When creating a course of steroids, it is important to adhere to certain rules. Learn how to build your AAS course to gain mass quickly and efficiently. Before starting to use anabolic drugs, the athlete must be sure that this step is necessary. First you need to make sure that there are no other ways to obtain muscle mass. You may just need to make changes to your nutrition and training programs and optimize your rest.
After that, you need to familiarize yourself with the theory of the use of AAS and find out, at least superficially, about the properties of various steroids. In addition, it is necessary to have basic knowledge of the methods of taking medications, first of all, it concerns injectable steroids. If the injection is not done correctly, complications are possible. If you are sure that all reserves for muscle growth have already been exhausted, then you should know the basic principles of building steroid courses.
Principle # 1: Move from simple to complex

This is perhaps the basic principle of creating the AAS cycle. You do not need to develop new highly effective drug combinations. The athlete should try to achieve the desired results with minimal stress on the body. Simply put, beginners should not use complex combinations of drugs, but rather limit themselves to a solo course. For example, it can be turinabol with a daily dosage of 40 milligrams, divided into two doses. Methandienone can also be used at the same dosage, but should be taken 10 milligrams every five hours. The duration of the courses of these drugs can be one week. This is sufficient for the first steroid cycle.
Principle # 2: Explore Potential Side Effects

Even before starting to use steroids, the athlete should know what side effects can be caused by its use. First of all, this concerns the ability of anabolic steroids to suppress the synthesis of natural testosterone. So, for example, when using 20 milligrams of stanozol for three weeks, testosterone production is reduced by 30 percent. Stagnation of bile is also possible, a symptom of which is pain on the right side of the hypochondrium. Often athletes mistake this for pain in the liver, however, this is not the case.
For this reason, it is necessary to take choleretic drugs such as ursosan. If the AAS you are using aromatize, then you should take aromatase inhibitors. The most popular drug in this group is anastrozole. These are just the main possible side effects. This is a very important principle in constructing steroid courses, as you must be prepared for side effects.
Principle # 3: Rehabilitation Rehabilitation

The issue of the correct exit from the AAS cycle is no less important than the anabolic steroid cycle itself. If everything is done according to the rules, then the rollback effect will be minimal. The fact that part of the mass gained during the course will be lost is an indisputable fact and you will have to put up with this. But this loss can be reduced.
To do this, during post-cycle rehabilitation, it is necessary to take tamoxifen or clomid. These drugs have similar properties, but the difference lies in dosage and possible side effects. The specific dose of drugs is determined based on the individual characteristics of the athletes.
It is also necessary to remember about gonadotropin, which must also be used in individual cases. In this regard, it should be noted that the use of gonadotropin is a very large topic and deserves a separate article.
Principle # 4: Nutrition, Rest and Training Program

When using steroids, the result can only be obtained by using a properly designed nutritional program and optimized rest. When using steroids, endurance increases, and the athlete can spend much more time in the gym than usual. Of course, without intensive training sessions, the use of AAS loses its meaning, but it should be remembered that the body must have time to recover. None of the push-ups at home will be enough to get the desired result. Steroids are not magic pills that will immediately increase muscle mass when taken.
It is also important to pay special attention to your diet. Quite often, because of the insufficient amount of nutrients consumed, athletes do not gain such desirable pounds. Your diet should be rich in protein compounds and carbohydrates.
Principle # 5: Controlling Hormone Levels

It is imperative to check the level of hormones before the start of the course, at the time of using steroids and at the end of the anabolic cycle. Before you start taking AAS, you should check your levels of the following hormones:
- Luteinizing hormone (LH);
- Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH);
- Testosterone levels;
- When using drugs of the 19-nor group on the course, the level of prolactin and progesterone should be checked;
- Cortisol;
To make sure that the selected steroid dosage is correct, tests should be taken during use. This will also be needed to determine the dosage of aromatase inhibitors, if the need arises for their use.
Conclusion on the construction of the AAS course

Of course, every novice athlete who decides to use steroids for the first time is interested in the question of the maximum possible amount of mass gained. However, you should know that no one can give you an answer to it. The growth rate of muscle fibers depends on a large number of factors, for example, genetic inclinations, the rate of metabolic processes in the body, the degree of permeability of cell membranes, etc.
Some factors can be influenced, but honor is not. For example, the permeability of cell membranes can be improved by including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the diet. It should be remembered that these substances must always be present in your nutrition program. It's just that at certain times the body experiences an increased need for various nutrients.
You should treat the AAS cycle very carefully, and those principles of constructing steroid courses, which were discussed today, should help you gain mass.
You will learn more about the rules for building a steroid course from this video: