Best steroid courses

Best steroid courses
Best steroid courses

The army of "chemical" athletes continues to grow. When drawing up cycles, athletes proceed from the characteristics of their body. Learn how to write a course. Since official medicine opposes the use of AAS by athletes to improve their results, there have been practically no studies in this direction. As a result, athletes have to rely on their own experience of steroid use or the opinions of their colleagues. Today we will try to highlight the issue of drawing up the best steroid courses in as much detail as possible. From this article, you can find out what you need to pay attention to first.

The choice of anabolic steroids

Tableted steroids in packages
Tableted steroids in packages

Today there is a fairly large selection of steroids that can be used to increase the effectiveness of training. They differ in their properties and strength of impact on the body. However, there is a common feature - the ability to interact with androgen-type receptors.

All anabolic steroids lead to the growth of muscle tissue, but at the same time they allow you to gain mass of different qualities. When using some drugs, a lot of water is retained in the muscles, while when using others, you can get a high-quality mass. As a result, we can say that all AAS can be divided into two main groups:

  • Mass collection - Oxymetholone, Methandienone and Testosterone.
  • For a set of high-quality mass - Boldenone, Nandrolone, Stanozolol and Oxandrolone.

For beginner athletes, it makes sense to carry out only solo cycles, which implies the use of only one steroid. Most often, tablet drugs are used for this, for example, Stanozolol, Methane or Turinabol. Also, when choosing an anabolic steroid, you need to consider the possible negative consequences of taking them. For example, athletes genetically predisposed to gynecomastia prefer to use drugs that are not prone to aromatization, for example, Stanozolol.

Steroid dosages

Table of the compiled AAS course
Table of the compiled AAS course

The choice of dosages is quite important, since the greatest effect from the use of AAS can be obtained only when using a certain amount of drugs. If these recommended doses are exceeded, the risk of side effects will increase dramatically. At the same time, even when using anabolic steroids in smaller quantities, you will not be able to get the desired result. Here are the recommended doses of the most popular AAS:

  • Boldenone - 0.2 to 0.4 grams (within a week);
  • Methandienone - from 10 to 30 milligrams (during the day);
  • Methenolone enanthate - from 0.2 to 0.4 grams (within a week);
  • Deca - from 0.2 to 0.4 grams (within a week);
  • Oxandrolone - from 10 to 30 milligrams (during the day);
  • Oxymetholone - from 50 to 100 milligrams (during the day);
  • Stanozolol - from 10 to 30 milligrams (during the day);
  • Testosterone Enanthate and Cypionate - 0.2 to 0.6 grams (within a week).

When choosing dosages of anabolic steroids, you must remember that using the correct training and nutrition programs, a greater effect can be achieved when using medium doses with low risks of side effects.

Duration of AAC cycles

Testosterone Propionate in packaging
Testosterone Propionate in packaging

The average duration of most cycles is 6 to 8 weeks. It is this period of time that allows you to gain mass quickly enough. Then the effectiveness of the steroids begins to decline, resulting in a plateau. The maximum cycle time is 12 weeks. It is also important then to pause for a similar or even longer time and not use steroids.

Recovery of the body after AAS cycles

The athlete trains in the gym
The athlete trains in the gym

When an athlete stops injecting steroids, the concentration of anabolic hormones begins to drop, while cortisol levels rise. This leads to the loss of the results obtained during the course, expressed in the destruction of muscles. This process is called rollback and cannot be completely eliminated.

To minimize the loss of muscle mass, athletes use a number of medications, among which Tamoxifen, Gonadotropin and Clomid are the most popular. We have already mentioned the need to pause between cycles, but some athletes choose not to do this. For rest after the course, they use the minimum doses of anabolic steroids. This method is called bridging. However, many are convinced that there cannot be much benefit from these bridges and it is better not to use steroids at all for a couple of months.

AAS combinations

Anabolic steroid
Anabolic steroid

Gradually, solo courses begin to lose their effectiveness, and athletes have to use combinations of various steroids. This is also a very important point when compiling the best steroid courses. You must combine drugs with powerful anabolic effects with steroids that have pronounced androgenic properties. The first group includes Nandrolone, Boldenone, Methenolone and Stanozolol. The second group of drugs includes testosterone esters, Methandienone and Oxymetholone. Also, you cannot use two tableted steroids at the same time in order to reduce the load on the liver.

For the rules of drawing up anabolic courses for mass, see this video: