reps for small muscle groups. The total duration of the lesson should not exceed 40 minutes.
Also, to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, it is advisable to consume about 10 grams of fast carbohydrates before training, and then from 10 to 30 grams during training.
For more information about the author's Rapid Fat Loss diet program, see this video: