Theory of creating steroid courses

Theory of creating steroid courses
Theory of creating steroid courses

All athletes know that anabolic steroids must be taken in courses. Learn the fundamental basics of building anabolic steroid courses. Steroids have been used in sports for a long period of time, measured in decades. This made it possible to determine that the results from the use of AAS can be obtained due to their cyclic application, or, more simply, in courses. Today we will talk about the theory of course creation. The average cycle time is one and a half to three months. It is also important that the rest from anabolic steroids lasts at least two months.

Theoretical foundations for creating AAS courses

Ampoules and syringes
Ampoules and syringes

This will avoid side effects. If you spend no more than two AAS courses during the year, the likelihood of side effects will be zero. Thanks to the pauses between courses, the body will recover and the next steroid cycle will also be effective.

Also, the cyclic use of anabolic steroids increases their effectiveness. It was found that with prolonged use of drugs, receptors lose their sensitivity. Many athletes use anabolic steroids for about two months and get excellent results.

Since the receptors with prolonged use of AAS become less active, the number of steroid molecules that manage to penetrate the cell membranes decreases already by the 3rd week of the course. The same can be said for the nitrogen balance, which does not shift in a positive direction. If you use long courses, the receptors will begin to react poorly to natural hormones synthesized in the body. You can increase the doses, but this will not lead to an improvement in the results of the cycle. Most athletes, for this reason, want to maximize the use of anabolic steroids.

Today, you can find a huge number of ready-made courses on the Internet. They differ in the amount of steroids used, in the patterns of their use and in the duration. Increasingly, athletes are starting to use three-week courses, which are often more effective than longer ones.

A three-week course of steroids

Anabolic steroids in packages
Anabolic steroids in packages

The essence of this model of using AAS is that it can be presented in the form of two mini-courses. Simply put, after using a certain combination of steroids for six weeks, you need to pause for two weeks and then start another cycle. The best thing. If, after a break, other anabolic steroids are used. After the second six-week cycle, you should rest for a minimum of eight weeks.

You will learn how to correctly draw up a steroid course from this video:

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