Many athletes continue to train when they stop using steroids. At the same time, their body is not cleared of the chemistry used earlier. Learn about post-course cleansing methods. More and more people are joining a healthy lifestyle. This is a very positive shift in human consciousness. Although today amateurs have begun to actively use steroids, since it is no longer a problem to get them, some athletes refuse AAS.
Even if you do not use steroids all the time, then gradually the body needs replenishment from the outside. Otherwise, you will simply lose all the gained steroid mass and return to your genetic boundaries. At the same time, one should not confuse this dependence, which we are talking about now, with a narcotic one. These are completely different concepts.
Although there is now a lot of information about the dangers of steroids, in most cases it is not true. At the same time, one should not completely refute the presence of the negative effects of anabolic steroids on the body. If you want to get rid of this effect of steroid metabolites on the body, then you need to carry out a complete cleansing of the body. Among other things, it is just useful for every person. If you use the technique that we will talk about now, you can cleanse your body of various carcinogens, which accumulate there a lot and without steroids.
Cleansing the body in bodybuilding is carried out in several stages and strictly in the sequence set out below. Before that, you should change the nutrition program and start eating separately.
It should be recognized that nowadays separate nutrition is becoming more and more popular among people who have nothing to do with sports. If we talk simply about the essence of this method of nutrition, then you need to take all foods containing proteins and carbohydrates at different times. The break between meals is 2 hours. Now let's figure out how to cleanse the body in bodybuilding.
Cleansing the intestinal tract

The first stage of cleansing the body in bodybuilding, you can safely start simultaneously with the transition to the method of separate nutrition. When cleansing your bowels, you should use a mixture of a tablespoon of lemon juice (you can substitute apple cider vinegar) with two liters of chilled boiled water. During the first week, the solution should be administered with an enema daily, in the second week, do this every second day, etc. As a result, starting from the fifth week of cleaning, you must inject the solution once every seven days.
Cleansing the liver

The liver is a very important organ in the human body and requires care to function properly. It is necessary to proceed to the second stage of cleaning the body in bodybuilding only after the intestinal tract has been cleared of toxins, and toxins from the intestines will not enter the bloodstream.
To prepare your liver for a cleanse, you need to adhere to a vegetarian diet program and cleanse the intestinal tract for seven days. During the first two days of the second stage, you should consume only apple juice in any quantity. On the third day, consume it only until 7 pm.
You should also go to bed and place a warm heating pad in the liver area. At the same time, every fifteen minutes, consume a solution consisting of three tablespoons of olive oil (you can use any refined vegetable oil) with three tablespoons of lemon juice. In total, during the second stage of cleaning, you will need to spend 200 grams of these ingredients.
We cleanse the joints

It's time to put in order the articular-ligamentous apparatus. You must remember that toxins also accumulate in the joints, which can become the main cause of the development of polyarthritis and osteochondrosis. To carry out the cleaning procedure, you will need to boil 5 grams of bay leaf for five minutes and then infuse the broth for 4 hours in a thermos.
After that, drain the broth and take it in small sips for 12 hours for three days in a row. After a week, you can repeat this procedure. Also, an important point is the need to adhere to a vegetarian nutrition program during this period.
If you have not previously cleaned your joints, then during the first year you need to do this on a quarterly basis. Then it is enough to carry out the procedure for cleaning the articular-ligamentous apparatus once a year. But this should be done only after cleaning the intestinal tract.
We cleanse the kidneys

To do this, you only need to use watermelons and black bread. Just sit in a warm water bath and eat a watermelon.
We cleanse the genitourinary system

At this stage of cleansing the body, you will need to eat soaked rice for breakfast. To prepare a dish, take 100 grams of rice and fill it with half a liter of water, which should then be constantly changed for five days. On the fifth day, the rice should be boiled and consumed without adding salt and oil. After such a breakfast, you should not eat for four hours. Also, don't drink all the time.
Eat like this for two or three months every day. If you have problems with adenoma, then together with rice, tea with ground ginger should be consumed. For one glass of tea, add 70 to 100 milligrams of ginger.
Cleansing the lymphatic system

Once a day, you need to consume a mixture consisting of 900 grams of grapefruit juice, 200 grams of lemon juice and two liters of melt water. In the morning, take an enema and drink a solution of one tablespoon of Glauber's salt with 100 ml of water. After that, you should steam well in a steam bath or sauna. Carry out this procedure for three days, and at the same time you should use only the mixture that we talked about.
After completing all the procedures described, the body will completely get rid of all toxins and toxins, which will allow it to start functioning normally again.
For cleansing the body at home, see this video: